[lttng-dev] lttng git repositories and Eclipse

Marc-André Laperle marc-andre.laperle at ericsson.com
Wed Apr 30 11:57:34 EDT 2014

Hi Daniel,

This sounds more of a question for the CDT mailing list or forum.

On 14-04-30 11:48 AM, Thibault, Daniel wrote:
> In the first case, Project type: GNU Autotools only allows "Empty project" which is no good.

Try it this way it should work. Change the location to point to the your
lttng-ust folder. Basically, every .configure folder should map to a
different CDT project. "Empty project" in this case means that it just
doesn't create source files for you. "Makefile Project with Existing
Code" does pretty much the same thing as a new project with Makefile >
Empty project but there's not Autotools equivalent.


On 14-04-30 11:48 AM, Thibault, Daniel wrote:
>    Using a fresh Eclipse C/C++ environment (Kepler 4.3.2), what's the best way to load the LTTng git source tree?  Cloning the git.lttng.org lttng-ust master branch (for example) is easy, my problem is in getting the Autotools to kick in properly.  Eclipse's array of options is somewhat overwhelming; as a consequence I've managed to build userspace-rcu, but I didn't take notes and I can't seem to reproduce the method with lttng-ust.  Frustrating.
> File: Import...
> [Import]
> Git > Projects from Git
> (Next)
> [Import Projects from Git: Select Repository Source]
> Clone URI
> (Next)
> [Import Projects from Git: Source Git Repository]
> URI: http://git.lttng.org/lttng-ust.git
> (Host: git.lttng.org)
> (Repository Path: /lttng-ust.git)
> (Protocol: http)
> (Next)
> [Import Projects from Git: Branch Selection]
> (Deselect All) (master)
> (Next)
> [Import Projects from Git: Local Destination]
> Directory: /home/username/git/git.lttng.org/lttng-ust
> (Initial branch: master)
> Clone submodules
> (Remote name: origin)
> [Cloning from http://git.lttng.org/lttng-ust.git: Select a wizard to use for importing projects]
> This is where I need advice.  The three options are:
> Import existing projects
> Import as general project
> Use the New Project wizard
>    Clearly the first is not applicable since the source trees are not Eclipse projects (neither should they be).
>    If I "Use the New Project wizard", the two pertinent choices seem to be:
> C/C++ > C Project
> and
> C/C++ > Makefile Project with Existing Code
>    In the first case, Project type: GNU Autotools only allows "Empty project" which is no good.
>    In the second case, I must browse to the git clone directory.  I end up with an inert project, but if I then go to its Properties: Builders, there is no way to add GNU Autotools.
>    If I "Import as general project", I can then invoke "File: New: Convert to a C/C++ Autotools Project".  This *almost* works, with the console showing configure attempting to run and failing because bootstrap did not run ("Invoking autoreconf in build directory: /home/daniel/git/git.lttng.org/lttng-ust/  |  sh -c "autoreconf -i"  |  aclocal: couldn't open directory `config': No such file").  I can shell out to the directory, run bootstrap, then refresh the Eclipse project and pick "Reconfigure project" from the contextual menu.  I can't help but hope there's an easier, better way?
>    Help?
> Daniel U. Thibault
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