[lttng-dev] userspace-rcu on ARMv7 (Beagle Bone Black)

Thibault, Daniel Daniel.Thibault at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Tue Jun 3 17:04:55 EDT 2014

   Problem solved.  I should have heeded the warning make first thing:

Make: Warning: File `Makefile.am' has modification time [...] in the future

   This was because the Beagle Bone Black's clock started on January 1st, 2000 and wasn't set, being off-network.  The imported userspace-rcu files had proper timestamps, of course, so make ended up refreshing endlessly to catch up.

   Is there something we could put in the Makefile.am that would tell make to treat that particular warning as a fatal error?

Daniel U. Thibault
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