[lttng-dev] lttng git repositories and Eclipse
Thibault, Daniel
Daniel.Thibault at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Wed Apr 30 11:48:07 EDT 2014
Using a fresh Eclipse C/C++ environment (Kepler 4.3.2), what's the best way to load the LTTng git source tree? Cloning the git.lttng.org lttng-ust master branch (for example) is easy, my problem is in getting the Autotools to kick in properly. Eclipse's array of options is somewhat overwhelming; as a consequence I've managed to build userspace-rcu, but I didn't take notes and I can't seem to reproduce the method with lttng-ust. Frustrating.
File: Import...
Git > Projects from Git
[Import Projects from Git: Select Repository Source]
Clone URI
[Import Projects from Git: Source Git Repository]
URI: http://git.lttng.org/lttng-ust.git
(Host: git.lttng.org)
(Repository Path: /lttng-ust.git)
(Protocol: http)
[Import Projects from Git: Branch Selection]
(Deselect All) (master)
[Import Projects from Git: Local Destination]
Directory: /home/username/git/git.lttng.org/lttng-ust
(Initial branch: master)
Clone submodules
(Remote name: origin)
[Cloning from http://git.lttng.org/lttng-ust.git: Select a wizard to use for importing projects]
This is where I need advice. The three options are:
Import existing projects
Import as general project
Use the New Project wizard
Clearly the first is not applicable since the source trees are not Eclipse projects (neither should they be).
If I "Use the New Project wizard", the two pertinent choices seem to be:
C/C++ > C Project
C/C++ > Makefile Project with Existing Code
In the first case, Project type: GNU Autotools only allows "Empty project" which is no good.
In the second case, I must browse to the git clone directory. I end up with an inert project, but if I then go to its Properties: Builders, there is no way to add GNU Autotools.
If I "Import as general project", I can then invoke "File: New: Convert to a C/C++ Autotools Project". This *almost* works, with the console showing configure attempting to run and failing because bootstrap did not run ("Invoking autoreconf in build directory: /home/daniel/git/git.lttng.org/lttng-ust/ | sh -c "autoreconf -i" | aclocal: couldn't open directory `config': No such file"). I can shell out to the directory, run bootstrap, then refresh the Eclipse project and pick "Reconfigure project" from the contextual menu. I can't help but hope there's an easier, better way?
Daniel U. Thibault
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