[ltt-dev] lttv-gui: using the graph to see events

Zvi Vered veredz72 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 27 05:32:43 EDT 2011


Currently I'm using vanilla

1. What patch should I use ? There is no patch for

2. If I use a patched kernel, can I report events from user space and see 
them on a graph ?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alexandre Montplaisir" <alexandre.montplaisir at polymtl.ca>
To: "Zvi Vered" <veredz72 at gmail.com>
Cc: <ltt-dev at lists.casi.polymtl.ca>
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 4:48
Subject: Re: [ltt-dev] lttv-gui: using the graph to see events

> On 11-08-26 06:06 PM, Zvi Vered wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using ust-0.15.
>> I ran hello,hello2 contained in tests folder using usttrace.
>> Then I added the trace to lttv-gui.
>> Do you have a test code where I can see events or tracepoints on the 
>> graph ?
>> Till now I managed to see events only in a list at the bottom of the gui.
>> Thanks,
>> Zviak.
> Hi Zviak,
> This is normal. The state system in LTTV only handles kernel traces for 
> now. When displaying UST traces, the control flow and resource views will 
> be empty.
> There are plans on the mid/long-term roadmap to come up with a generic way 
> to define "state changes" for UST tracepoints. This will ultimately allow 
> any application instrumented with UST to display its own resources and 
> control flow.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Alexandre Montplaisir
> DORSAL lab,
> ֹcole Polytechnique de Montrיal

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