[lttng-dev] [PATCH babeltrace 2/2] Added Python interpreter version directives and reorganized example scripts

Mathieu Desnoyers mathieu.desnoyers at efficios.com
Thu Jan 31 14:16:15 EST 2013

* Jérémie Galarneau (jeremie.galarneau at efficios.com) wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Jérémie Galarneau <jeremie.galarneau at efficios.com>

merged into bindings/python branch too.



> ---
>  bindings/python/examples/babeltrace_and_lttng.py   |   12 +-
>  bindings/python/examples/eventcount.py             |   84 -
>  bindings/python/examples/eventcountlist.py         |   83 -
>  bindings/python/examples/events_per_cpu.py         |   99 -
>  bindings/python/examples/example-api-test.py       |   11 +-
>  bindings/python/examples/histogram.py              |  139 --
>  .../examples/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py    | 2336 --------------------
>  .../examples/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py |   37 -
>  .../examples/output_format_modules/series.py       | 1140 ----------
>  bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcount.py     |   85 +
>  bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcountlist.py |   84 +
>  bindings/python/examples/python2/events_per_cpu.py |  100 +
>  bindings/python/examples/python2/histogram.py      |  140 ++
>  .../python2/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py     | 2336 ++++++++++++++++++++
>  .../python2/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py  |   37 +
>  .../python2/output_format_modules/series.py        | 1140 ++++++++++
>  bindings/python/examples/python2/softirqtimes.py   |  154 ++
>  .../python/examples/python2/syscalls_by_pid.py     |   85 +
>  bindings/python/examples/sched_switch.py           |   11 +-
>  bindings/python/examples/softirqtimes.py           |  153 --
>  bindings/python/examples/syscalls_by_pid.py        |   84 -
>  tests/tests-python.py                              |    1 +
>  22 files changed, 4183 insertions(+), 4168 deletions(-)
>  mode change 100644 => 100755 bindings/python/examples/babeltrace_and_lttng.py
>  delete mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/eventcount.py
>  delete mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/eventcountlist.py
>  delete mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/events_per_cpu.py
>  mode change 100644 => 100755 bindings/python/examples/example-api-test.py
>  delete mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/histogram.py
>  delete mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py
>  delete mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py
>  delete mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/series.py
>  create mode 100755 bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcount.py
>  create mode 100755 bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcountlist.py
>  create mode 100755 bindings/python/examples/python2/events_per_cpu.py
>  create mode 100755 bindings/python/examples/python2/histogram.py
>  create mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py
>  create mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py
>  create mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/series.py
>  create mode 100755 bindings/python/examples/python2/softirqtimes.py
>  create mode 100755 bindings/python/examples/python2/syscalls_by_pid.py
>  mode change 100644 => 100755 bindings/python/examples/sched_switch.py
>  delete mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/softirqtimes.py
>  delete mode 100644 bindings/python/examples/syscalls_by_pid.py
>  mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/tests-python.py
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/babeltrace_and_lttng.py b/bindings/python/examples/babeltrace_and_lttng.py
> old mode 100644
> new mode 100755
> index cb44796..cfd611f
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/babeltrace_and_lttng.py
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/babeltrace_and_lttng.py
> @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python3
>  # babeltrace_and_lttng.py
>  # 
>  # Babeltrace and LTTng example script
> @@ -59,18 +60,23 @@ ret = lttng.create(ses_name,trace_path)
>  if ret < 0:
>  	raise LTTngError(lttng.strerror(ret))
> +domain = lttng.Domain()
> +domain.type = lttng.DOMAIN_KERNEL
> +
>  han = None
> -han = lttng.Handle(ses_name, lttng.Domain())
> +han = lttng.Handle(ses_name, domain)
>  if han is None:
>  	raise LTTngError("Handle not created")
>  # Enabling all events
> -ret = lttng.enable_event(han, lttng.Event(), None)
> +event = lttng.Event()
> +event.type = lttng.EVENT_ALL
> +event.loglevel_type = lttng.EVENT_LOGLEVEL_ALL
> +ret = lttng.enable_event(han, event, None)
>  if ret < 0:
>  	raise LTTngError(lttng.strerror(ret))
> -
>  # Start, wait, stop
>  ret = lttng.start(ses_name)
>  if ret < 0:
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/eventcount.py b/bindings/python/examples/eventcount.py
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 5e96a43..0000000
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/eventcount.py
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
> -# eventcount.py
> -# 
> -# Babeltrace event count example script
> -# 
> -# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> -# 
> -# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> -# 
> -# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> -# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> -# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> -# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> -# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> -# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> -# 
> -# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> -# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> -
> -# The script prints a count of specified events and
> -# their related tid's in a given trace.
> -# The trace needs TID context (lttng add-context -k -t tid)
> -
> -import sys
> -from babeltrace import *
> -from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> -
> -if len(sys.argv) < 3:
> -	raise TypeError("Usage: python eventcount.py event1 [event2 ...] path/to/trace")
> -
> -ctx = Context()
> -ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1], "ctf")
> -if ret is None:
> -	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> -
> -counts = {}
> -
> -# Setting iterator
> -bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> -ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> -
> -# Reading events
> -event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -while(event is not None):
> -	for event_type in sys.argv[1:len(sys.argv)-1]:
> -		if event_type == event.get_name():
> -
> -			# Getting scope definition
> -			sco = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.STREAM_EVENT_CONTEXT)
> -			if sco is None:
> -				print("ERROR: Cannot get definition scope for {}".format(
> -					event.get_name()))
> -				continue
> -
> -			# Getting TID
> -			tid_field = event.get_field(sco, "_tid")
> -			tid = tid_field.get_int64()
> -
> -			if ctf.field_error():
> -				print("ERROR: Missing TID info for {}".format(
> -					event.get_name()))
> -				continue
> -
> -			tmp = (tid, event.get_name())
> -
> -			if tmp in counts:
> -				counts[tmp] += 1
> -			else:
> -				counts[tmp] = 1
> -
> -	# Next event
> -	ret = ctf_it.next()
> -	if ret < 0:
> -		break
> -	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -
> -del ctf_it
> -
> -# Appending data to table for output
> -table = []
> -for item in counts:
> -	table.append([item[0], item[1], counts[item]])
> -table = sorted(table)
> -table.insert(0,["TID", "EVENT", "COUNT"])
> -pprint(table, 2)
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/eventcountlist.py b/bindings/python/examples/eventcountlist.py
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 945a960..0000000
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/eventcountlist.py
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
> -# eventcountlist.py
> -# 
> -# Babeltrace event count list example script
> -# 
> -# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> -# 
> -# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> -# 
> -# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> -# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> -# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> -# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> -# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> -# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> -# 
> -# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> -# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> -
> -# The script prints a count and rate of events.
> -# It also outputs a bar graph of count per event, using the cairoplot module.
> -
> -import sys
> -from babeltrace import *
> -from output_format_modules import cairoplot
> -from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> -
> -# Check for path arg:
> -if len(sys.argv) < 2:
> -	raise TypeError("Usage: python eventcountlist.py path/to/trace")
> -
> -ctx = Context()
> -ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[1], "ctf")
> -if ret is None:
> -	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> -
> -# Events and their assossiated count
> -# will be stored as a dict:
> -events_count = {}
> -
> -# Setting iterator:
> -bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> -ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx,bp)
> -
> -prev_event = None
> -event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -
> -start_time = event.get_timestamp()
> -
> -# Reading events:
> -while(event is not None):
> -	if event.get_name() in events_count:
> -		events_count[event.get_name()] += 1
> -	else:
> -		events_count[event.get_name()] = 1
> -
> -	ret = ctf_it.next()
> -	if ret < 0:
> -		break
> -	else:
> -		prev_event = event
> -		event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -
> -if event:
> -	total_time = event.get_timestamp() - start_time
> -else:
> -	total_time = prev_event.get_timestamp() - start_time
> -
> -del ctf_it
> -
> -# Printing encountered events with respective count and rate:
> -print("Total time: {} ns".format(total_time))
> -table = [["EVENT", "COUNT", "RATE (Hz)"]]
> -for item in sorted(events_count.iterkeys()):
> -	tmp = [item, events_count[item],
> -		events_count[item]/(total_time/1000000000.0)]
> -	table.append(tmp)
> -pprint(table)
> -
> -# Exporting data as bar graph
> -cairoplot.vertical_bar_plot ( 'eventcountlist.svg', events_count, 50+85*len(events_count),
> -	800, border = 20, display_values = True, grid = True,
> -	rounded_corners = True,
> -	x_labels = sorted(events_count.keys()) )
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/events_per_cpu.py b/bindings/python/examples/events_per_cpu.py
> deleted file mode 100644
> index be497ec..0000000
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/events_per_cpu.py
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
> -# events_per_cpu.py
> -# 
> -# Babeltrace events per cpu example script
> -# 
> -# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> -# 
> -# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> -# 
> -# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> -# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> -# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> -# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> -# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> -# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> -# 
> -# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> -# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> -
> -# The script opens a trace and prints out CPU statistics
> -# for the given trace (event count per CPU, total active
> -# time and % of time processing events).
> -# It also outputs a .txt file showing each time interval
> -# (since the beginning of the trace) in which each CPU
> -# was active and the corresponding event.
> -
> -import sys, multiprocessing
> -from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> -from babeltrace import *
> -
> -if len(sys.argv) < 2:
> -	raise TypeError("Usage: python events_per_cpu.py path/to/trace")
> -
> -# Adding trace
> -ctx = Context()
> -ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[1], "ctf")
> -if ret is None:
> -	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> -
> -cpu_usage = []
> -nbEvents = 0
> -i = 0
> -while i < multiprocessing.cpu_count():
> -	cpu_usage.append([])
> -	i += 1
> -
> -# Setting iterator
> -bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> -ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> -
> -# Reading events
> -event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -start_time = event.get_timestamp()
> -
> -while(event is not None):
> -
> -	event_name = event.get_name()
> -	ts = event.get_timestamp()
> -
> -	# Getting cpu_id
> -	scope = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.STREAM_PACKET_CONTEXT)
> -	field = event.get_field(scope, "cpu_id")
> -	cpu_id = field.get_uint64()
> -	if ctf.field_error():
> -		print("ERROR: Missing cpu_id info for {}".format(event.get_name()))
> -	else:
> -		cpu_usage[cpu_id].append( (int(ts), event_name) )
> -		nbEvents += 1
> -
> -	# Next Event
> -	ret = ctf_it.next()
> -	if ret < 0:
> -		break
> -	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -
> -
> -# Outputting
> -table = []
> -output = open("events_per_cpu.txt", "wt")
> -output.write("(timestamp, event)\n")
> -
> -for cpu in range(len(cpu_usage)):
> -	# Setting table
> -	event_str = str(100.0 * len(cpu_usage[cpu]) / nbEvents) + '000'
> -	# % is printed with 2 decimals
> -	table.append([cpu, len(cpu_usage[cpu]), event_str[0:event_str.find('.') + 3] + ' %'])
> -
> -	# Writing to file
> -	output.write("\n\n\n----------------------\n")
> -	output.write("CPU {}\n\n".format(cpu))
> -	for event in cpu_usage[cpu]:
> -		output.write(str(event) + '\n')
> -
> -# Printing table
> -table.insert(0, ["CPU ID", "EVENT COUNT", "TRACE EVENT %"])
> -pprint(table)
> -print("Total event count: {}".format(nbEvents))
> -print("Total trace time: {} ns".format(ts - start_time))
> -
> -output.close()
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/example-api-test.py b/bindings/python/examples/example-api-test.py
> old mode 100644
> new mode 100755
> index 104f2d5..fc59e24
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/example-api-test.py
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/example-api-test.py
> @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python3
>  # example_api_test.py
> -# 
> +#
>  # Babeltrace example script based on the Babeltrace API test script
> -# 
> +#
>  # Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> -# 
> +#
>  # Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> -# 
> +#
>  # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
>  # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
>  # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
>  # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
>  # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
>  # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> -# 
> +#
>  # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
>  # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/histogram.py b/bindings/python/examples/histogram.py
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 44616a6..0000000
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/histogram.py
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
> -# histogram.py
> -# 
> -# Babeltrace histogram example script
> -# 
> -# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> -# 
> -# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> -# 
> -# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> -# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> -# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> -# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> -# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> -# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> -# 
> -# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> -# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> -
> -# The script checks the number of events in the trace
> -# and outputs a table and a .svg histogram for the specified
> -# range (microseconds) or the total trace if no range specified.
> -# The graph is generated using the cairoplot module.
> -
> -import sys
> -from babeltrace import *
> -from output_format_modules import cairoplot
> -from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> -
> -# ------------------------------------------------
> -# 		Output settings
> -
> -# number of intervals:
> -nbDiv = 25	# Should not be over 150
> -		# for usable graph output
> -
> -# table output stream (file-like object):
> -out = sys.stdout
> -# -------------------------------------------------
> -
> -if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 4:
> -	raise TypeError("Usage: python histogram.py [ start_time [end_time] ] path/to/trace")
> -
> -ctx = Context()
> -ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1], "ctf")
> -if ret is None:
> -	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> -
> -# Check when to start/stop graphing
> -sinceBegin = True
> -beginTime = 0.0
> -if len(sys.argv) > 2:
> -	sinceBegin = False
> -	beginTime = float(sys.argv[1])
> -untilEnd = True
> -if len(sys.argv) == 4:
> -	untilEnd = False
> -
> -# Setting iterator
> -bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> -ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> -
> -# Reading events
> -event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -start_time = event.get_timestamp()
> -time = 0
> -count = {}
> -
> -while(event is not None):
> -	# Microsec.
> -	time = (event.get_timestamp() - start_time)/1000.0
> -
> -	# Check if in range
> -	if not sinceBegin:
> -		if time < beginTime:
> -			# Next Event
> -			ret = ctf_it.next()
> -			if ret < 0:
> -				break
> -			event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -			continue
> -	if not untilEnd:
> -		if time > float(sys.argv[2]):
> -			break
> -
> -	# Counting events per timestamp:
> -	if time in count:
> -		count[time] += 1
> -	else:
> -		count[time] = 1
> -
> -	# Next Event
> -	ret = ctf_it.next()
> -	if ret < 0:
> -		break
> -	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -
> -del ctf_it
> -
> -# Setting data for output
> -interval = (time - beginTime)/nbDiv
> -div_begin_time = beginTime
> -div_end_time = beginTime + interval
> -data = {}
> -
> -# Prefix for string sorting, considering
> -# there should not be over 150 intervals.
> -# This would work up to 9999 intervals.
> -# If needed, add zeros.
> -prefix = 0.0001
> -
> -while div_end_time <= time:
> -	key = str(prefix) + '[' + str(div_begin_time) + ';' + str(div_end_time) + '['
> -	for tmp in count:
> -		if tmp >= div_begin_time and tmp < div_end_time:
> -			if key in data:
> -				data[key] += count[tmp]
> -			else:
> -				data[key] = count[tmp]
> -	if not key in data:
> -		data[key] = 0
> -	div_begin_time = div_end_time
> -	div_end_time += interval
> -	# Prefix increment
> -	prefix += 0.001
> -
> -table = []
> -x_labels = []
> -for key in sorted(data):
> -	table.append([key[key.find('['):], data[key]])
> -	x_labels.append(key[key.find('['):])
> -
> -# Table output
> -table.insert(0, ["INTERVAL (us)", "COUNT"])
> -pprint(table, 1, out)
> -
> -# Graph output
> -cairoplot.vertical_bar_plot ( 'histogram.svg', data, 50 + 150*nbDiv, 50*nbDiv,
> -	border = 20, display_values = True, grid = True,
> -	x_labels = x_labels, rounded_corners = True )
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py b/bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py
> deleted file mode 100644
> index a27113f..0000000
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,2336 +0,0 @@
> -#!/usr/bin/env python
> -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> -
> -# CairoPlot.py
> -#
> -# Copyright (c) 2008 Rodrigo Moreira Araújo
> -#
> -# Author: Rodrigo Moreiro Araujo <alf.rodrigo at gmail.com>
> -#
> -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
> -# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
> -# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> -#
> -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> -# GNU General Public License for more details.
> -#
> -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
> -# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
> -# USA
> -
> -#Contributor: João S. O. Bueno
> -
> -#TODO: review BarPlot Code
> -#TODO: x_label colision problem on Horizontal Bar Plot
> -#TODO: y_label's eat too much space on HBP
> -
> -
> -__version__ = 1.2
> -
> -import cairo
> -import math
> -import random
> -from series import Series, Group, Data
> -
> -HORZ = 0
> -VERT = 1
> -NORM = 2
> -
> -COLORS = {"red"    : (1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), "lime"    : (0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), "blue"   : (0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0),
> -          "maroon" : (0.5,0.0,0.0,1.0), "green"   : (0.0,0.5,0.0,1.0), "navy"   : (0.0,0.0,0.5,1.0),
> -          "yellow" : (1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), "magenta" : (1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0), "cyan"   : (0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0),
> -          "orange" : (1.0,0.5,0.0,1.0), "white"   : (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0), "black"  : (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0),
> -          "gray" : (0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0), "light_gray" : (0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0),
> -          "transparent" : (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)}
> -
> -THEMES = {"black_red"         : [(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)],
> -          "red_green_blue"    : [(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), (0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), (0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)],
> -          "red_orange_yellow" : [(1.0,0.2,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.7,0.0,1.0), (1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0)],
> -          "yellow_orange_red" : [(1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.7,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.2,0.0,1.0)],
> -          "rainbow"           : [(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.5,0.0,1.0), (1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), (0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), (0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0), (0.3, 0.0, 0.5,1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)]}
> -
> -def colors_from_theme( theme, series_length, mode = 'solid' ):
> -    colors = []
> -    if theme not in THEMES.keys() :
> -        raise Exception, "Theme not defined"
> -    color_steps = THEMES[theme]
> -    n_colors = len(color_steps)
> -    if series_length <= n_colors:
> -        colors = [color + tuple([mode]) for color in color_steps[0:n_colors]]
> -    else:
> -        iterations = [(series_length - n_colors)/(n_colors - 1) for i in color_steps[:-1]]
> -        over_iterations = (series_length - n_colors) % (n_colors - 1)
> -        for i in range(n_colors - 1):
> -            if over_iterations <= 0:
> -                break
> -            iterations[i] += 1
> -            over_iterations -= 1
> -        for index,color in enumerate(color_steps[:-1]):
> -            colors.append(color + tuple([mode]))
> -            if iterations[index] == 0:
> -                continue
> -            next_color = color_steps[index+1]
> -            color_step = ((next_color[0] - color[0])/(iterations[index] + 1),
> -                          (next_color[1] - color[1])/(iterations[index] + 1),
> -                          (next_color[2] - color[2])/(iterations[index] + 1),
> -                          (next_color[3] - color[3])/(iterations[index] + 1))
> -            for i in range( iterations[index] ):
> -                colors.append((color[0] + color_step[0]*(i+1),
> -                               color[1] + color_step[1]*(i+1),
> -                               color[2] + color_step[2]*(i+1),
> -                               color[3] + color_step[3]*(i+1),
> -                               mode))
> -        colors.append(color_steps[-1] + tuple([mode]))
> -    return colors
> -
> -
> -def other_direction(direction):
> -    "explicit is better than implicit"
> -    if direction == HORZ:
> -        return VERT
> -    else:
> -        return HORZ
> -
> -#Class definition
> -
> -class Plot(object):
> -    def __init__(self,
> -                 surface=None,
> -                 data=None,
> -                 width=640,
> -                 height=480,
> -                 background=None,
> -                 border = 0,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 y_labels = None,
> -                 series_colors = None):
> -        random.seed(2)
> -        self.create_surface(surface, width, height)
> -        self.dimensions = {}
> -        self.dimensions[HORZ] = width
> -        self.dimensions[VERT] = height
> -        self.context = cairo.Context(self.surface)
> -        self.labels={}
> -        self.labels[HORZ] = x_labels
> -        self.labels[VERT] = y_labels
> -        self.load_series(data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> -        self.font_size = 10
> -        self.set_background (background)
> -        self.border = border
> -        self.borders = {}
> -        self.line_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
> -        self.line_width = 0.5
> -        self.label_color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
> -        self.grid_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
> -
> -    def create_surface(self, surface, width=None, height=None):
> -        self.filename = None
> -        if isinstance(surface, cairo.Surface):
> -            self.surface = surface
> -            return
> -        if not type(surface) in (str, unicode):
> -            raise TypeError("Surface should be either a Cairo surface or a filename, not %s" % surface)
> -        sufix = surface.rsplit(".")[-1].lower()
> -        self.filename = surface
> -        if sufix == "png":
> -            self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
> -        elif sufix == "ps":
> -            self.surface = cairo.PSSurface(surface, width, height)
> -        elif sufix == "pdf":
> -            self.surface = cairo.PSSurface(surface, width, height)
> -        else:
> -            if sufix != "svg":
> -                self.filename += ".svg"
> -            self.surface = cairo.SVGSurface(self.filename, width, height)
> -
> -    def commit(self):
> -        try:
> -            self.context.show_page()
> -            if self.filename and self.filename.endswith(".png"):
> -                self.surface.write_to_png(self.filename)
> -            else:
> -                self.surface.finish()
> -        except cairo.Error:
> -            pass
> -
> -    def load_series (self, data, x_labels=None, y_labels=None, series_colors=None):
> -        self.series_labels = []
> -        self.series = None
> -
> -        #The pretty way
> -        #if not isinstance(data, Series):
> -        #    # Not an instance of Series
> -        #    self.series = Series(data)
> -        #else:
> -        #    self.series = data
> -        #
> -        #self.series_labels = self.series.get_names()
> -
> -        #TODO: Remove on next version
> -        # The ugly way, keeping retrocompatibility...
> -        if callable(data) or type(data) is list and callable(data[0]): # Lambda or List of lambdas
> -            self.series = data
> -            self.series_labels = None
> -        elif isinstance(data, Series): # Instance of Series
> -            self.series = data
> -            self.series_labels = data.get_names()
> -        else: # Anything else
> -            self.series = Series(data)
> -            self.series_labels = self.series.get_names()
> -
> -        #TODO: allow user passed series_widths
> -        self.series_widths = [1.0 for group in self.series]
> -
> -        #TODO: Remove on next version
> -        self.process_colors( series_colors )
> -
> -    def process_colors( self, series_colors, length = None, mode = 'solid' ):
> -        #series_colors might be None, a theme, a string of colors names or a list of color tuples
> -        if length is None :
> -            length = len( self.series.to_list() )
> -
> -        #no colors passed
> -        if not series_colors:
> -            #Randomize colors
> -            self.series_colors = [ [random.random() for i in range(3)] + [1.0, mode]  for series in range( length ) ]
> -        else:
> -            #Just theme pattern
> -            if not hasattr( series_colors, "__iter__" ):
> -                theme = series_colors
> -                self.series_colors = colors_from_theme( theme.lower(), length )
> -
> -            #Theme pattern and mode
> -            elif not hasattr(series_colors, '__delitem__') and not hasattr( series_colors[0], "__iter__" ):
> -                theme = series_colors[0]
> -                mode = series_colors[1]
> -                self.series_colors = colors_from_theme( theme.lower(), length, mode )
> -
> -            #List
> -            else:
> -                self.series_colors = series_colors
> -                for index, color in enumerate( self.series_colors ):
> -                    #element is a color name
> -                    if not hasattr(color, "__iter__"):
> -                        self.series_colors[index] = COLORS[color.lower()] + tuple([mode])
> -                    #element is rgb tuple instead of rgba
> -                    elif len( color ) == 3 :
> -                        self.series_colors[index] += (1.0,mode)
> -                    #element has 4 elements, might be rgba tuple or rgb tuple with mode
> -                    elif len( color ) == 4 :
> -                        #last element is mode
> -                        if not hasattr(color[3], "__iter__"):
> -                            self.series_colors[index] += tuple([color[3]])
> -                            self.series_colors[index][3] = 1.0
> -                        #last element is alpha
> -                        else:
> -                            self.series_colors[index] += tuple([mode])
> -
> -    def get_width(self):
> -        return self.surface.get_width()
> -
> -    def get_height(self):
> -        return self.surface.get_height()
> -
> -    def set_background(self, background):
> -        if background is None:
> -            self.background = (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)
> -        elif type(background) in (cairo.LinearGradient, tuple):
> -            self.background = background
> -        elif not hasattr(background,"__iter__"):
> -            colors = background.split(" ")
> -            if len(colors) == 1 and colors[0] in COLORS:
> -                self.background = COLORS[background]
> -            elif len(colors) > 1:
> -                self.background = cairo.LinearGradient(self.dimensions[HORZ] / 2, 0, self.dimensions[HORZ] / 2, self.dimensions[VERT])
> -                for index,color in enumerate(colors):
> -                    self.background.add_color_stop_rgba(float(index)/(len(colors)-1),*COLORS[color])
> -        else:
> -            raise TypeError ("Background should be either cairo.LinearGradient or a 3/4-tuple, not %s" % type(background))
> -
> -    def render_background(self):
> -        if isinstance(self.background, cairo.LinearGradient):
> -            self.context.set_source(self.background)
> -        else:
> -            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.background)
> -        self.context.rectangle(0,0, self.dimensions[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT])
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -    def render_bounding_box(self):
> -        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.line_color)
> -        self.context.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> -        self.context.rectangle(self.border, self.border,
> -                               self.dimensions[HORZ] - 2 * self.border,
> -                               self.dimensions[VERT] - 2 * self.border)
> -        self.context.stroke()
> -
> -    def render(self):
> -        pass
> -
> -class ScatterPlot( Plot ):
> -    def __init__(self,
> -                 surface=None,
> -                 data=None,
> -                 errorx=None,
> -                 errory=None,
> -                 width=640,
> -                 height=480,
> -                 background=None,
> -                 border=0,
> -                 axis = False,
> -                 dash = False,
> -                 discrete = False,
> -                 dots = 0,
> -                 grid = False,
> -                 series_legend = False,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 y_labels = None,
> -                 x_bounds = None,
> -                 y_bounds = None,
> -                 z_bounds = None,
> -                 x_title  = None,
> -                 y_title  = None,
> -                 series_colors = None,
> -                 circle_colors = None ):
> -
> -        self.bounds = {}
> -        self.bounds[HORZ] = x_bounds
> -        self.bounds[VERT] = y_bounds
> -        self.bounds[NORM] = z_bounds
> -        self.titles = {}
> -        self.titles[HORZ] = x_title
> -        self.titles[VERT] = y_title
> -        self.max_value = {}
> -        self.axis = axis
> -        self.discrete = discrete
> -        self.dots = dots
> -        self.grid = grid
> -        self.series_legend = series_legend
> -        self.variable_radius = False
> -        self.x_label_angle = math.pi / 2.5
> -        self.circle_colors = circle_colors
> -
> -        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> -
> -        self.dash = None
> -        if dash:
> -            if hasattr(dash, "keys"):
> -                self.dash = [dash[key] for key in self.series_labels]
> -            elif max([hasattr(item,'__delitem__') for item in data]) :
> -                self.dash = dash
> -            else:
> -                self.dash = [dash]
> -
> -        self.load_errors(errorx, errory)
> -
> -    def convert_list_to_tuple(self, data):
> -        #Data must be converted from lists of coordinates to a single
> -        # list of tuples
> -        out_data = zip(*data)
> -        if len(data) == 3:
> -            self.variable_radius = True
> -        return out_data
> -
> -    def load_series(self, data, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, series_colors=None):
> -        #TODO: In cairoplot 2.0 keep only the Series instances
> -
> -        # Convert Data and Group to Series
> -        if isinstance(data, Data) or isinstance(data, Group):
> -            data = Series(data)
> -
> -        # Series
> -        if  isinstance(data, Series):
> -            for group in data:
> -                for item in group:
> -                    if len(item) is 3:
> -                        self.variable_radius = True
> -
> -        #Dictionary with lists
> -        if hasattr(data, "keys") :
> -            if hasattr( data.values()[0][0], "__delitem__" ) :
> -                for key in data.keys() :
> -                    data[key] = self.convert_list_to_tuple(data[key])
> -            elif len(data.values()[0][0]) == 3:
> -                    self.variable_radius = True
> -        #List
> -        elif hasattr(data[0], "__delitem__") :
> -            #List of lists
> -            if hasattr(data[0][0], "__delitem__") :
> -                for index,value in enumerate(data) :
> -                    data[index] = self.convert_list_to_tuple(value)
> -            #List
> -            elif type(data[0][0]) != type((0,0)):
> -                data = self.convert_list_to_tuple(data)
> -            #Three dimensional data
> -            elif len(data[0][0]) == 3:
> -                self.variable_radius = True
> -
> -        #List with three dimensional tuples
> -        elif len(data[0]) == 3:
> -            self.variable_radius = True
> -        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> -        self.calc_boundaries()
> -        self.calc_labels()
> -
> -    def load_errors(self, errorx, errory):
> -        self.errors = None
> -        if errorx == None and errory == None:
> -            return
> -        self.errors = {}
> -        self.errors[HORZ] = None
> -        self.errors[VERT] = None
> -        #asimetric errors
> -        if errorx and hasattr(errorx[0], "__delitem__"):
> -            self.errors[HORZ] = errorx
> -        #simetric errors
> -        elif errorx:
> -            self.errors[HORZ] = [errorx]
> -        #asimetric errors
> -        if errory and hasattr(errory[0], "__delitem__"):
> -            self.errors[VERT] = errory
> -        #simetric errors
> -        elif errory:
> -            self.errors[VERT] = [errory]
> -
> -    def calc_labels(self):
> -        if not self.labels[HORZ]:
> -            amplitude = self.bounds[HORZ][1] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]
> -            if amplitude % 10: #if horizontal labels need floating points
> -                self.labels[HORZ] = ["%.2lf" % (float(self.bounds[HORZ][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(11) ]
> -            else:
> -                self.labels[HORZ] = ["%d" % (int(self.bounds[HORZ][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(11) ]
> -        if not self.labels[VERT]:
> -            amplitude = self.bounds[VERT][1] - self.bounds[VERT][0]
> -            if amplitude % 10: #if vertical labels need floating points
> -                self.labels[VERT] = ["%.2lf" % (float(self.bounds[VERT][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(11) ]
> -            else:
> -                self.labels[VERT] = ["%d" % (int(self.bounds[VERT][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(11) ]
> -
> -    def calc_extents(self, direction):
> -        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> -        self.max_value[direction] = max(self.context.text_extents(item)[2] for item in self.labels[direction])
> -        self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = self.max_value[direction] + self.border + 20
> -
> -    def calc_boundaries(self):
> -        #HORZ = 0, VERT = 1, NORM = 2
> -        min_data_value = [0,0,0]
> -        max_data_value = [0,0,0]
> -
> -        for group in self.series:
> -            if type(group[0].content) in (int, float, long):
> -                group = [Data((index, item.content)) for index,item in enumerate(group)]
> -
> -            for point in group:
> -                for index, item in enumerate(point.content):
> -                    if item > max_data_value[index]:
> -                        max_data_value[index] = item
> -                    elif item < min_data_value[index]:
> -                        min_data_value[index] = item
> -
> -        if not self.bounds[HORZ]:
> -            self.bounds[HORZ] = (min_data_value[HORZ], max_data_value[HORZ])
> -        if not self.bounds[VERT]:
> -            self.bounds[VERT] = (min_data_value[VERT], max_data_value[VERT])
> -        if not self.bounds[NORM]:
> -            self.bounds[NORM] = (min_data_value[NORM], max_data_value[NORM])
> -
> -    def calc_all_extents(self):
> -        self.calc_extents(HORZ)
> -        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> -
> -        self.plot_height = self.dimensions[VERT] - 2 * self.borders[VERT]
> -        self.plot_width = self.dimensions[HORZ] - 2* self.borders[HORZ]
> -
> -        self.plot_top = self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT]
> -
> -    def calc_steps(self):
> -        #Calculates all the x, y, z and color steps
> -        series_amplitude = [self.bounds[index][1] - self.bounds[index][0] for index in range(3)]
> -
> -        if series_amplitude[HORZ]:
> -            self.horizontal_step = float (self.plot_width) / series_amplitude[HORZ]
> -        else:
> -            self.horizontal_step = 0.00
> -
> -        if series_amplitude[VERT]:
> -            self.vertical_step = float (self.plot_height) / series_amplitude[VERT]
> -        else:
> -            self.vertical_step = 0.00
> -
> -        if series_amplitude[NORM]:
> -            if self.variable_radius:
> -                self.z_step = float (self.bounds[NORM][1]) / series_amplitude[NORM]
> -            if self.circle_colors:
> -                self.circle_color_step = tuple([float(self.circle_colors[1][i]-self.circle_colors[0][i])/series_amplitude[NORM] for i in range(4)])
> -        else:
> -            self.z_step = 0.00
> -            self.circle_color_step = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
> -
> -    def get_circle_color(self, value):
> -        return tuple( [self.circle_colors[0][i] + value*self.circle_color_step[i] for i in range(4)] )
> -
> -    def render(self):
> -        self.calc_all_extents()
> -        self.calc_steps()
> -        self.render_background()
> -        self.render_bounding_box()
> -        if self.axis:
> -            self.render_axis()
> -        if self.grid:
> -            self.render_grid()
> -        self.render_labels()
> -        self.render_plot()
> -        if self.errors:
> -            self.render_errors()
> -        if self.series_legend and self.series_labels:
> -            self.render_legend()
> -
> -    def render_axis(self):
> -        #Draws both the axis lines and their titles
> -        cr = self.context
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.line_color)
> -        cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> -        cr.line_to(self.borders[HORZ], self.borders[VERT])
> -        cr.stroke()
> -
> -        cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> -        cr.line_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> -        cr.stroke()
> -
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> -        self.context.set_font_size( 1.2 * self.font_size )
> -        if self.titles[HORZ]:
> -            title_width,title_height = cr.text_extents(self.titles[HORZ])[2:4]
> -            cr.move_to( self.dimensions[HORZ]/2 - title_width/2, self.borders[VERT] - title_height/2 )
> -            cr.show_text( self.titles[HORZ] )
> -
> -        if self.titles[VERT]:
> -            title_width,title_height = cr.text_extents(self.titles[VERT])[2:4]
> -            cr.move_to( self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] + title_height/2, self.dimensions[VERT]/2 - title_width/2)
> -            cr.save()
> -            cr.rotate( math.pi/2 )
> -            cr.show_text( self.titles[VERT] )
> -            cr.restore()
> -
> -    def render_grid(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        horizontal_step = float( self.plot_height ) / ( len( self.labels[VERT] ) - 1 )
> -        vertical_step = float( self.plot_width ) / ( len( self.labels[HORZ] ) - 1 )
> -
> -        x = self.borders[HORZ] + vertical_step
> -        y = self.plot_top - horizontal_step
> -
> -        for label in self.labels[HORZ][:-1]:
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.grid_color)
> -            cr.move_to(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> -            cr.line_to(x, self.borders[VERT])
> -            cr.stroke()
> -            x += vertical_step
> -        for label in self.labels[VERT][:-1]:
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.grid_color)
> -            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], y)
> -            cr.line_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], y)
> -            cr.stroke()
> -            y -= horizontal_step
> -
> -    def render_labels(self):
> -        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> -        self.render_horz_labels()
> -        self.render_vert_labels()
> -
> -    def render_horz_labels(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        step = float( self.plot_width ) / ( len( self.labels[HORZ] ) - 1 )
> -        x = self.borders[HORZ]
> -        y = self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5
> -
> -        # store rotation matrix from the initial state
> -        rotation_matrix = cr.get_matrix()
> -        rotation_matrix.rotate(self.x_label_angle)
> -
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> -
> -        for item in self.labels[HORZ]:
> -            width = cr.text_extents(item)[2]
> -            cr.move_to(x, y)
> -            cr.save()
> -            cr.set_matrix(rotation_matrix)
> -            cr.show_text(item)
> -            cr.restore()
> -            x += step
> -
> -    def render_vert_labels(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        step = ( self.plot_height ) / ( len( self.labels[VERT] ) - 1 )
> -        y = self.plot_top
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> -        for item in self.labels[VERT]:
> -            width = cr.text_extents(item)[2]
> -            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] - width - 5,y)
> -            cr.show_text(item)
> -            y -= step
> -
> -    def render_legend(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        cr.set_font_size(self.font_size)
> -        cr.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> -
> -        widest_word = max(self.series_labels, key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[2])
> -        tallest_word = max(self.series_labels, key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[3])
> -        max_width = self.context.text_extents(widest_word)[2]
> -        max_height = self.context.text_extents(tallest_word)[3] * 1.1
> -
> -        color_box_height = max_height / 2
> -        color_box_width = color_box_height * 2
> -
> -        #Draw a bounding box
> -        bounding_box_width = max_width + color_box_width + 15
> -        bounding_box_height = (len(self.series_labels)+0.5) * max_height
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(1,1,1)
> -        cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - bounding_box_width, self.borders[VERT],
> -                            bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height)
> -        cr.fill()
> -
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.line_color)
> -        cr.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> -        cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - bounding_box_width, self.borders[VERT],
> -                            bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height)
> -        cr.stroke()
> -
> -        for idx,key in enumerate(self.series_labels):
> -            #Draw color box
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[idx][:4])
> -            cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - max_width - color_box_width - 10,
> -                                self.borders[VERT] + color_box_height + (idx*max_height) ,
> -                                color_box_width, color_box_height)
> -            cr.fill()
> -
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0)
> -            cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - max_width - color_box_width - 10,
> -                                self.borders[VERT] + color_box_height + (idx*max_height),
> -                                color_box_width, color_box_height)
> -            cr.stroke()
> -
> -            #Draw series labels
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0)
> -            cr.move_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - max_width - 5, self.borders[VERT] + ((idx+1)*max_height))
> -            cr.show_text(key)
> -
> -    def render_errors(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        cr.rectangle(self.borders[HORZ], self.borders[VERT], self.plot_width, self.plot_height)
> -        cr.clip()
> -        radius = self.dots
> -        x0 = self.borders[HORZ] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]*self.horizontal_step
> -        y0 = self.borders[VERT] - self.bounds[VERT][0]*self.vertical_step
> -        for index, group in enumerate(self.series):
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[index][:4])
> -            for number, data in enumerate(group):
> -                x = x0 + self.horizontal_step * data.content[0]
> -                y = self.dimensions[VERT] - y0 - self.vertical_step * data.content[1]
> -                if self.errors[HORZ]:
> -                    cr.move_to(x, y)
> -                    x1 = x - self.horizontal_step * self.errors[HORZ][0][number]
> -                    cr.line_to(x1, y)
> -                    cr.line_to(x1, y - radius)
> -                    cr.line_to(x1, y + radius)
> -                    cr.stroke()
> -                if self.errors[HORZ] and len(self.errors[HORZ]) == 2:
> -                    cr.move_to(x, y)
> -                    x1 = x + self.horizontal_step * self.errors[HORZ][1][number]
> -                    cr.line_to(x1, y)
> -                    cr.line_to(x1, y - radius)
> -                    cr.line_to(x1, y + radius)
> -                    cr.stroke()
> -                if self.errors[VERT]:
> -                    cr.move_to(x, y)
> -                    y1 = y + self.vertical_step   * self.errors[VERT][0][number]
> -                    cr.line_to(x, y1)
> -                    cr.line_to(x - radius, y1)
> -                    cr.line_to(x + radius, y1)
> -                    cr.stroke()
> -                if self.errors[VERT] and len(self.errors[VERT]) == 2:
> -                    cr.move_to(x, y)
> -                    y1 = y - self.vertical_step   * self.errors[VERT][1][number]
> -                    cr.line_to(x, y1)
> -                    cr.line_to(x - radius, y1)
> -                    cr.line_to(x + radius, y1)
> -                    cr.stroke()
> -
> -
> -    def render_plot(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        if self.discrete:
> -            cr.rectangle(self.borders[HORZ], self.borders[VERT], self.plot_width, self.plot_height)
> -            cr.clip()
> -            x0 = self.borders[HORZ] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]*self.horizontal_step
> -            y0 = self.borders[VERT] - self.bounds[VERT][0]*self.vertical_step
> -            radius = self.dots
> -            for number, group in  enumerate (self.series):
> -                cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> -                for data in group :
> -                    if self.variable_radius:
> -                        radius = data.content[2]*self.z_step
> -                        if self.circle_colors:
> -                            cr.set_source_rgba( *self.get_circle_color( data.content[2]) )
> -                    x = x0 + self.horizontal_step*data.content[0]
> -                    y = y0 + self.vertical_step*data.content[1]
> -                    cr.arc(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y, radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
> -                    cr.fill()
> -        else:
> -            cr.rectangle(self.borders[HORZ], self.borders[VERT], self.plot_width, self.plot_height)
> -            cr.clip()
> -            x0 = self.borders[HORZ] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]*self.horizontal_step
> -            y0 = self.borders[VERT] - self.bounds[VERT][0]*self.vertical_step
> -            radius = self.dots
> -            for number, group in  enumerate (self.series):
> -                last_data = None
> -                cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> -                for data in group :
> -                    x = x0 + self.horizontal_step*data.content[0]
> -                    y = y0 + self.vertical_step*data.content[1]
> -                    if self.dots:
> -                        if self.variable_radius:
> -                            radius = data.content[2]*self.z_step
> -                        cr.arc(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y, radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
> -                        cr.fill()
> -                    if last_data :
> -                        old_x = x0 + self.horizontal_step*last_data.content[0]
> -                        old_y = y0 + self.vertical_step*last_data.content[1]
> -                        cr.move_to( old_x, self.dimensions[VERT] - old_y )
> -                        cr.line_to( x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y)
> -                        cr.set_line_width(self.series_widths[number])
> -
> -                        # Display line as dash line
> -                        if self.dash and self.dash[number]:
> -                            s = self.series_widths[number]
> -                            cr.set_dash([s*3, s*3], 0)
> -
> -                        cr.stroke()
> -                        cr.set_dash([])
> -                    last_data = data
> -
> -class DotLinePlot(ScatterPlot):
> -    def __init__(self,
> -                 surface=None,
> -                 data=None,
> -                 width=640,
> -                 height=480,
> -                 background=None,
> -                 border=0,
> -                 axis = False,
> -                 dash = False,
> -                 dots = 0,
> -                 grid = False,
> -                 series_legend = False,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 y_labels = None,
> -                 x_bounds = None,
> -                 y_bounds = None,
> -                 x_title  = None,
> -                 y_title  = None,
> -                 series_colors = None):
> -
> -        ScatterPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, None, None, width, height, background, border,
> -                             axis, dash, False, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> -                             x_bounds, y_bounds, None, x_title, y_title, series_colors, None )
> -
> -
> -    def load_series(self, data, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, series_colors=None):
> -        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> -        for group in self.series :
> -            for index,data in enumerate(group):
> -                group[index].content = (index, data.content)
> -
> -        self.calc_boundaries()
> -        self.calc_labels()
> -
> -class FunctionPlot(ScatterPlot):
> -    def __init__(self,
> -                 surface=None,
> -                 data=None,
> -                 width=640,
> -                 height=480,
> -                 background=None,
> -                 border=0,
> -                 axis = False,
> -                 discrete = False,
> -                 dots = 0,
> -                 grid = False,
> -                 series_legend = False,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 y_labels = None,
> -                 x_bounds = None,
> -                 y_bounds = None,
> -                 x_title  = None,
> -                 y_title  = None,
> -                 series_colors = None,
> -                 step = 1):
> -
> -        self.function = data
> -        self.step = step
> -        self.discrete = discrete
> -
> -        data, x_bounds = self.load_series_from_function( self.function, x_bounds )
> -
> -        ScatterPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, None, None, width, height, background, border,
> -                             axis, False, discrete, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> -                             x_bounds, y_bounds, None, x_title, y_title, series_colors, None )
> -
> -    def load_series(self, data, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, series_colors=None):
> -        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> -
> -        if len(self.series[0][0]) is 1:
> -            for group_id, group in enumerate(self.series) :
> -                for index,data in enumerate(group):
> -                    group[index].content = (self.bounds[HORZ][0] + self.step*index, data.content)
> -
> -        self.calc_boundaries()
> -        self.calc_labels()
> -
> -    def load_series_from_function( self, function, x_bounds ):
> -        #TODO: Add the possibility for the user to define multiple functions with different discretization parameters
> -
> -        #This function converts a function, a list of functions or a dictionary
> -        #of functions into its corresponding array of data
> -        series = Series()
> -
> -        if isinstance(function, Group) or isinstance(function, Data):
> -            function = Series(function)
> -
> -        # If is instance of Series
> -        if isinstance(function, Series):
> -            # Overwrite any bounds passed by the function
> -            x_bounds = (function.range[0],function.range[-1])
> -
> -        #if no bounds are provided
> -        if x_bounds == None:
> -            x_bounds = (0,10)
> -
> -
> -        #TODO: Finish the dict translation
> -        if hasattr(function, "keys"): #dictionary:
> -            for key in function.keys():
> -                group = Group(name=key)
> -                #data[ key ] = []
> -                i = x_bounds[0]
> -                while i <= x_bounds[1] :
> -                    group.add_data(function[ key ](i))
> -                    #data[ key ].append( function[ key ](i) )
> -                    i += self.step
> -                series.add_group(group)
> -
> -        elif hasattr(function, "__delitem__"): #list of functions
> -            for index,f in enumerate( function ) :
> -                group = Group()
> -                #data.append( [] )
> -                i = x_bounds[0]
> -                while i <= x_bounds[1] :
> -                    group.add_data(f(i))
> -                    #data[ index ].append( f(i) )
> -                    i += self.step
> -                series.add_group(group)
> -
> -        elif isinstance(function, Series): # instance of Series
> -            series = function
> -
> -        else: #function
> -            group = Group()
> -            i = x_bounds[0]
> -            while i <= x_bounds[1] :
> -                group.add_data(function(i))
> -                i += self.step
> -            series.add_group(group)
> -
> -
> -        return series, x_bounds
> -
> -    def calc_labels(self):
> -        if not self.labels[HORZ]:
> -            self.labels[HORZ] = []
> -            i = self.bounds[HORZ][0]
> -            while i<=self.bounds[HORZ][1]:
> -                self.labels[HORZ].append(str(i))
> -                i += float(self.bounds[HORZ][1] - self.bounds[HORZ][0])/10
> -        ScatterPlot.calc_labels(self)
> -
> -    def render_plot(self):
> -        if not self.discrete:
> -            ScatterPlot.render_plot(self)
> -        else:
> -            last = None
> -            cr = self.context
> -            for number, group in  enumerate (self.series):
> -                cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> -                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]*self.horizontal_step
> -                y0 = self.borders[VERT] - self.bounds[VERT][0]*self.vertical_step
> -                for data in group:
> -                    x = x0 + self.horizontal_step * data.content[0]
> -                    y = y0 + self.vertical_step   * data.content[1]
> -                    cr.move_to(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y)
> -                    cr.line_to(x, self.plot_top)
> -                    cr.set_line_width(self.series_widths[number])
> -                    cr.stroke()
> -                    if self.dots:
> -                        cr.new_path()
> -                        cr.arc(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y, 3, 0, 2.1 * math.pi)
> -                        cr.close_path()
> -                        cr.fill()
> -
> -class BarPlot(Plot):
> -    def __init__(self,
> -                 surface = None,
> -                 data = None,
> -                 width = 640,
> -                 height = 480,
> -                 background = "white light_gray",
> -                 border = 0,
> -                 display_values = False,
> -                 grid = False,
> -                 rounded_corners = False,
> -                 stack = False,
> -                 three_dimension = False,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 y_labels = None,
> -                 x_bounds = None,
> -                 y_bounds = None,
> -                 series_colors = None,
> -                 main_dir = None):
> -
> -        self.bounds = {}
> -        self.bounds[HORZ] = x_bounds
> -        self.bounds[VERT] = y_bounds
> -        self.display_values = display_values
> -        self.grid = grid
> -        self.rounded_corners = rounded_corners
> -        self.stack = stack
> -        self.three_dimension = three_dimension
> -        self.x_label_angle = math.pi / 2.5
> -        self.main_dir = main_dir
> -        self.max_value = {}
> -        self.plot_dimensions = {}
> -        self.steps = {}
> -        self.value_label_color = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0)
> -
> -        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> -
> -    def load_series(self, data, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, series_colors = None):
> -        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> -        self.calc_boundaries()
> -
> -    def process_colors(self, series_colors):
> -        #Data for a BarPlot might be a List or a List of Lists.
> -        #On the first case, colors must be generated for all bars,
> -        #On the second, colors must be generated for each of the inner lists.
> -
> -        #TODO: Didn't get it...
> -        #if hasattr(self.data[0], '__getitem__'):
> -        #    length = max(len(series) for series in self.data)
> -        #else:
> -        #    length = len( self.data )
> -
> -        length = max(len(group) for group in self.series)
> -
> -        Plot.process_colors( self, series_colors, length, 'linear')
> -
> -    def calc_boundaries(self):
> -        if not self.bounds[self.main_dir]:
> -            if self.stack:
> -                max_data_value = max(sum(group.to_list()) for group in self.series)
> -            else:
> -                max_data_value = max(max(group.to_list()) for group in self.series)
> -            self.bounds[self.main_dir] = (0, max_data_value)
> -        if not self.bounds[other_direction(self.main_dir)]:
> -            self.bounds[other_direction(self.main_dir)] = (0, len(self.series))
> -
> -    def calc_extents(self, direction):
> -        self.max_value[direction] = 0
> -        if self.labels[direction]:
> -            widest_word = max(self.labels[direction], key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[2])
> -            self.max_value[direction] = self.context.text_extents(widest_word)[3 - direction]
> -            self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = (2-direction)*self.max_value[direction] + self.border + direction*(5)
> -        else:
> -            self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = self.border
> -
> -    def calc_horz_extents(self):
> -        self.calc_extents(HORZ)
> -
> -    def calc_vert_extents(self):
> -        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> -
> -    def calc_all_extents(self):
> -        self.calc_horz_extents()
> -        self.calc_vert_extents()
> -        other_dir = other_direction(self.main_dir)
> -        self.value_label = 0
> -        if self.display_values:
> -            if self.stack:
> -                self.value_label = self.context.text_extents(str(max(sum(group.to_list()) for group in self.series)))[2 + self.main_dir]
> -            else:
> -                self.value_label = self.context.text_extents(str(max(max(group.to_list()) for group in self.series)))[2 + self.main_dir]
> -        if self.labels[self.main_dir]:
> -            self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir] = self.dimensions[self.main_dir] - 2*self.borders[self.main_dir] - self.value_label
> -        else:
> -            self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir] = self.dimensions[self.main_dir] - self.borders[self.main_dir] - 1.2*self.border - self.value_label
> -        self.plot_dimensions[other_dir] = self.dimensions[other_dir] - self.borders[other_dir] - self.border
> -        self.plot_top = self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT]
> -
> -    def calc_steps(self):
> -        other_dir = other_direction(self.main_dir)
> -        self.series_amplitude = self.bounds[self.main_dir][1] - self.bounds[self.main_dir][0]
> -        if self.series_amplitude:
> -            self.steps[self.main_dir] = float(self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir])/self.series_amplitude
> -        else:
> -            self.steps[self.main_dir] = 0.00
> -        series_length = len(self.series)
> -        self.steps[other_dir] = float(self.plot_dimensions[other_dir])/(series_length + 0.1*(series_length + 1))
> -        self.space = 0.1*self.steps[other_dir]
> -
> -    def render(self):
> -        self.calc_all_extents()
> -        self.calc_steps()
> -        self.render_background()
> -        self.render_bounding_box()
> -        if self.grid:
> -            self.render_grid()
> -        if self.three_dimension:
> -            self.render_ground()
> -        if self.display_values:
> -            self.render_values()
> -        self.render_labels()
> -        self.render_plot()
> -        if self.series_labels:
> -            self.render_legend()
> -
> -    def draw_3d_rectangle_front(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, shift):
> -        self.context.rectangle(x0-shift, y0+shift, x1-x0, y1-y0)
> -
> -    def draw_3d_rectangle_side(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, shift):
> -        self.context.move_to(x1-shift,y0+shift)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y1)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1-shift, y1+shift)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1-shift, y0+shift)
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -
> -    def draw_3d_rectangle_top(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, shift):
> -        self.context.move_to(x0-shift,y0+shift)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0, y0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1-shift, y0+shift)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0-shift, y0+shift)
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -
> -    def draw_round_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> -        self.context.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi, -math.pi/2)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1-5, y0)
> -        self.context.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi/2, 0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y1-5)
> -        self.context.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, math.pi/2)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0+5, y1)
> -        self.context.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, math.pi/2, math.pi)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0, y0+5)
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -
> -    def render_ground(self):
> -        self.draw_3d_rectangle_front(self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> -                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -        self.draw_3d_rectangle_side (self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> -                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -        self.draw_3d_rectangle_top  (self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> -                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -    def render_labels(self):
> -        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> -        if self.labels[HORZ]:
> -            self.render_horz_labels()
> -        if self.labels[VERT]:
> -            self.render_vert_labels()
> -
> -    def render_legend(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        cr.set_font_size(self.font_size)
> -        cr.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> -
> -        widest_word = max(self.series_labels, key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[2])
> -        tallest_word = max(self.series_labels, key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[3])
> -        max_width = self.context.text_extents(widest_word)[2]
> -        max_height = self.context.text_extents(tallest_word)[3] * 1.1 + 5
> -
> -        color_box_height = max_height / 2
> -        color_box_width = color_box_height * 2
> -
> -        #Draw a bounding box
> -        bounding_box_width = max_width + color_box_width + 15
> -        bounding_box_height = (len(self.series_labels)+0.5) * max_height
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(1,1,1)
> -        cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - bounding_box_width, self.border,
> -                            bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height)
> -        cr.fill()
> -
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.line_color)
> -        cr.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> -        cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - bounding_box_width, self.border,
> -                            bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height)
> -        cr.stroke()
> -
> -        for idx,key in enumerate(self.series_labels):
> -            #Draw color box
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[idx][:4])
> -            cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - max_width - color_box_width - 10,
> -                                self.border + color_box_height + (idx*max_height) ,
> -                                color_box_width, color_box_height)
> -            cr.fill()
> -
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0)
> -            cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - max_width - color_box_width - 10,
> -                                self.border + color_box_height + (idx*max_height),
> -                                color_box_width, color_box_height)
> -            cr.stroke()
> -
> -            #Draw series labels
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0)
> -            cr.move_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - max_width - 5, self.border + ((idx+1)*max_height))
> -            cr.show_text(key)
> -
> -
> -class HorizontalBarPlot(BarPlot):
> -    def __init__(self,
> -                 surface = None,
> -                 data = None,
> -                 width = 640,
> -                 height = 480,
> -                 background = "white light_gray",
> -                 border = 0,
> -                 display_values = False,
> -                 grid = False,
> -                 rounded_corners = False,
> -                 stack = False,
> -                 three_dimension = False,
> -                 series_labels = None,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 y_labels = None,
> -                 x_bounds = None,
> -                 y_bounds = None,
> -                 series_colors = None):
> -
> -        BarPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border,
> -                         display_values, grid, rounded_corners, stack, three_dimension,
> -                         x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, series_colors, HORZ)
> -        self.series_labels = series_labels
> -
> -    def calc_vert_extents(self):
> -        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> -        if self.labels[HORZ] and not self.labels[VERT]:
> -            self.borders[HORZ] += 10
> -
> -    def draw_rectangle_bottom(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> -        self.context.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, math.pi/2, math.pi)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0, y0+5)
> -        self.context.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi, -math.pi/2)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y1)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0+5, y1)
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -
> -    def draw_rectangle_top(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> -        self.context.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi/2, 0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y1-5)
> -        self.context.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, math.pi/2)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0, y1)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0, y0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -
> -    def draw_rectangle(self, index, length, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> -        if length == 1:
> -            BarPlot.draw_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1)
> -        elif index == 0:
> -            self.draw_rectangle_bottom(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> -        elif index == length-1:
> -            self.draw_rectangle_top(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> -        else:
> -            self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0)
> -
> -    #TODO: Review BarPlot.render_grid code
> -    def render_grid(self):
> -        self.context.set_source_rgba(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
> -        if self.labels[HORZ]:
> -            self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> -            step = (self.dimensions[HORZ] - 2*self.borders[HORZ] - self.value_label)/(len(self.labels[HORZ])-1)
> -            x = self.borders[HORZ]
> -            next_x = 0
> -            for item in self.labels[HORZ]:
> -                width = self.context.text_extents(item)[2]
> -                if x - width/2 > next_x and x - width/2 > self.border:
> -                    self.context.move_to(x, self.border)
> -                    self.context.line_to(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> -                    self.context.stroke()
> -                    next_x = x + width/2
> -                x += step
> -        else:
> -            lines = 11
> -            horizontal_step = float(self.plot_dimensions[HORZ])/(lines-1)
> -            x = self.borders[HORZ]
> -            for y in xrange(0, lines):
> -                self.context.move_to(x, self.border)
> -                self.context.line_to(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> -                self.context.stroke()
> -                x += horizontal_step
> -
> -    def render_horz_labels(self):
> -        step = (self.dimensions[HORZ] - 2*self.borders[HORZ])/(len(self.labels[HORZ])-1)
> -        x = self.borders[HORZ]
> -        next_x = 0
> -
> -        for item in self.labels[HORZ]:
> -            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> -            width = self.context.text_extents(item)[2]
> -            if x - width/2 > next_x and x - width/2 > self.border:
> -                self.context.move_to(x - width/2, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + self.max_value[HORZ] + 3)
> -                self.context.show_text(item)
> -                next_x = x + width/2
> -            x += step
> -
> -    def render_vert_labels(self):
> -        series_length = len(self.labels[VERT])
> -        step = (self.plot_dimensions[VERT] - (series_length + 1)*self.space)/(len(self.labels[VERT]))
> -        y = self.border + step/2 + self.space
> -
> -        for item in self.labels[VERT]:
> -            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> -            width, height = self.context.text_extents(item)[2:4]
> -            self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] - width - 5, y + height/2)
> -            self.context.show_text(item)
> -            y += step + self.space
> -        self.labels[VERT].reverse()
> -
> -    def render_values(self):
> -        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.value_label_color)
> -        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> -        if self.stack:
> -            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -                value = sum(group.to_list())
> -                height = self.context.text_extents(str(value))[3]
> -                x = self.borders[HORZ] + value*self.steps[HORZ] + 2
> -                y = self.borders[VERT] + (i+0.5)*self.steps[VERT] + (i+1)*self.space + height/2
> -                self.context.move_to(x, y)
> -                self.context.show_text(str(value))
> -        else:
> -            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -                inner_step = self.steps[VERT]/len(group)
> -                y0 = self.border + i*self.steps[VERT] + (i+1)*self.space
> -                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> -                    height = self.context.text_extents(str(data.content))[3]
> -                    self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + data.content*self.steps[HORZ] + 2, y0 + 0.5*inner_step + height/2, )
> -                    self.context.show_text(str(data.content))
> -                    y0 += inner_step
> -
> -    def render_plot(self):
> -        if self.stack:
> -            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -                x0 = self.borders[HORZ]
> -                y0 = self.borders[VERT] + i*self.steps[VERT] + (i+1)*self.space
> -                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> -                    if self.series_colors[number][4] in ('radial','linear') :
> -                        linear = cairo.LinearGradient( data.content*self.steps[HORZ]/2, y0, data.content*self.steps[HORZ]/2, y0 + self.steps[VERT] )
> -                        color = self.series_colors[number]
> -                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0.0, 3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> -                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0, *color[:4])
> -                        self.context.set_source(linear)
> -                    elif self.series_colors[number][4] == 'solid':
> -                        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> -                    if self.rounded_corners:
> -                        self.draw_rectangle(number, len(group), x0, y0, x0+data.content*self.steps[HORZ], y0+self.steps[VERT])
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                    else:
> -                        self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, data.content*self.steps[HORZ], self.steps[VERT])
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                    x0 += data.content*self.steps[HORZ]
> -        else:
> -            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -                inner_step = self.steps[VERT]/len(group)
> -                x0 = self.borders[HORZ]
> -                y0 = self.border + i*self.steps[VERT] + (i+1)*self.space
> -                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> -                    linear = cairo.LinearGradient(data.content*self.steps[HORZ]/2, y0, data.content*self.steps[HORZ]/2, y0 + inner_step)
> -                    color = self.series_colors[number]
> -                    linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0.0, 3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> -                    linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0, *color[:4])
> -                    self.context.set_source(linear)
> -                    if self.rounded_corners and data.content != 0:
> -                        BarPlot.draw_round_rectangle(self,x0, y0, x0 + data.content*self.steps[HORZ], y0 + inner_step)
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                    else:
> -                        self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, data.content*self.steps[HORZ], inner_step)
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                    y0 += inner_step
> -
> -class VerticalBarPlot(BarPlot):
> -    def __init__(self,
> -                 surface = None,
> -                 data = None,
> -                 width = 640,
> -                 height = 480,
> -                 background = "white light_gray",
> -                 border = 0,
> -                 display_values = False,
> -                 grid = False,
> -                 rounded_corners = False,
> -                 stack = False,
> -                 three_dimension = False,
> -                 series_labels = None,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 y_labels = None,
> -                 x_bounds = None,
> -                 y_bounds = None,
> -                 series_colors = None):
> -
> -        BarPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border,
> -                         display_values, grid, rounded_corners, stack, three_dimension,
> -                         x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, series_colors, VERT)
> -        self.series_labels = series_labels
> -
> -    def calc_vert_extents(self):
> -        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> -        if self.labels[VERT] and not self.labels[HORZ]:
> -            self.borders[VERT] += 10
> -
> -    def draw_rectangle_bottom(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> -        self.context.move_to(x1,y1)
> -        self.context.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, math.pi/2)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0+5, y1)
> -        self.context.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, math.pi/2, math.pi)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0, y0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y1)
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -
> -    def draw_rectangle_top(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> -        self.context.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi, -math.pi/2)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1-5, y0)
> -        self.context.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi/2, 0)
> -        self.context.line_to(x1, y1)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0, y1)
> -        self.context.line_to(x0, y0)
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -
> -    def draw_rectangle(self, index, length, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> -        if length == 1:
> -            BarPlot.draw_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1)
> -        elif index == 0:
> -            self.draw_rectangle_bottom(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> -        elif index == length-1:
> -            self.draw_rectangle_top(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> -        else:
> -            self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0)
> -
> -    def render_grid(self):
> -        self.context.set_source_rgba(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
> -        if self.labels[VERT]:
> -            lines = len(self.labels[VERT])
> -            vertical_step = float(self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir])/(lines-1)
> -            y = self.borders[VERT] + self.value_label
> -        else:
> -            lines = 11
> -            vertical_step = float(self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir])/(lines-1)
> -            y = 1.2*self.border + self.value_label
> -        for x in xrange(0, lines):
> -            self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], y)
> -            self.context.line_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border, y)
> -            self.context.stroke()
> -            y += vertical_step
> -
> -    def render_ground(self):
> -        self.draw_3d_rectangle_front(self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> -                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -        self.draw_3d_rectangle_side (self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> -                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -        self.draw_3d_rectangle_top  (self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> -                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -    def render_horz_labels(self):
> -        series_length = len(self.labels[HORZ])
> -        step = float (self.plot_dimensions[HORZ] - (series_length + 1)*self.space)/len(self.labels[HORZ])
> -        x = self.borders[HORZ] + step/2 + self.space
> -        next_x = 0
> -
> -        for item in self.labels[HORZ]:
> -            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> -            width = self.context.text_extents(item)[2]
> -            if x - width/2 > next_x and x - width/2 > self.borders[HORZ]:
> -                self.context.move_to(x - width/2, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + self.max_value[HORZ] + 3)
> -                self.context.show_text(item)
> -                next_x = x + width/2
> -            x += step + self.space
> -
> -    def render_vert_labels(self):
> -        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> -        y = self.borders[VERT] + self.value_label
> -        step = (self.dimensions[VERT] - 2*self.borders[VERT] - self.value_label)/(len(self.labels[VERT]) - 1)
> -        self.labels[VERT].reverse()
> -        for item in self.labels[VERT]:
> -            width, height = self.context.text_extents(item)[2:4]
> -            self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] - width - 5, y + height/2)
> -            self.context.show_text(item)
> -            y += step
> -        self.labels[VERT].reverse()
> -
> -    def render_values(self):
> -        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.value_label_color)
> -        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> -        if self.stack:
> -            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -                value = sum(group.to_list())
> -                width = self.context.text_extents(str(value))[2]
> -                x = self.borders[HORZ] + (i+0.5)*self.steps[HORZ] + (i+1)*self.space - width/2
> -                y = value*self.steps[VERT] + 2
> -                self.context.move_to(x, self.plot_top-y)
> -                self.context.show_text(str(value))
> -        else:
> -            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -                inner_step = self.steps[HORZ]/len(group)
> -                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + i*self.steps[HORZ] + (i+1)*self.space
> -                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> -                    width = self.context.text_extents(str(data.content))[2]
> -                    self.context.move_to(x0 + 0.5*inner_step - width/2, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT] - 2)
> -                    self.context.show_text(str(data.content))
> -                    x0 += inner_step
> -
> -    def render_plot(self):
> -        if self.stack:
> -            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + i*self.steps[HORZ] + (i+1)*self.space
> -                y0 = 0
> -                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> -                    if self.series_colors[number][4] in ('linear','radial'):
> -                        linear = cairo.LinearGradient( x0, data.content*self.steps[VERT]/2, x0 + self.steps[HORZ], data.content*self.steps[VERT]/2 )
> -                        color = self.series_colors[number]
> -                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0.0, 3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> -                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0, *color[:4])
> -                        self.context.set_source(linear)
> -                    elif self.series_colors[number][4] == 'solid':
> -                        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> -                    if self.rounded_corners:
> -                        self.draw_rectangle(number, len(group), x0, self.plot_top - y0 - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0 + self.steps[HORZ], self.plot_top - y0)
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                    else:
> -                        self.context.rectangle(x0, self.plot_top - y0 - data.content*self.steps[VERT], self.steps[HORZ], data.content*self.steps[VERT])
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                    y0 += data.content*self.steps[VERT]
> -        else:
> -            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -                inner_step = self.steps[HORZ]/len(group)
> -                y0 = self.borders[VERT]
> -                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + i*self.steps[HORZ] + (i+1)*self.space
> -                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> -                    if self.series_colors[number][4] == 'linear':
> -                        linear = cairo.LinearGradient( x0, data.content*self.steps[VERT]/2, x0 + inner_step, data.content*self.steps[VERT]/2 )
> -                        color = self.series_colors[number]
> -                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0.0, 3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> -                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0, *color[:4])
> -                        self.context.set_source(linear)
> -                    elif self.series_colors[number][4] == 'solid':
> -                        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> -                    if self.rounded_corners and data.content != 0:
> -                        BarPlot.draw_round_rectangle(self, x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0+inner_step, self.plot_top)
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                    elif self.three_dimension:
> -                        self.draw_3d_rectangle_front(x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0+inner_step, self.plot_top, 5)
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                        self.draw_3d_rectangle_side(x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0+inner_step, self.plot_top, 5)
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                        self.draw_3d_rectangle_top(x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0+inner_step, self.plot_top, 5)
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -                    else:
> -                        self.context.rectangle(x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], inner_step, data.content*self.steps[VERT])
> -                        self.context.fill()
> -
> -                    x0 += inner_step
> -
> -class StreamChart(VerticalBarPlot):
> -    def __init__(self,
> -                 surface = None,
> -                 data = None,
> -                 width = 640,
> -                 height = 480,
> -                 background = "white light_gray",
> -                 border = 0,
> -                 grid = False,
> -                 series_legend = None,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 x_bounds = None,
> -                 y_bounds = None,
> -                 series_colors = None):
> -
> -        VerticalBarPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border,
> -                                 False, grid, False, True, False,
> -                                 None, x_labels, None, x_bounds, y_bounds, series_colors)
> -
> -    def calc_steps(self):
> -        other_dir = other_direction(self.main_dir)
> -        self.series_amplitude = self.bounds[self.main_dir][1] - self.bounds[self.main_dir][0]
> -        if self.series_amplitude:
> -            self.steps[self.main_dir] = float(self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir])/self.series_amplitude
> -        else:
> -            self.steps[self.main_dir] = 0.00
> -        series_length = len(self.data)
> -        self.steps[other_dir] = float(self.plot_dimensions[other_dir])/series_length
> -
> -    def render_legend(self):
> -        pass
> -
> -    def ground(self, index):
> -        sum_values = sum(self.data[index])
> -        return -0.5*sum_values
> -
> -    def calc_angles(self):
> -        middle = self.plot_top - self.plot_dimensions[VERT]/2.0
> -        self.angles = [tuple([0.0 for x in range(len(self.data)+1)])]
> -        for x_index in range(1, len(self.data)-1):
> -            t = []
> -            x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index - 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -            x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index + 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -            y0 = middle - self.ground(x_index-1)*self.steps[VERT]
> -            y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index+1)*self.steps[VERT]
> -            t.append(math.atan(float(y0-y2)/(x0-x2)))
> -            for data_index in range(len(self.data[x_index])):
> -                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index - 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index + 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                y0 = middle - self.ground(x_index-1)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index-1][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> -                y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index+1)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index+1][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                for i in range(0,data_index):
> -                    y0 -= self.data[x_index-1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -                    y2 -= self.data[x_index+1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                if data_index == len(self.data[0])-1 and False:
> -                    self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.3)
> -                    self.context.move_to(x0,y0)
> -                    self.context.line_to(x2,y2)
> -                    self.context.stroke()
> -                    self.context.arc(x0,y0,2,0,2*math.pi)
> -                    self.context.fill()
> -                t.append(math.atan(float(y0-y2)/(x0-x2)))
> -            self.angles.append(tuple(t))
> -        self.angles.append(tuple([0.0 for x in range(len(self.data)+1)]))
> -
> -    def render_plot(self):
> -        self.calc_angles()
> -        middle = self.plot_top - self.plot_dimensions[VERT]/2.0
> -        p = 0.4*self.steps[HORZ]
> -        for data_index in range(len(self.data[0])-1,-1,-1):
> -            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[data_index][:4])
> -
> -            #draw the upper line
> -            for x_index in range(len(self.data)-1) :
> -                x1 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                y1 = middle - self.ground(x_index)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> -                x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index + 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index + 1)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index + 1][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                for i in range(0,data_index):
> -                    y1 -= self.data[x_index][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -                    y2 -= self.data[x_index+1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                if x_index == 0:
> -                    self.context.move_to(x1,y1)
> -
> -                ang1 = self.angles[x_index][data_index+1]
> -                ang2 = self.angles[x_index+1][data_index+1] + math.pi
> -                self.context.curve_to(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1),
> -                                      x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2),
> -                                      x2,y2)
> -
> -            for x_index in range(len(self.data)-1,0,-1) :
> -                x1 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                y1 = middle - self.ground(x_index)*self.steps[VERT]
> -                x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index - 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index - 1)*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                for i in range(0,data_index):
> -                    y1 -= self.data[x_index][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -                    y2 -= self.data[x_index-1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                if x_index == len(self.data)-1:
> -                    self.context.line_to(x1,y1+2)
> -
> -                #revert angles by pi degrees to take the turn back
> -                ang1 = self.angles[x_index][data_index] + math.pi
> -                ang2 = self.angles[x_index-1][data_index]
> -                self.context.curve_to(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1),
> -                                      x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2),
> -                                      x2,y2+2)
> -
> -            self.context.close_path()
> -            self.context.fill()
> -
> -            if False:
> -                self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + 0.5*self.steps[HORZ], middle)
> -                for x_index in range(len(self.data)-1) :
> -                    x1 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                    y1 = middle - self.ground(x_index)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> -                    x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index + 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                    y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index + 1)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index + 1][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                    for i in range(0,data_index):
> -                        y1 -= self.data[x_index][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -                        y2 -= self.data[x_index+1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                    ang1 = self.angles[x_index][data_index+1]
> -                    ang2 = self.angles[x_index+1][data_index+1] + math.pi
> -                    self.context.set_source_rgba(1.0,0.0,0.0)
> -                    self.context.arc(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1),2,0,2*math.pi)
> -                    self.context.fill()
> -                    self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0)
> -                    self.context.arc(x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2),2,0,2*math.pi)
> -                    self.context.fill()
> -                    '''self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.3)
> -                    self.context.arc(x2,y2,2,0,2*math.pi)
> -                    self.context.fill()'''
> -                    self.context.move_to(x1,y1)
> -                    self.context.line_to(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1))
> -                    self.context.stroke()
> -                    self.context.move_to(x2,y2)
> -                    self.context.line_to(x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2))
> -                    self.context.stroke()
> -            if False:
> -                for x_index in range(len(self.data)-1,0,-1) :
> -                    x1 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                    y1 = middle - self.ground(x_index)*self.steps[VERT]
> -                    x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index - 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> -                    y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index - 1)*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                    for i in range(0,data_index):
> -                        y1 -= self.data[x_index][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -                        y2 -= self.data[x_index-1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> -
> -                    #revert angles by pi degrees to take the turn back
> -                    ang1 = self.angles[x_index][data_index] + math.pi
> -                    ang2 = self.angles[x_index-1][data_index]
> -                    self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,1.0,0.0)
> -                    self.context.arc(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1),2,0,2*math.pi)
> -                    self.context.fill()
> -                    self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,1.0)
> -                    self.context.arc(x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2),2,0,2*math.pi)
> -                    self.context.fill()
> -                    '''self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.3)
> -                    self.context.arc(x2,y2,2,0,2*math.pi)
> -                    self.context.fill()'''
> -                    self.context.move_to(x1,y1)
> -                    self.context.line_to(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1))
> -                    self.context.stroke()
> -                    self.context.move_to(x2,y2)
> -                    self.context.line_to(x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2))
> -                    self.context.stroke()
> -            #break
> -
> -            #self.context.arc(self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.dimensions[VERT]/2,50,0,3*math.pi/2)
> -            #self.context.fill()
> -
> -
> -class PiePlot(Plot):
> -    #TODO: Check the old cairoplot, graphs aren't matching
> -    def __init__ (self,
> -            surface = None,
> -            data = None,
> -            width = 640,
> -            height = 480,
> -            background = "white light_gray",
> -            gradient = False,
> -            shadow = False,
> -            colors = None):
> -
> -        Plot.__init__( self, surface, data, width, height, background, series_colors = colors )
> -        self.center = (self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.dimensions[VERT]/2)
> -        self.total = sum( self.series.to_list() )
> -        self.radius = min(self.dimensions[HORZ]/3,self.dimensions[VERT]/3)
> -        self.gradient = gradient
> -        self.shadow = shadow
> -
> -    def sort_function(x,y):
> -        return x.content - y.content
> -
> -    def load_series(self, data, x_labels=None, y_labels=None, series_colors=None):
> -        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> -        # Already done inside series
> -        #self.data = sorted(self.data)
> -
> -    def draw_piece(self, angle, next_angle):
> -        self.context.move_to(self.center[0],self.center[1])
> -        self.context.line_to(self.center[0] + self.radius*math.cos(angle), self.center[1] + self.radius*math.sin(angle))
> -        self.context.arc(self.center[0], self.center[1], self.radius, angle, next_angle)
> -        self.context.line_to(self.center[0], self.center[1])
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -
> -    def render(self):
> -        self.render_background()
> -        self.render_bounding_box()
> -        if self.shadow:
> -            self.render_shadow()
> -        self.render_plot()
> -        self.render_series_labels()
> -
> -    def render_shadow(self):
> -        horizontal_shift = 3
> -        vertical_shift = 3
> -        self.context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
> -        self.context.arc(self.center[0] + horizontal_shift, self.center[1] + vertical_shift, self.radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -    def render_series_labels(self):
> -        angle = 0
> -        next_angle = 0
> -        x0,y0 = self.center
> -        cr = self.context
> -        for number,key in enumerate(self.series_labels):
> -            # self.data[number] should be just a number
> -            data = sum(self.series[number].to_list())
> -
> -            next_angle = angle + 2.0*math.pi*data/self.total
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> -            w = cr.text_extents(key)[2]
> -            if (angle + next_angle)/2 < math.pi/2 or (angle + next_angle)/2 > 3*math.pi/2:
> -                cr.move_to(x0 + (self.radius+10)*math.cos((angle+next_angle)/2), y0 + (self.radius+10)*math.sin((angle+next_angle)/2) )
> -            else:
> -                cr.move_to(x0 + (self.radius+10)*math.cos((angle+next_angle)/2) - w, y0 + (self.radius+10)*math.sin((angle+next_angle)/2) )
> -            cr.show_text(key)
> -            angle = next_angle
> -
> -    def render_plot(self):
> -        angle = 0
> -        next_angle = 0
> -        x0,y0 = self.center
> -        cr = self.context
> -        for number,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -            # Group should be just a number
> -            data = sum(group.to_list())
> -            next_angle = angle + 2.0*math.pi*data/self.total
> -            if self.gradient or self.series_colors[number][4] in ('linear','radial'):
> -                gradient_color = cairo.RadialGradient(self.center[0], self.center[1], 0, self.center[0], self.center[1], self.radius)
> -                gradient_color.add_color_stop_rgba(0.3, *self.series_colors[number][:4])
> -                gradient_color.add_color_stop_rgba(1, self.series_colors[number][0]*0.7,
> -                                                      self.series_colors[number][1]*0.7,
> -                                                      self.series_colors[number][2]*0.7,
> -                                                      self.series_colors[number][3])
> -                cr.set_source(gradient_color)
> -            else:
> -                cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> -
> -            self.draw_piece(angle, next_angle)
> -            cr.fill()
> -
> -            cr.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
> -            self.draw_piece(angle, next_angle)
> -            cr.stroke()
> -
> -            angle = next_angle
> -
> -class DonutPlot(PiePlot):
> -    def __init__ (self,
> -            surface = None,
> -            data = None,
> -            width = 640,
> -            height = 480,
> -            background = "white light_gray",
> -            gradient = False,
> -            shadow = False,
> -            colors = None,
> -            inner_radius=-1):
> -
> -        Plot.__init__( self, surface, data, width, height, background, series_colors = colors )
> -
> -        self.center = ( self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.dimensions[VERT]/2 )
> -        self.total = sum( self.series.to_list() )
> -        self.radius = min( self.dimensions[HORZ]/3,self.dimensions[VERT]/3 )
> -        self.inner_radius = inner_radius*self.radius
> -
> -        if inner_radius == -1:
> -            self.inner_radius = self.radius/3
> -
> -        self.gradient = gradient
> -        self.shadow = shadow
> -
> -    def draw_piece(self, angle, next_angle):
> -        self.context.move_to(self.center[0] + (self.inner_radius)*math.cos(angle), self.center[1] + (self.inner_radius)*math.sin(angle))
> -        self.context.line_to(self.center[0] + self.radius*math.cos(angle), self.center[1] + self.radius*math.sin(angle))
> -        self.context.arc(self.center[0], self.center[1], self.radius, angle, next_angle)
> -        self.context.line_to(self.center[0] + (self.inner_radius)*math.cos(next_angle), self.center[1] + (self.inner_radius)*math.sin(next_angle))
> -        self.context.arc_negative(self.center[0], self.center[1], self.inner_radius, next_angle, angle)
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -
> -    def render_shadow(self):
> -        horizontal_shift = 3
> -        vertical_shift = 3
> -        self.context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
> -        self.context.arc(self.center[0] + horizontal_shift, self.center[1] + vertical_shift, self.inner_radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
> -        self.context.arc_negative(self.center[0] + horizontal_shift, self.center[1] + vertical_shift, self.radius, 0, -2*math.pi)
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -class GanttChart (Plot) :
> -    def __init__(self,
> -                 surface = None,
> -                 data = None,
> -                 width = 640,
> -                 height = 480,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 y_labels = None,
> -                 colors = None):
> -        self.bounds = {}
> -        self.max_value = {}
> -        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height,  x_labels = x_labels, y_labels = y_labels, series_colors = colors)
> -
> -    def load_series(self, data, x_labels=None, y_labels=None, series_colors=None):
> -        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> -        self.calc_boundaries()
> -
> -    def calc_boundaries(self):
> -        self.bounds[HORZ] = (0,len(self.series))
> -        end_pos = max(self.series.to_list())
> -
> -        #for group in self.series:
> -        #    if hasattr(item, "__delitem__"):
> -        #        for sub_item in item:
> -        #            end_pos = max(sub_item)
> -        #    else:
> -        #        end_pos = max(item)
> -        self.bounds[VERT] = (0,end_pos)
> -
> -    def calc_extents(self, direction):
> -        self.max_value[direction] = 0
> -        if self.labels[direction]:
> -            self.max_value[direction] = max(self.context.text_extents(item)[2] for item in self.labels[direction])
> -        else:
> -            self.max_value[direction] = self.context.text_extents( str(self.bounds[direction][1] + 1) )[2]
> -
> -    def calc_horz_extents(self):
> -        self.calc_extents(HORZ)
> -        self.borders[HORZ] = 100 + self.max_value[HORZ]
> -
> -    def calc_vert_extents(self):
> -        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> -        self.borders[VERT] = self.dimensions[VERT]/(self.bounds[HORZ][1] + 1)
> -
> -    def calc_steps(self):
> -        self.horizontal_step = (self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ])/(len(self.labels[VERT]))
> -        self.vertical_step = self.borders[VERT]
> -
> -    def render(self):
> -        self.calc_horz_extents()
> -        self.calc_vert_extents()
> -        self.calc_steps()
> -        self.render_background()
> -
> -        self.render_labels()
> -        self.render_grid()
> -        self.render_plot()
> -
> -    def render_background(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(255,255,255)
> -        cr.rectangle(0,0,self.dimensions[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT])
> -        cr.fill()
> -        for number,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -            linear = cairo.LinearGradient(self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step,
> -                                          self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.borders[VERT] + (number+1)*self.vertical_step)
> -            linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
> -            linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0,0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0)
> -            cr.set_source(linear)
> -            cr.rectangle(0,self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step,self.dimensions[HORZ],self.vertical_step)
> -            cr.fill()
> -
> -    def render_grid(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        cr.set_source_rgba(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
> -        cr.set_dash((1,0,0,0,0,0,1))
> -        cr.set_line_width(0.5)
> -        for number,label in enumerate(self.labels[VERT]):
> -            h = cr.text_extents(label)[3]
> -            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + number*self.horizontal_step, self.vertical_step/2 + h)
> -            cr.line_to(self.borders[HORZ] + number*self.horizontal_step, self.dimensions[VERT])
> -        cr.stroke()
> -
> -    def render_labels(self):
> -        self.context.set_font_size(0.02 * self.dimensions[HORZ])
> -
> -        self.render_horz_labels()
> -        self.render_vert_labels()
> -
> -    def render_horz_labels(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        labels = self.labels[HORZ]
> -        if not labels:
> -            labels = [str(i) for i in range(1, self.bounds[HORZ][1] + 1)  ]
> -        for number,label in enumerate(labels):
> -            if label != None:
> -                cr.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
> -                w,h = cr.text_extents(label)[2], cr.text_extents(label)[3]
> -                cr.move_to(40,self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step + self.vertical_step/2 + h/2)
> -                cr.show_text(label)
> -
> -    def render_vert_labels(self):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        labels = self.labels[VERT]
> -        if not labels:
> -            labels = [str(i) for i in range(1, self.bounds[VERT][1] + 1)  ]
> -        for number,label in enumerate(labels):
> -            w,h = cr.text_extents(label)[2], cr.text_extents(label)[3]
> -            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + number*self.horizontal_step - w/2, self.vertical_step/2)
> -            cr.show_text(label)
> -
> -    def render_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, color):
> -        self.draw_shadow(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> -        self.draw_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
> -
> -    def draw_rectangular_shadow(self, gradient, x0, y0, w, h):
> -        self.context.set_source(gradient)
> -        self.context.rectangle(x0,y0,w,h)
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -    def draw_circular_shadow(self, x, y, radius, ang_start, ang_end, mult, shadow):
> -        gradient = cairo.RadialGradient(x, y, 0, x, y, 2*radius)
> -        gradient.add_color_stop_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> -        gradient.add_color_stop_rgba(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> -        self.context.set_source(gradient)
> -        self.context.move_to(x,y)
> -        self.context.line_to(x + mult[0]*radius,y + mult[1]*radius)
> -        self.context.arc(x, y, 8, ang_start, ang_end)
> -        self.context.line_to(x,y)
> -        self.context.close_path()
> -        self.context.fill()
> -
> -    def draw_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, color):
> -        cr = self.context
> -        middle = (x0+x1)/2
> -        linear = cairo.LinearGradient(middle,y0,middle,y1)
> -        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0,3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> -        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1,*color[:4])
> -        cr.set_source(linear)
> -
> -        cr.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
> -        cr.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
> -        cr.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
> -        cr.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
> -        cr.rectangle(x0+5,y0,x1-x0-10,y1-y0)
> -        cr.rectangle(x0,y0+5,x1-x0,y1-y0-10)
> -        cr.fill()
> -
> -    def draw_shadow(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> -        shadow = 0.4
> -        h_mid = (x0+x1)/2
> -        v_mid = (y0+y1)/2
> -        h_linear_1 = cairo.LinearGradient(h_mid,y0-4,h_mid,y0+4)
> -        h_linear_2 = cairo.LinearGradient(h_mid,y1-4,h_mid,y1+4)
> -        v_linear_1 = cairo.LinearGradient(x0-4,v_mid,x0+4,v_mid)
> -        v_linear_2 = cairo.LinearGradient(x1-4,v_mid,x1+4,v_mid)
> -
> -        h_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> -        h_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> -        h_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> -        h_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> -        v_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> -        v_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> -        v_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> -        v_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> -
> -        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(h_linear_1,x0+4,y0-4,x1-x0-8,8)
> -        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(h_linear_2,x0+4,y1-4,x1-x0-8,8)
> -        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(v_linear_1,x0-4,y0+4,8,y1-y0-8)
> -        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(v_linear_2,x1-4,y0+4,8,y1-y0-8)
> -
> -        self.draw_circular_shadow(x0+4, y0+4, 4, math.pi, 3*math.pi/2, (-1,0), shadow)
> -        self.draw_circular_shadow(x1-4, y0+4, 4, 3*math.pi/2, 2*math.pi, (0,-1), shadow)
> -        self.draw_circular_shadow(x0+4, y1-4, 4, math.pi/2, math.pi, (0,1), shadow)
> -        self.draw_circular_shadow(x1-4, y1-4, 4, 0, math.pi/2, (1,0), shadow)
> -
> -    def render_plot(self):
> -        for index,group in enumerate(self.series):
> -            for data in group:
> -                self.render_rectangle(self.borders[HORZ] + data.content[0]*self.horizontal_step,
> -                                      self.borders[VERT] + index*self.vertical_step + self.vertical_step/4.0,
> -                                      self.borders[HORZ] + data.content[1]*self.horizontal_step,
> -                                      self.borders[VERT] + index*self.vertical_step + 3.0*self.vertical_step/4.0,
> -                                      self.series_colors[index])
> -
> -# Function definition
> -
> -def scatter_plot(name,
> -                 data   = None,
> -                 errorx = None,
> -                 errory = None,
> -                 width  = 640,
> -                 height = 480,
> -                 background = "white light_gray",
> -                 border = 0,
> -                 axis = False,
> -                 dash = False,
> -                 discrete = False,
> -                 dots = False,
> -                 grid = False,
> -                 series_legend = False,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 y_labels = None,
> -                 x_bounds = None,
> -                 y_bounds = None,
> -                 z_bounds = None,
> -                 x_title  = None,
> -                 y_title  = None,
> -                 series_colors = None,
> -                 circle_colors = None):
> -
> -    '''
> -        - Function to plot scatter data.
> -
> -        - Parameters
> -
> -        data - The values to be ploted might be passed in a two basic:
> -               list of points:       [(0,0), (0,1), (0,2)] or [(0,0,1), (0,1,4), (0,2,1)]
> -               lists of coordinates: [ [0,0,0] , [0,1,2] ] or [ [0,0,0] , [0,1,2] , [1,4,1] ]
> -               Notice that these kinds of that can be grouped in order to form more complex data
> -               using lists of lists or dictionaries;
> -        series_colors - Define color values for each of the series
> -        circle_colors - Define a lower and an upper bound for the circle colors for variable radius
> -                        (3 dimensions) series
> -    '''
> -
> -    plot = ScatterPlot( name, data, errorx, errory, width, height, background, border,
> -                        axis, dash, discrete, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> -                        x_bounds, y_bounds, z_bounds, x_title, y_title, series_colors, circle_colors )
> -    plot.render()
> -    plot.commit()
> -
> -def dot_line_plot(name,
> -                  data,
> -                  width,
> -                  height,
> -                  background = "white light_gray",
> -                  border = 0,
> -                  axis = False,
> -                  dash = False,
> -                  dots = False,
> -                  grid = False,
> -                  series_legend = False,
> -                  x_labels = None,
> -                  y_labels = None,
> -                  x_bounds = None,
> -                  y_bounds = None,
> -                  x_title  = None,
> -                  y_title  = None,
> -                  series_colors = None):
> -    '''
> -        - Function to plot graphics using dots and lines.
> -
> -        dot_line_plot (name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", border = 0, axis = False, grid = False, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, x_bounds = None, y_bounds = None)
> -
> -        - Parameters
> -
> -        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> -        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> -        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> -        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> -                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> -        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
> -        axis - Whether or not the axis are to be drawn;
> -        dash - Boolean or a list or a dictionary of booleans indicating whether or not the associated series should be drawn in dashed mode;
> -        dots - Whether or not dots should be drawn on each point;
> -        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
> -        series_legend - Whether or not the legend is to be drawn;
> -        x_labels, y_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
> -        x_bounds, y_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
> -        x_title - Whether or not to plot a title over the x axis.
> -        y_title - Whether or not to plot a title over the y axis.
> -
> -        - Examples of use
> -
> -        data = [0, 1, 3, 8, 9, 0, 10, 10, 2, 1]
> -        CairoPlot.dot_line_plot('teste', data, 400, 300)
> -
> -        data = { "john" : [10, 10, 10, 10, 30], "mary" : [0, 0, 3, 5, 15], "philip" : [13, 32, 11, 25, 2] }
> -        x_labels = ["jan/2008", "feb/2008", "mar/2008", "apr/2008", "may/2008" ]
> -        CairoPlot.dot_line_plot( 'test', data, 400, 300, axis = True, grid = True,
> -                                  series_legend = True, x_labels = x_labels )
> -    '''
> -    plot = DotLinePlot( name, data, width, height, background, border,
> -                        axis, dash, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> -                        x_bounds, y_bounds, x_title, y_title, series_colors )
> -    plot.render()
> -    plot.commit()
> -
> -def function_plot(name,
> -                  data,
> -                  width,
> -                  height,
> -                  background = "white light_gray",
> -                  border = 0,
> -                  axis = True,
> -                  dots = False,
> -                  discrete = False,
> -                  grid = False,
> -                  series_legend = False,
> -                  x_labels = None,
> -                  y_labels = None,
> -                  x_bounds = None,
> -                  y_bounds = None,
> -                  x_title  = None,
> -                  y_title  = None,
> -                  series_colors = None,
> -                  step = 1):
> -
> -    '''
> -        - Function to plot functions.
> -
> -        function_plot(name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", border = 0, axis = True, grid = False, dots = False, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, x_bounds = None, y_bounds = None, step = 1, discrete = False)
> -
> -        - Parameters
> -
> -        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> -        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> -        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> -        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> -                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> -        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
> -        axis - Whether or not the axis are to be drawn;
> -        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
> -        dots - Whether or not dots should be shown at each point;
> -        x_labels, y_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
> -        x_bounds, y_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
> -        step - the horizontal distance from one point to the other. The smaller, the smoother the curve will be;
> -        discrete - whether or not the function should be plotted in discrete format.
> -
> -        - Example of use
> -
> -        data = lambda x : x**2
> -        CairoPlot.function_plot('function4', data, 400, 300, grid = True, x_bounds=(-10,10), step = 0.1)
> -    '''
> -
> -    plot = FunctionPlot( name, data, width, height, background, border,
> -                         axis, discrete, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> -                         x_bounds, y_bounds, x_title, y_title, series_colors, step )
> -    plot.render()
> -    plot.commit()
> -
> -def pie_plot( name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", gradient = False, shadow = False, colors = None ):
> -
> -    '''
> -        - Function to plot pie graphics.
> -
> -        pie_plot(name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", gradient = False, colors = None)
> -
> -        - Parameters
> -
> -        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> -        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> -        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> -        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> -                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> -        gradient - Whether or not the pie color will be painted with a gradient;
> -        shadow - Whether or not there will be a shadow behind the pie;
> -        colors - List of slices colors.
> -
> -        - Example of use
> -
> -        teste_data = {"john" : 123, "mary" : 489, "philip" : 890 , "suzy" : 235}
> -        CairoPlot.pie_plot("pie_teste", teste_data, 500, 500)
> -    '''
> -
> -    plot = PiePlot( name, data, width, height, background, gradient, shadow, colors )
> -    plot.render()
> -    plot.commit()
> -
> -def donut_plot(name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", gradient = False, shadow = False, colors = None, inner_radius = -1):
> -
> -    '''
> -        - Function to plot donut graphics.
> -
> -        donut_plot(name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", gradient = False, inner_radius = -1)
> -
> -        - Parameters
> -
> -        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> -        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> -        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> -        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> -                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> -        shadow - Whether or not there will be a shadow behind the donut;
> -        gradient - Whether or not the donut color will be painted with a gradient;
> -        colors - List of slices colors;
> -        inner_radius - The radius of the donut's inner circle.
> -
> -        - Example of use
> -
> -        teste_data = {"john" : 123, "mary" : 489, "philip" : 890 , "suzy" : 235}
> -        CairoPlot.donut_plot("donut_teste", teste_data, 500, 500)
> -    '''
> -
> -    plot = DonutPlot(name, data, width, height, background, gradient, shadow, colors, inner_radius)
> -    plot.render()
> -    plot.commit()
> -
> -def gantt_chart(name, pieces, width, height, x_labels, y_labels, colors):
> -
> -    '''
> -        - Function to generate Gantt Charts.
> -
> -        gantt_chart(name, pieces, width, height, x_labels, y_labels, colors):
> -
> -        - Parameters
> -
> -        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> -        pieces - A list defining the spaces to be drawn. The user must pass, for each line, the index of its start and the index of its end. If a line must have two or more spaces, they must be passed inside a list;
> -        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> -        x_labels - A list of names for each of the vertical lines;
> -        y_labels - A list of names for each of the horizontal spaces;
> -        colors - List containing the colors expected for each of the horizontal spaces
> -
> -        - Example of use
> -
> -        pieces = [ (0.5,5.5) , [(0,4),(6,8)] , (5.5,7) , (7,8)]
> -        x_labels = [ 'teste01', 'teste02', 'teste03', 'teste04']
> -        y_labels = [ '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0006', '0007', '0008', '0009', '0010' ]
> -        colors = [ (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.7, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ]
> -        CairoPlot.gantt_chart('gantt_teste', pieces, 600, 300, x_labels, y_labels, colors)
> -    '''
> -
> -    plot = GanttChart(name, pieces, width, height, x_labels, y_labels, colors)
> -    plot.render()
> -    plot.commit()
> -
> -def vertical_bar_plot(name,
> -                      data,
> -                      width,
> -                      height,
> -                      background = "white light_gray",
> -                      border = 0,
> -                      display_values = False,
> -                      grid = False,
> -                      rounded_corners = False,
> -                      stack = False,
> -                      three_dimension = False,
> -                      series_labels = None,
> -                      x_labels = None,
> -                      y_labels = None,
> -                      x_bounds = None,
> -                      y_bounds = None,
> -                      colors = None):
> -    #TODO: Fix docstring for vertical_bar_plot
> -    '''
> -        - Function to generate vertical Bar Plot Charts.
> -
> -        bar_plot(name, data, width, height, background, border, grid, rounded_corners, three_dimension,
> -                 x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors):
> -
> -        - Parameters
> -
> -        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtime;
> -        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> -        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> -        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> -                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> -        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
> -        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
> -        rounded_corners - Whether or not the bars should have rounded corners;
> -        three_dimension - Whether or not the bars should be drawn in pseudo 3D;
> -        x_labels, y_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
> -        x_bounds, y_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
> -        colors - List containing the colors expected for each of the bars.
> -
> -        - Example of use
> -
> -        data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
> -        CairoPlot.vertical_bar_plot ('bar2', data, 400, 300, border = 20, grid = True, rounded_corners = False)
> -    '''
> -
> -    plot = VerticalBarPlot(name, data, width, height, background, border,
> -                           display_values, grid, rounded_corners, stack, three_dimension,
> -                           series_labels, x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors)
> -    plot.render()
> -    plot.commit()
> -
> -def horizontal_bar_plot(name,
> -                       data,
> -                       width,
> -                       height,
> -                       background = "white light_gray",
> -                       border = 0,
> -                       display_values = False,
> -                       grid = False,
> -                       rounded_corners = False,
> -                       stack = False,
> -                       three_dimension = False,
> -                       series_labels = None,
> -                       x_labels = None,
> -                       y_labels = None,
> -                       x_bounds = None,
> -                       y_bounds = None,
> -                       colors = None):
> -
> -    #TODO: Fix docstring for horizontal_bar_plot
> -    '''
> -        - Function to generate Horizontal Bar Plot Charts.
> -
> -        bar_plot(name, data, width, height, background, border, grid, rounded_corners, three_dimension,
> -                 x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors):
> -
> -        - Parameters
> -
> -        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtime;
> -        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> -        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> -        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> -                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> -        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
> -        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
> -        rounded_corners - Whether or not the bars should have rounded corners;
> -        three_dimension - Whether or not the bars should be drawn in pseudo 3D;
> -        x_labels, y_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
> -        x_bounds, y_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
> -        colors - List containing the colors expected for each of the bars.
> -
> -        - Example of use
> -
> -        data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
> -        CairoPlot.bar_plot ('bar2', data, 400, 300, border = 20, grid = True, rounded_corners = False)
> -    '''
> -
> -    plot = HorizontalBarPlot(name, data, width, height, background, border,
> -                             display_values, grid, rounded_corners, stack, three_dimension,
> -                             series_labels, x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors)
> -    plot.render()
> -    plot.commit()
> -
> -def stream_chart(name,
> -                 data,
> -                 width,
> -                 height,
> -                 background = "white light_gray",
> -                 border = 0,
> -                 grid = False,
> -                 series_legend = None,
> -                 x_labels = None,
> -                 x_bounds = None,
> -                 y_bounds = None,
> -                 colors = None):
> -
> -    #TODO: Fix docstring for horizontal_bar_plot
> -    plot = StreamChart(name, data, width, height, background, border,
> -                       grid, series_legend, x_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors)
> -    plot.render()
> -    plot.commit()
> -
> -
> -if __name__ == "__main__":
> -    import tests
> -    import seriestests
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py b/bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py
> deleted file mode 100644
> index a7e8255..0000000
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
> -# pprint_table.py
> -# 
> -# This module is used to pretty-print a table
> -# Adapted from
> -# http://ginstrom.com/scribbles/2007/09/04/pretty-printing-a-table-in-python/
> -
> -import sys
> -
> -def get_max_width(table, index):
> -	"""Get the maximum width of the given column index"""
> -
> -	return max([len(str(row[index])) for row in table])
> -
> -
> -def pprint_table(table, nbLeft=1, out=sys.stdout):
> -	"""
> -	Prints out a table of data, padded for alignment
> -	@param table: The table to print. A list of lists.
> -	Each row must have the same number of columns.
> -	@param nbLeft: The number of columns aligned left
> -	@param out: Output stream (file-like object)
> -	"""
> -
> -	col_paddings = []
> -
> -	for i in range(len(table[0])):
> -		col_paddings.append(get_max_width(table, i))
> -
> -	for row in table:
> -		# left cols
> -		for i in range(nbLeft):
> -			print >> out, str(row[i]).ljust(col_paddings[i] + 1),
> -		# rest of the cols
> -		for i in range(nbLeft, len(row)):
> -			col = str(row[i]).rjust(col_paddings[i] + 2)
> -			print >> out, col,
> -		print >> out
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/series.py b/bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/series.py
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 8e8b236..0000000
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/output_format_modules/series.py
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,1140 +0,0 @@
> -#!/usr/bin/env python
> -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> -
> -# Serie.py
> -#
> -# Copyright (c) 2008 Magnun Leno da Silva
> -#
> -# Author: Magnun Leno da Silva <magnun.leno at gmail.com>
> -#
> -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> -# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
> -# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
> -# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> -#
> -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> -# GNU General Public License for more details.
> -#
> -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
> -# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> -# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
> -# USA
> -
> -# Contributor: Rodrigo Moreiro Araujo <alf.rodrigo at gmail.com>
> -
> -#import cairoplot
> -import doctest
> -
> -NUMTYPES = (int, float, long)
> -LISTTYPES = (list, tuple)
> -STRTYPES = (str, unicode)
> -FILLING_TYPES = ['linear', 'solid', 'gradient']
> -#TODO: Define default color list
> -
> -class Data(object):
> -    '''
> -        Class that models the main data structure.
> -        It can hold:
> -         - a number type (int, float or long)
> -         - a tuple, witch represents a point and can have 2 or 3 items (x,y,z)
> -         - if a list is passed it will be converted to a tuple.
> -
> -        obs: In case a tuple is passed it will convert to tuple
> -    '''
> -    def __init__(self, data=None, name=None, parent=None):
> -        '''
> -            Starts main atributes from the Data class
> -            @name    - Name for each point;
> -            @content - The real data, can be an int, float, long or tuple, which
> -                       represents a point (x,y) or (x,y,z);
> -            @parent  - A pointer that give the data access to it's parent.
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> d = Data(name='empty'); print d
> -            empty: ()
> -            >>> d = Data((1,1),'point a'); print d
> -            point a: (1, 1)
> -            >>> d = Data((1,2,3),'point b'); print d
> -            point b: (1, 2, 3)
> -            >>> d = Data([2,3],'point c'); print d
> -            point c: (2, 3)
> -            >>> d = Data(12, 'simple value'); print d
> -            simple value: 12
> -        '''
> -        # Initial values
> -        self.__content = None
> -        self.__name = None
> -
> -        # Setting passed values
> -        self.parent = parent
> -        self.name = name
> -        self.content = data
> -
> -    # Name property
> -    @apply
> -    def name():
> -        doc = '''
> -            Name is a read/write property that controls the input of name.
> -             - If passed an invalid value it cleans the name with None
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> d = Data(13); d.name = 'name_test'; print d
> -            name_test: 13
> -            >>> d.name = 11; print d
> -            13
> -            >>> d.name = 'other_name'; print d
> -            other_name: 13
> -            >>> d.name = None; print d
> -            13
> -            >>> d.name = 'last_name'; print d
> -            last_name: 13
> -            >>> d.name = ''; print d
> -            13
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                returns the name as a string
> -            '''
> -            return self.__name
> -
> -        def fset(self, name):
> -            '''
> -                Sets the name of the Data
> -            '''
> -            if type(name) in STRTYPES and len(name) > 0:
> -                self.__name = name
> -            else:
> -                self.__name = None
> -
> -
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -    # Content property
> -    @apply
> -    def content():
> -        doc = '''
> -            Content is a read/write property that validate the data passed
> -            and return it.
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> d = Data(); d.content = 13; d.content
> -            13
> -            >>> d = Data(); d.content = (1,2); d.content
> -            (1, 2)
> -            >>> d = Data(); d.content = (1,2,3); d.content
> -            (1, 2, 3)
> -            >>> d = Data(); d.content = [1,2,3]; d.content
> -            (1, 2, 3)
> -            >>> d = Data(); d.content = [1.5,.2,3.3]; d.content
> -            (1.5, 0.20000000000000001, 3.2999999999999998)
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                Return the content of Data
> -            '''
> -            return self.__content
> -
> -        def fset(self, data):
> -            '''
> -                Ensures that data is a valid tuple/list or a number (int, float
> -                or long)
> -            '''
> -            # Type: None
> -            if data is None:
> -                self.__content = None
> -                return
> -
> -            # Type: Int or Float
> -            elif type(data) in NUMTYPES:
> -                self.__content = data
> -
> -            # Type: List or Tuple
> -            elif type(data) in LISTTYPES:
> -                # Ensures the correct size
> -                if len(data) not in (2, 3):
> -                    raise TypeError, "Data (as list/tuple) must have 2 or 3 items"
> -                    return
> -
> -                # Ensures that all items in list/tuple is a number
> -                isnum = lambda x : type(x) not in NUMTYPES
> -
> -                if max(map(isnum, data)):
> -                    # An item in data isn't an int or a float
> -                    raise TypeError, "All content of data must be a number (int or float)"
> -
> -                # Convert the tuple to list
> -                if type(data) is list:
> -                    data = tuple(data)
> -
> -                # Append a copy and sets the type
> -                self.__content = data[:]
> -
> -            # Unknown type!
> -            else:
> -                self.__content = None
> -                raise TypeError, "Data must be an int, float or a tuple with two or three items"
> -                return
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -
> -    def clear(self):
> -        '''
> -            Clear the all Data (content, name and parent)
> -        '''
> -        self.content = None
> -        self.name = None
> -        self.parent = None
> -
> -    def copy(self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns a copy of the Data structure
> -        '''
> -        # The copy
> -        new_data = Data()
> -        if self.content is not None:
> -            # If content is a point
> -            if type(self.content) is tuple:
> -                new_data.__content = self.content[:]
> -
> -            # If content is a number
> -            else:
> -                new_data.__content = self.content
> -
> -        # If it has a name
> -        if self.name is not None:
> -            new_data.__name = self.name
> -
> -        return new_data
> -
> -    def __str__(self):
> -        '''
> -            Return a string representation of the Data structure
> -        '''
> -        if self.name is None:
> -            if self.content is None:
> -                return ''
> -            return str(self.content)
> -        else:
> -            if self.content is None:
> -                return self.name+": ()"
> -            return self.name+": "+str(self.content)
> -
> -    def __len__(self):
> -        '''
> -            Return the length of the Data.
> -             - If it's a number return 1;
> -             - If it's a list return it's length;
> -             - If its None return 0.
> -        '''
> -        if self.content is None:
> -            return 0
> -        elif type(self.content) in NUMTYPES:
> -            return 1
> -        return len(self.content)
> -
> -
> -
> -
> -class Group(object):
> -    '''
> -        Class that models a group of data. Every value (int, float, long, tuple
> -        or list) passed is converted to a list of Data.
> -        It can receive:
> -         - A single number (int, float, long);
> -         - A list of numbers;
> -         - A tuple of numbers;
> -         - An instance of Data;
> -         - A list of Data;
> -
> -         Obs: If a tuple with 2 or 3 items is passed it is converted to a point.
> -              If a tuple with only 1 item is passed it's converted to a number;
> -              If a tuple with more than 2 items is passed it's converted to a
> -               list of numbers
> -    '''
> -    def __init__(self, group=None, name=None, parent=None):
> -        '''
> -            Starts main atributes in Group instance.
> -            @data_list  - a list of data which forms the group;
> -            @range      - a range that represent the x axis of possible functions;
> -            @name       - name of the data group;
> -            @parent     - the Serie parent of this group.
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> g = Group(13, 'simple number'); print g
> -            simple number ['13']
> -            >>> g = Group((1,2), 'simple point'); print g
> -            simple point ['(1, 2)']
> -            >>> g = Group([1,2,3,4], 'list of numbers'); print g
> -            list of numbers ['1', '2', '3', '4']
> -            >>> g = Group((1,2,3,4),'int in tuple'); print g
> -            int in tuple ['1', '2', '3', '4']
> -            >>> g = Group([(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)], 'list of points'); print g
> -            list of points ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)', '(3, 4)']
> -            >>> g = Group([[1,2,3],[1,2,3]], '2D coordinate lists'); print g
> -            2D coordinated lists ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)', '(3, 3)']
> -            >>> g = Group([[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]], '3D coordinate lists'); print g
> -            3D coordinated lists ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)']
> -        '''
> -        # Initial values
> -        self.__data_list = []
> -        self.__range = []
> -        self.__name = None
> -
> -
> -        self.parent = parent
> -        self.name = name
> -        self.data_list = group
> -
> -    # Name property
> -    @apply
> -    def name():
> -        doc = '''
> -            Name is a read/write property that controls the input of name.
> -             - If passed an invalid value it cleans the name with None
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> g = Group(13); g.name = 'name_test'; print g
> -            name_test ['13']
> -            >>> g.name = 11; print g
> -            ['13']
> -            >>> g.name = 'other_name'; print g
> -            other_name ['13']
> -            >>> g.name = None; print g
> -            ['13']
> -            >>> g.name = 'last_name'; print g
> -            last_name ['13']
> -            >>> g.name = ''; print g
> -            ['13']
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                Returns the name as a string
> -            '''
> -            return self.__name
> -
> -        def fset(self, name):
> -            '''
> -                Sets the name of the Group
> -            '''
> -            if type(name) in STRTYPES and len(name) > 0:
> -                self.__name = name
> -            else:
> -                self.__name = None
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -    # data_list property
> -    @apply
> -    def data_list():
> -        doc = '''
> -            The data_list is a read/write property that can be a list of
> -            numbers, a list of points or a list of 2 or 3 coordinate lists. This
> -            property uses mainly the self.add_data method.
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> g = Group(); g.data_list = 13; print g
> -            ['13']
> -            >>> g.data_list = (1,2); print g
> -            ['(1, 2)']
> -            >>> g.data_list = Data((1,2),'point a'); print g
> -            ['point a: (1, 2)']
> -            >>> g.data_list = [1,2,3]; print g
> -            ['1', '2', '3']
> -            >>> g.data_list = (1,2,3,4); print g
> -            ['1', '2', '3', '4']
> -            >>> g.data_list = [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)]; print g
> -            ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)', '(3, 4)']
> -            >>> g.data_list = [[1,2],[1,2]]; print g
> -            ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)']
> -            >>> g.data_list = [[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]]; print g
> -            ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)']
> -            >>> g.range = (10); g.data_list = lambda x:x**2; print g
> -            ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 9.0)', '(4.0, 16.0)', '(5.0, 25.0)', '(6.0, 36.0)', '(7.0, 49.0)', '(8.0, 64.0)', '(9.0, 81.0)']
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                Returns the value of data_list
> -            '''
> -            return self.__data_list
> -
> -        def fset(self, group):
> -            '''
> -                Ensures that group is valid.
> -            '''
> -            # None
> -            if group is None:
> -                self.__data_list = []
> -
> -            # Int/float/long or Instance of Data
> -            elif type(group) in NUMTYPES or isinstance(group, Data):
> -                # Clean data_list
> -                self.__data_list = []
> -                self.add_data(group)
> -
> -            # One point
> -            elif type(group) is tuple and len(group) in (2,3):
> -                self.__data_list = []
> -                self.add_data(group)
> -
> -            # list of items
> -            elif type(group) in LISTTYPES and type(group[0]) is not list:
> -                # Clean data_list
> -                self.__data_list = []
> -                for item in group:
> -                    # try to append and catch an exception
> -                    self.add_data(item)
> -
> -            # function lambda
> -            elif callable(group):
> -                # Explicit is better than implicit
> -                function = group
> -                # Has range
> -                if len(self.range) is not 0:
> -                    # Clean data_list
> -                    self.__data_list = []
> -                    # Generate values for the lambda function
> -                    for x in self.range:
> -                        #self.add_data((x,round(group(x),2)))
> -                        self.add_data((x,function(x)))
> -
> -                # Only have range in parent
> -                elif self.parent is not None and len(self.parent.range) is not 0:
> -                    # Copy parent range
> -                    self.__range = self.parent.range[:]
> -                    # Clean data_list
> -                    self.__data_list = []
> -                    # Generate values for the lambda function
> -                    for x in self.range:
> -                        #self.add_data((x,round(group(x),2)))
> -                        self.add_data((x,function(x)))
> -
> -                # Don't have range anywhere
> -                else:
> -                    # x_data don't exist
> -                    raise Exception, "Data argument is valid but to use function type please set x_range first"
> -
> -            # Coordinate Lists
> -            elif type(group) in LISTTYPES and type(group[0]) is list:
> -                # Clean data_list
> -                self.__data_list = []
> -                data = []
> -                if len(group) == 3:
> -                    data = zip(group[0], group[1], group[2])
> -                elif len(group) == 2:
> -                    data = zip(group[0], group[1])
> -                else:
> -                    raise TypeError, "Only one list of coordinates was received."
> -
> -                for item in data:
> -                    self.add_data(item)
> -
> -            else:
> -                raise TypeError, "Group type not supported"
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -    @apply
> -    def range():
> -        doc = '''
> -            The range is a read/write property that generates a range of values
> -            for the x axis of the functions. When passed a tuple it almost works
> -            like the built-in range funtion:
> -             - 1 item, represent the end of the range started from 0;
> -             - 2 items, represents the start and the end, respectively;
> -             - 3 items, the last one represents the step;
> -
> -            When passed a list the range function understands as a valid range.
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> g = Group(); g.range = 10; print g.range
> -            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
> -            >>> g = Group(); g.range = (5); print g.range
> -            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
> -            >>> g = Group(); g.range = (1,7); print g.range
> -            [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
> -            >>> g = Group(); g.range = (0,10,2); print g.range
> -            [0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0]
> -            >>>
> -            >>> g = Group(); g.range = [0]; print g.range
> -            [0.0]
> -            >>> g = Group(); g.range = [0,10,20]; print g.range
> -            [0.0, 10.0, 20.0]
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                Returns the range
> -            '''
> -            return self.__range
> -
> -        def fset(self, x_range):
> -            '''
> -                Controls the input of a valid type and generate the range
> -            '''
> -            # if passed a simple number convert to tuple
> -            if type(x_range) in NUMTYPES:
> -                x_range = (x_range,)
> -
> -            # A list, just convert to float
> -            if type(x_range) is list and len(x_range) > 0:
> -                # Convert all to float
> -                x_range = map(float, x_range)
> -                # Prevents repeated values and convert back to list
> -                self.__range = list(set(x_range[:]))
> -                # Sort the list to ascending order
> -                self.__range.sort()
> -
> -            # A tuple, must check the lengths and generate the values
> -            elif type(x_range) is tuple and len(x_range) in (1,2,3):
> -                # Convert all to float
> -                x_range = map(float, x_range)
> -
> -                # Inital values
> -                start = 0.0
> -                step = 1.0
> -                end = 0.0
> -
> -                # Only the end and it can't be less or iqual to 0
> -                if len(x_range) is 1 and x_range > 0:
> -                        end = x_range[0]
> -
> -                # The start and the end but the start must be less then the end
> -                elif len(x_range) is 2 and x_range[0] < x_range[1]:
> -                        start = x_range[0]
> -                        end = x_range[1]
> -
> -                # All 3, but the start must be less then the end
> -                elif x_range[0] <= x_range[1]:
> -                        start = x_range[0]
> -                        end = x_range[1]
> -                        step = x_range[2]
> -
> -                # Starts the range
> -                self.__range = []
> -                # Generate the range
> -                # Can't use the range function because it doesn't support float values
> -                while start < end:
> -                    self.__range.append(start)
> -                    start += step
> -
> -            # Incorrect type
> -            else:
> -                raise Exception, "x_range must be a list with one or more items or a tuple with 2 or 3 items"
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -    def add_data(self, data, name=None):
> -        '''
> -            Append a new data to the data_list.
> -             - If data is an instance of Data, append it
> -             - If it's an int, float, tuple or list create an instance of Data and append it
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> g = Group()
> -            >>> g.add_data(12); print g
> -            ['12']
> -            >>> g.add_data(7,'other'); print g
> -            ['12', 'other: 7']
> -            >>>
> -            >>> g = Group()
> -            >>> g.add_data((1,1),'a'); print g
> -            ['a: (1, 1)']
> -            >>> g.add_data((2,2),'b'); print g
> -            ['a: (1, 1)', 'b: (2, 2)']
> -            >>>
> -            >>> g.add_data(Data((1,2),'c')); print g
> -            ['a: (1, 1)', 'b: (2, 2)', 'c: (1, 2)']
> -        '''
> -        if not isinstance(data, Data):
> -            # Try to convert
> -            data = Data(data,name,self)
> -
> -        if data.content is not None:
> -            self.__data_list.append(data.copy())
> -            self.__data_list[-1].parent = self
> -
> -
> -    def to_list(self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns the group as a list of numbers (int, float or long) or a
> -            list of tuples (points 2D or 3D).
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> g = Group([1,2,3,4],'g1'); g.to_list()
> -            [1, 2, 3, 4]
> -            >>> g = Group([(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)],'g2'); g.to_list()
> -            [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
> -            >>> g = Group([(1,2,3),(3,4,5)],'g2'); g.to_list()
> -            [(1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5)]
> -        '''
> -        return [data.content for data in self]
> -
> -    def copy(self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns a copy of this group
> -        '''
> -        new_group = Group()
> -        new_group.__name = self.__name
> -        if self.__range is not None:
> -            new_group.__range = self.__range[:]
> -        for data in self:
> -            new_group.add_data(data.copy())
> -        return new_group
> -
> -    def get_names(self):
> -        '''
> -            Return a list with the names of all data in this group
> -        '''
> -        names = []
> -        for data in self:
> -            if data.name is None:
> -                names.append('Data '+str(data.index()+1))
> -            else:
> -                names.append(data.name)
> -        return names
> -
> -
> -    def __str__ (self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns a string representing the Group
> -        '''
> -        ret = ""
> -        if self.name is not None:
> -            ret += self.name + " "
> -        if len(self) > 0:
> -            list_str = [str(item) for item in self]
> -            ret += str(list_str)
> -        else:
> -            ret += "[]"
> -        return ret
> -
> -    def __getitem__(self, key):
> -        '''
> -            Makes a Group iterable, based in the data_list property
> -        '''
> -        return self.data_list[key]
> -
> -    def __len__(self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns the length of the Group, based in the data_list property
> -        '''
> -        return len(self.data_list)
> -
> -
> -class Colors(object):
> -    '''
> -        Class that models the colors its labels (names) and its properties, RGB
> -        and filling type.
> -
> -        It can receive:
> -        - A list where each item is a list with 3 or 4 items. The
> -          first 3 items represent the RGB values and the last argument
> -          defines the filling type. The list will be converted to a dict
> -          and each color will receve a name based in its position in the
> -          list.
> -        - A dictionary where each key will be the color name and its item
> -          can be a list with 3 or 4 items. The first 3 items represent
> -          the RGB colors and the last argument defines the filling type.
> -    '''
> -    def __init__(self, color_list=None):
> -        '''
> -            Start the color_list property
> -            @ color_list - the list or dict contaning the colors properties.
> -        '''
> -        self.__color_list = None
> -
> -        self.color_list = color_list
> -
> -    @apply
> -    def color_list():
> -        doc = '''
> -        >>> c = Colors([[1,1,1],[2,2,2,'linear'],[3,3,3,'gradient']])
> -        >>> print c.color_list
> -        {'Color 2': [2, 2, 2, 'linear'], 'Color 3': [3, 3, 3, 'gradient'], 'Color 1': [1, 1, 1, 'solid']}
> -        >>> c.color_list = [[1,1,1],(2,2,2,'solid'),(3,3,3,'linear')]
> -        >>> print c.color_list
> -        {'Color 2': [2, 2, 2, 'solid'], 'Color 3': [3, 3, 3, 'linear'], 'Color 1': [1, 1, 1, 'solid']}
> -        >>> c.color_list = {'a':[1,1,1],'b':(2,2,2,'solid'),'c':(3,3,3,'linear'), 'd':(4,4,4)}
> -        >>> print c.color_list
> -        {'a': [1, 1, 1, 'solid'], 'c': [3, 3, 3, 'linear'], 'b': [2, 2, 2, 'solid'], 'd': [4, 4, 4, 'solid']}
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                Return the color list
> -            '''
> -            return self.__color_list
> -
> -        def fset(self, color_list):
> -            '''
> -                Format the color list to a dictionary
> -            '''
> -            if color_list is None:
> -                self.__color_list = None
> -                return
> -
> -            if type(color_list) in LISTTYPES and type(color_list[0]) in LISTTYPES:
> -                old_color_list = color_list[:]
> -                color_list = {}
> -                for index, color in enumerate(old_color_list):
> -                    if len(color) is 3 and max(map(type, color)) in NUMTYPES:
> -                        color_list['Color '+str(index+1)] = list(color)+[DEFAULT_COLOR_FILLING]
> -                    elif len(color) is 4 and max(map(type, color[:-1])) in NUMTYPES and color[-1] in FILLING_TYPES:
> -                        color_list['Color '+str(index+1)] = list(color)
> -                    else:
> -                        raise TypeError, "Unsuported color format"
> -            elif type(color_list) is not dict:
> -                raise TypeError, "Unsuported color format"
> -
> -            for name, color in color_list.items():
> -                if len(color) is 3:
> -                    if max(map(type, color)) in NUMTYPES:
> -                        color_list[name] = list(color)+[DEFAULT_COLOR_FILLING]
> -                    else:
> -                        raise TypeError, "Unsuported color format"
> -                elif len(color) is 4:
> -                    if max(map(type, color[:-1])) in NUMTYPES and color[-1] in FILLING_TYPES:
> -                        color_list[name] = list(color)
> -                    else:
> -                        raise TypeError, "Unsuported color format"
> -            self.__color_list = color_list.copy()
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -
> -class Series(object):
> -    '''
> -        Class that models a Series (group of groups). Every value (int, float,
> -        long, tuple or list) passed is converted to a list of Group or Data.
> -        It can receive:
> -         - a single number or point, will be converted to a Group of one Data;
> -         - a list of numbers, will be converted to a group of numbers;
> -         - a list of tuples, will converted to a single Group of points;
> -         - a list of lists of numbers, each 'sublist' will be converted to a
> -           group of numbers;
> -         - a list of lists of tuples, each 'sublist' will be converted to a
> -           group of points;
> -         - a list of lists of lists, the content of the 'sublist' will be
> -           processed as coordinated lists and the result will be converted to
> -           a group of points;
> -         - a Dictionary where each item can be the same of the list: number,
> -           point, list of numbers, list of points or list of lists (coordinated
> -           lists);
> -         - an instance of Data;
> -         - an instance of group.
> -    '''
> -    def __init__(self, series=None, name=None, property=[], colors=None):
> -        '''
> -            Starts main atributes in Group instance.
> -            @series     - a list, dict of data of which the series is composed;
> -            @name       - name of the series;
> -            @property   - a list/dict of properties to be used in the plots of
> -                          this Series
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> print Series([1,2,3,4])
> -            ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3', '4']"]
> -            >>> print Series([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
> -            ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3']", "Group 2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
> -            >>> print Series((1,2))
> -            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)']"]
> -            >>> print Series([(1,2),(2,3)])
> -            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
> -            >>> print Series([[(1,2),(2,3)],[(4,5),(5,6)]])
> -            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "Group 2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
> -            >>> print Series([[[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3]]])
> -            ["Group 1 ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)', '(3, 3, 3)']"]
> -            >>> print Series({'g1':[1,2,3], 'g2':[4,5,6]})
> -            ["g1 ['1', '2', '3']", "g2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
> -            >>> print Series({'g1':[(1,2),(2,3)], 'g2':[(4,5),(5,6)]})
> -            ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "g2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
> -            >>> print Series({'g1':[[1,2],[1,2]], 'g2':[[4,5],[4,5]]})
> -            ["g1 ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)']", "g2 ['(4, 4)', '(5, 5)']"]
> -            >>> print Series(Data(1,'d1'))
> -            ["Group 1 ['d1: 1']"]
> -            >>> print Series(Group([(1,2),(2,3)],'g1'))
> -            ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
> -        '''
> -        # Intial values
> -        self.__group_list = []
> -        self.__name = None
> -        self.__range = None
> -
> -        # TODO: Implement colors with filling
> -        self.__colors = None
> -
> -        self.name = name
> -        self.group_list = series
> -        self.colors = colors
> -
> -    # Name property
> -    @apply
> -    def name():
> -        doc = '''
> -            Name is a read/write property that controls the input of name.
> -             - If passed an invalid value it cleans the name with None
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> s = Series(13); s.name = 'name_test'; print s
> -            name_test ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> -            >>> s.name = 11; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> -            >>> s.name = 'other_name'; print s
> -            other_name ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> -            >>> s.name = None; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> -            >>> s.name = 'last_name'; print s
> -            last_name ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> -            >>> s.name = ''; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                Returns the name as a string
> -            '''
> -            return self.__name
> -
> -        def fset(self, name):
> -            '''
> -                Sets the name of the Group
> -            '''
> -            if type(name) in STRTYPES and len(name) > 0:
> -                self.__name = name
> -            else:
> -                self.__name = None
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -
> -
> -    # Colors property
> -    @apply
> -    def colors():
> -        doc = '''
> -        >>> s = Series()
> -        >>> s.colors = [[1,1,1],[2,2,2,'linear'],[3,3,3,'gradient']]
> -        >>> print s.colors
> -        {'Color 2': [2, 2, 2, 'linear'], 'Color 3': [3, 3, 3, 'gradient'], 'Color 1': [1, 1, 1, 'solid']}
> -        >>> s.colors = [[1,1,1],(2,2,2,'solid'),(3,3,3,'linear')]
> -        >>> print s.colors
> -        {'Color 2': [2, 2, 2, 'solid'], 'Color 3': [3, 3, 3, 'linear'], 'Color 1': [1, 1, 1, 'solid']}
> -        >>> s.colors = {'a':[1,1,1],'b':(2,2,2,'solid'),'c':(3,3,3,'linear'), 'd':(4,4,4)}
> -        >>> print s.colors
> -        {'a': [1, 1, 1, 'solid'], 'c': [3, 3, 3, 'linear'], 'b': [2, 2, 2, 'solid'], 'd': [4, 4, 4, 'solid']}
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                Return the color list
> -            '''
> -            return self.__colors.color_list
> -
> -        def fset(self, colors):
> -            '''
> -                Format the color list to a dictionary
> -            '''
> -            self.__colors = Colors(colors)
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -    @apply
> -    def range():
> -        doc = '''
> -            The range is a read/write property that generates a range of values
> -            for the x axis of the functions. When passed a tuple it almost works
> -            like the built-in range funtion:
> -             - 1 item, represent the end of the range started from 0;
> -             - 2 items, represents the start and the end, respectively;
> -             - 3 items, the last one represents the step;
> -
> -            When passed a list the range function understands as a valid range.
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> s = Series(); s.range = 10; print s.range
> -            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0]
> -            >>> s = Series(); s.range = (5); print s.range
> -            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
> -            >>> s = Series(); s.range = (1,7); print s.range
> -            [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]
> -            >>> s = Series(); s.range = (0,10,2); print s.range
> -            [0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0]
> -            >>>
> -            >>> s = Series(); s.range = [0]; print s.range
> -            [0.0]
> -            >>> s = Series(); s.range = [0,10,20]; print s.range
> -            [0.0, 10.0, 20.0]
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                Returns the range
> -            '''
> -            return self.__range
> -
> -        def fset(self, x_range):
> -            '''
> -                Controls the input of a valid type and generate the range
> -            '''
> -            # if passed a simple number convert to tuple
> -            if type(x_range) in NUMTYPES:
> -                x_range = (x_range,)
> -
> -            # A list, just convert to float
> -            if type(x_range) is list and len(x_range) > 0:
> -                # Convert all to float
> -                x_range = map(float, x_range)
> -                # Prevents repeated values and convert back to list
> -                self.__range = list(set(x_range[:]))
> -                # Sort the list to ascending order
> -                self.__range.sort()
> -
> -            # A tuple, must check the lengths and generate the values
> -            elif type(x_range) is tuple and len(x_range) in (1,2,3):
> -                # Convert all to float
> -                x_range = map(float, x_range)
> -
> -                # Inital values
> -                start = 0.0
> -                step = 1.0
> -                end = 0.0
> -
> -                # Only the end and it can't be less or iqual to 0
> -                if len(x_range) is 1 and x_range > 0:
> -                        end = x_range[0]
> -
> -                # The start and the end but the start must be lesser then the end
> -                elif len(x_range) is 2 and x_range[0] < x_range[1]:
> -                        start = x_range[0]
> -                        end = x_range[1]
> -
> -                # All 3, but the start must be lesser then the end
> -                elif x_range[0] < x_range[1]:
> -                        start = x_range[0]
> -                        end = x_range[1]
> -                        step = x_range[2]
> -
> -                # Starts the range
> -                self.__range = []
> -                # Generate the range
> -                # Cnat use the range function becouse it don't suport float values
> -                while start <= end:
> -                    self.__range.append(start)
> -                    start += step
> -
> -            # Incorrect type
> -            else:
> -                raise Exception, "x_range must be a list with one or more item or a tuple with 2 or 3 items"
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -    @apply
> -    def group_list():
> -        doc = '''
> -            The group_list is a read/write property used to pre-process the list
> -            of Groups.
> -            It can be:
> -             - a single number, point or lambda, will be converted to a single
> -               Group of one Data;
> -             - a list of numbers, will be converted to a group of numbers;
> -             - a list of tuples, will converted to a single Group of points;
> -             - a list of lists of numbers, each 'sublist' will be converted to
> -               a group of numbers;
> -             - a list of lists of tuples, each 'sublist' will be converted to a
> -               group of points;
> -             - a list of lists of lists, the content of the 'sublist' will be
> -               processed as coordinated lists and the result will be converted
> -               to a group of points;
> -             - a list of lambdas, each lambda represents a Group;
> -             - a Dictionary where each item can be the same of the list: number,
> -               point, list of numbers, list of points, list of lists
> -               (coordinated lists) or lambdas
> -             - an instance of Data;
> -             - an instance of group.
> -
> -            Usage:
> -            >>> s = Series()
> -            >>> s.group_list = [1,2,3,4]; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3', '4']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3']", "Group 2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = (1,2); print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = [(1,2),(2,3)]; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = [[(1,2),(2,3)],[(4,5),(5,6)]]; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "Group 2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = [[[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3]]]; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)', '(3, 3, 3)']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = [(0.5,5.5) , [(0,4),(6,8)] , (5.5,7) , (7,9)]; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['(0.5, 5.5)']", "Group 2 ['(0, 4)', '(6, 8)']", "Group 3 ['(5.5, 7)']", "Group 4 ['(7, 9)']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = {'g1':[1,2,3], 'g2':[4,5,6]}; print s
> -            ["g1 ['1', '2', '3']", "g2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = {'g1':[(1,2),(2,3)], 'g2':[(4,5),(5,6)]}; print s
> -            ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "g2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = {'g1':[[1,2],[1,2]], 'g2':[[4,5],[4,5]]}; print s
> -            ["g1 ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)']", "g2 ['(4, 4)', '(5, 5)']"]
> -            >>> s.range = 10
> -            >>> s.group_list = lambda x:x*2
> -            >>> s.group_list = [lambda x:x*2, lambda x:x**2, lambda x:x**3]; print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 2.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 6.0)', '(4.0, 8.0)', '(5.0, 10.0)', '(6.0, 12.0)', '(7.0, 14.0)', '(8.0, 16.0)', '(9.0, 18.0)', '(10.0, 20.0)']", "Group 2 ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 9.0)', '(4.0, 16.0)', '(5.0, 25.0)', '(6.0, 36.0)', '(7.0, 49.0)', '(8.0, 64.0)', '(9.0, 81.0)', '(10.0, 100.0)']", "Group 3 ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 8.0)', '(3.0, 27.0)', '(4.0, 64.0)', '(5.0, 125.0)', '(6.0, 216.0)', '(7.0, 343.0)', '(8.0, 512.0)', '(9.0, 729.0)', '(10.0, 1000.0)']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = {'linear':lambda x:x*2, 'square':lambda x:x**2, 'cubic':lambda x:x**3}; print s
> -            ["cubic ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 8.0)', '(3.0, 27.0)', '(4.0, 64.0)', '(5.0, 125.0)', '(6.0, 216.0)', '(7.0, 343.0)', '(8.0, 512.0)', '(9.0, 729.0)', '(10.0, 1000.0)']", "linear ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 2.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 6.0)', '(4.0, 8.0)', '(5.0, 10.0)', '(6.0, 12.0)', '(7.0, 14.0)', '(8.0, 16.0)', '(9.0, 18.0)', '(10.0, 20.0)']", "square ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 9.0)', '(4.0, 16.0)', '(5.0, 25.0)', '(6.0, 36.0)', '(7.0, 49.0)', '(8.0, 64.0)', '(9.0, 81.0)', '(10.0, 100.0)']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = Data(1,'d1'); print s
> -            ["Group 1 ['d1: 1']"]
> -            >>> s.group_list = Group([(1,2),(2,3)],'g1'); print s
> -            ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
> -        '''
> -        def fget(self):
> -            '''
> -                Return the group list.
> -            '''
> -            return self.__group_list
> -
> -        def fset(self, series):
> -            '''
> -                Controls the input of a valid group list.
> -            '''
> -            #TODO: Add support to the following strem of data: [ (0.5,5.5) , [(0,4),(6,8)] , (5.5,7) , (7,9)]
> -
> -            # Type: None
> -            if series is None:
> -                self.__group_list = []
> -
> -            # List or Tuple
> -            elif type(series) in LISTTYPES:
> -                self.__group_list = []
> -
> -                is_function = lambda x: callable(x)
> -                # Groups
> -                if list in map(type, series) or max(map(is_function, series)):
> -                    for group in series:
> -                        self.add_group(group)
> -
> -                # single group
> -                else:
> -                    self.add_group(series)
> -
> -                #old code
> -                ## List of numbers
> -                #if type(series[0]) in NUMTYPES or type(series[0]) is tuple:
> -                #    print series
> -                #    self.add_group(series)
> -                #
> -                ## List of anything else
> -                #else:
> -                #    for group in series:
> -                #        self.add_group(group)
> -
> -            # Dict representing series of groups
> -            elif type(series) is dict:
> -                self.__group_list = []
> -                names = series.keys()
> -                names.sort()
> -                for name in names:
> -                    self.add_group(Group(series[name],name,self))
> -
> -            # A single lambda
> -            elif callable(series):
> -                self.__group_list = []
> -                self.add_group(series)
> -
> -            # Int/float, instance of Group or Data
> -            elif type(series) in NUMTYPES or isinstance(series, Group) or isinstance(series, Data):
> -                self.__group_list = []
> -                self.add_group(series)
> -
> -            # Default
> -            else:
> -                raise TypeError, "Serie type not supported"
> -
> -        return property(**locals())
> -
> -    def add_group(self, group, name=None):
> -        '''
> -            Append a new group in group_list
> -        '''
> -        if not isinstance(group, Group):
> -            #Try to convert
> -            group = Group(group, name, self)
> -
> -        if len(group.data_list) is not 0:
> -            # Auto naming groups
> -            if group.name is None:
> -                group.name = "Group "+str(len(self.__group_list)+1)
> -
> -            self.__group_list.append(group)
> -            self.__group_list[-1].parent = self
> -
> -    def copy(self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns a copy of the Series
> -        '''
> -        new_series = Series()
> -        new_series.__name = self.__name
> -        if self.__range is not None:
> -            new_series.__range = self.__range[:]
> -        #Add color property in the copy method
> -        #self.__colors = None
> -
> -        for group in self:
> -            new_series.add_group(group.copy())
> -
> -        return new_series
> -
> -    def get_names(self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns a list of the names of all groups in the Serie
> -        '''
> -        names = []
> -        for group in self:
> -            if group.name is None:
> -                names.append('Group '+str(group.index()+1))
> -            else:
> -                names.append(group.name)
> -
> -        return names
> -
> -    def to_list(self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns a list with the content of all groups and data
> -        '''
> -        big_list = []
> -        for group in self:
> -            for data in group:
> -                if type(data.content) in NUMTYPES:
> -                    big_list.append(data.content)
> -                else:
> -                    big_list = big_list + list(data.content)
> -        return big_list
> -
> -    def __getitem__(self, key):
> -        '''
> -            Makes the Series iterable, based in the group_list property
> -        '''
> -        return self.__group_list[key]
> -
> -    def __str__(self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns a string that represents the Series
> -        '''
> -        ret = ""
> -        if self.name is not None:
> -            ret += self.name + " "
> -        if len(self) > 0:
> -            list_str = [str(item) for item in self]
> -            ret += str(list_str)
> -        else:
> -            ret += "[]"
> -        return ret
> -
> -    def __len__(self):
> -        '''
> -            Returns the length of the Series, based in the group_lsit property
> -        '''
> -        return len(self.group_list)
> -
> -
> -if __name__ == '__main__':
> -    doctest.testmod()
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcount.py b/bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcount.py
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..079633c
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcount.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python2
> +# eventcount.py
> +#
> +# Babeltrace event count example script
> +#
> +# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> +#
> +# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> +#
> +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> +# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> +# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> +# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> +# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> +# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> +#
> +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> +# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> +
> +# The script prints a count of specified events and
> +# their related tid's in a given trace.
> +# The trace needs TID context (lttng add-context -k -t tid)
> +
> +import sys
> +from babeltrace import *
> +from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> +
> +if len(sys.argv) < 3:
> +	raise TypeError("Usage: python eventcount.py event1 [event2 ...] path/to/trace")
> +
> +ctx = Context()
> +ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1], "ctf")
> +if ret is None:
> +	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> +
> +counts = {}
> +
> +# Setting iterator
> +bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> +ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> +
> +# Reading events
> +event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +while(event is not None):
> +	for event_type in sys.argv[1:len(sys.argv)-1]:
> +		if event_type == event.get_name():
> +
> +			# Getting scope definition
> +			sco = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.STREAM_EVENT_CONTEXT)
> +			if sco is None:
> +				print("ERROR: Cannot get definition scope for {}".format(
> +					event.get_name()))
> +				continue
> +
> +			# Getting TID
> +			tid_field = event.get_field(sco, "_tid")
> +			tid = tid_field.get_int64()
> +
> +			if ctf.field_error():
> +				print("ERROR: Missing TID info for {}".format(
> +					event.get_name()))
> +				continue
> +
> +			tmp = (tid, event.get_name())
> +
> +			if tmp in counts:
> +				counts[tmp] += 1
> +			else:
> +				counts[tmp] = 1
> +
> +	# Next event
> +	ret = ctf_it.next()
> +	if ret < 0:
> +		break
> +	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +
> +del ctf_it
> +
> +# Appending data to table for output
> +table = []
> +for item in counts:
> +	table.append([item[0], item[1], counts[item]])
> +table = sorted(table)
> +table.insert(0,["TID", "EVENT", "COUNT"])
> +pprint(table, 2)
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcountlist.py b/bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcountlist.py
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..1b42b4e
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/python2/eventcountlist.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python2
> +# eventcountlist.py
> +#
> +# Babeltrace event count list example script
> +#
> +# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> +#
> +# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> +#
> +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> +# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> +# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> +# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> +# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> +# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> +#
> +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> +# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> +
> +# The script prints a count and rate of events.
> +# It also outputs a bar graph of count per event, using the cairoplot module.
> +
> +import sys
> +from babeltrace import *
> +from output_format_modules import cairoplot
> +from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> +
> +# Check for path arg:
> +if len(sys.argv) < 2:
> +	raise TypeError("Usage: python eventcountlist.py path/to/trace")
> +
> +ctx = Context()
> +ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[1], "ctf")
> +if ret is None:
> +	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> +
> +# Events and their assossiated count
> +# will be stored as a dict:
> +events_count = {}
> +
> +# Setting iterator:
> +bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> +ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx,bp)
> +
> +prev_event = None
> +event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +
> +start_time = event.get_timestamp()
> +
> +# Reading events:
> +while(event is not None):
> +	if event.get_name() in events_count:
> +		events_count[event.get_name()] += 1
> +	else:
> +		events_count[event.get_name()] = 1
> +
> +	ret = ctf_it.next()
> +	if ret < 0:
> +		break
> +	else:
> +		prev_event = event
> +		event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +
> +if event:
> +	total_time = event.get_timestamp() - start_time
> +else:
> +	total_time = prev_event.get_timestamp() - start_time
> +
> +del ctf_it
> +
> +# Printing encountered events with respective count and rate:
> +print("Total time: {} ns".format(total_time))
> +table = [["EVENT", "COUNT", "RATE (Hz)"]]
> +for item in sorted(events_count.iterkeys()):
> +	tmp = [item, events_count[item],
> +		events_count[item]/(total_time/1000000000.0)]
> +	table.append(tmp)
> +pprint(table)
> +
> +# Exporting data as bar graph
> +cairoplot.vertical_bar_plot ( 'eventcountlist.svg', events_count, 50+85*len(events_count),
> +	800, border = 20, display_values = True, grid = True,
> +	rounded_corners = True,
> +	x_labels = sorted(events_count.keys()) )
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/python2/events_per_cpu.py b/bindings/python/examples/python2/events_per_cpu.py
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..6425b2d
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/python2/events_per_cpu.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python2
> +# events_per_cpu.py
> +#
> +# Babeltrace events per cpu example script
> +#
> +# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> +#
> +# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> +#
> +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> +# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> +# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> +# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> +# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> +# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> +#
> +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> +# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> +
> +# The script opens a trace and prints out CPU statistics
> +# for the given trace (event count per CPU, total active
> +# time and % of time processing events).
> +# It also outputs a .txt file showing each time interval
> +# (since the beginning of the trace) in which each CPU
> +# was active and the corresponding event.
> +
> +import sys, multiprocessing
> +from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> +from babeltrace import *
> +
> +if len(sys.argv) < 2:
> +	raise TypeError("Usage: python events_per_cpu.py path/to/trace")
> +
> +# Adding trace
> +ctx = Context()
> +ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[1], "ctf")
> +if ret is None:
> +	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> +
> +cpu_usage = []
> +nbEvents = 0
> +i = 0
> +while i < multiprocessing.cpu_count():
> +	cpu_usage.append([])
> +	i += 1
> +
> +# Setting iterator
> +bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> +ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> +
> +# Reading events
> +event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +start_time = event.get_timestamp()
> +
> +while(event is not None):
> +
> +	event_name = event.get_name()
> +	ts = event.get_timestamp()
> +
> +	# Getting cpu_id
> +	scope = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.STREAM_PACKET_CONTEXT)
> +	field = event.get_field(scope, "cpu_id")
> +	cpu_id = field.get_uint64()
> +	if ctf.field_error():
> +		print("ERROR: Missing cpu_id info for {}".format(event.get_name()))
> +	else:
> +		cpu_usage[cpu_id].append( (int(ts), event_name) )
> +		nbEvents += 1
> +
> +	# Next Event
> +	ret = ctf_it.next()
> +	if ret < 0:
> +		break
> +	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +
> +
> +# Outputting
> +table = []
> +output = open("events_per_cpu.txt", "wt")
> +output.write("(timestamp, event)\n")
> +
> +for cpu in range(len(cpu_usage)):
> +	# Setting table
> +	event_str = str(100.0 * len(cpu_usage[cpu]) / nbEvents) + '000'
> +	# % is printed with 2 decimals
> +	table.append([cpu, len(cpu_usage[cpu]), event_str[0:event_str.find('.') + 3] + ' %'])
> +
> +	# Writing to file
> +	output.write("\n\n\n----------------------\n")
> +	output.write("CPU {}\n\n".format(cpu))
> +	for event in cpu_usage[cpu]:
> +		output.write(str(event) + '\n')
> +
> +# Printing table
> +table.insert(0, ["CPU ID", "EVENT COUNT", "TRACE EVENT %"])
> +pprint(table)
> +print("Total event count: {}".format(nbEvents))
> +print("Total trace time: {} ns".format(ts - start_time))
> +
> +output.close()
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/python2/histogram.py b/bindings/python/examples/python2/histogram.py
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..09618cb
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/python2/histogram.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python2
> +# histogram.py
> +#
> +# Babeltrace histogram example script
> +#
> +# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> +#
> +# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> +#
> +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> +# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> +# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> +# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> +# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> +# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> +#
> +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> +# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> +
> +# The script checks the number of events in the trace
> +# and outputs a table and a .svg histogram for the specified
> +# range (microseconds) or the total trace if no range specified.
> +# The graph is generated using the cairoplot module.
> +
> +import sys
> +from babeltrace import *
> +from output_format_modules import cairoplot
> +from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> +
> +# ------------------------------------------------
> +# 		Output settings
> +
> +# number of intervals:
> +nbDiv = 25	# Should not be over 150
> +		# for usable graph output
> +
> +# table output stream (file-like object):
> +out = sys.stdout
> +# -------------------------------------------------
> +
> +if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 4:
> +	raise TypeError("Usage: python histogram.py [ start_time [end_time] ] path/to/trace")
> +
> +ctx = Context()
> +ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1], "ctf")
> +if ret is None:
> +	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> +
> +# Check when to start/stop graphing
> +sinceBegin = True
> +beginTime = 0.0
> +if len(sys.argv) > 2:
> +	sinceBegin = False
> +	beginTime = float(sys.argv[1])
> +untilEnd = True
> +if len(sys.argv) == 4:
> +	untilEnd = False
> +
> +# Setting iterator
> +bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> +ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> +
> +# Reading events
> +event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +start_time = event.get_timestamp()
> +time = 0
> +count = {}
> +
> +while(event is not None):
> +	# Microsec.
> +	time = (event.get_timestamp() - start_time)/1000.0
> +
> +	# Check if in range
> +	if not sinceBegin:
> +		if time < beginTime:
> +			# Next Event
> +			ret = ctf_it.next()
> +			if ret < 0:
> +				break
> +			event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +			continue
> +	if not untilEnd:
> +		if time > float(sys.argv[2]):
> +			break
> +
> +	# Counting events per timestamp:
> +	if time in count:
> +		count[time] += 1
> +	else:
> +		count[time] = 1
> +
> +	# Next Event
> +	ret = ctf_it.next()
> +	if ret < 0:
> +		break
> +	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +
> +del ctf_it
> +
> +# Setting data for output
> +interval = (time - beginTime)/nbDiv
> +div_begin_time = beginTime
> +div_end_time = beginTime + interval
> +data = {}
> +
> +# Prefix for string sorting, considering
> +# there should not be over 150 intervals.
> +# This would work up to 9999 intervals.
> +# If needed, add zeros.
> +prefix = 0.0001
> +
> +while div_end_time <= time:
> +	key = str(prefix) + '[' + str(div_begin_time) + ';' + str(div_end_time) + '['
> +	for tmp in count:
> +		if tmp >= div_begin_time and tmp < div_end_time:
> +			if key in data:
> +				data[key] += count[tmp]
> +			else:
> +				data[key] = count[tmp]
> +	if not key in data:
> +		data[key] = 0
> +	div_begin_time = div_end_time
> +	div_end_time += interval
> +	# Prefix increment
> +	prefix += 0.001
> +
> +table = []
> +x_labels = []
> +for key in sorted(data):
> +	table.append([key[key.find('['):], data[key]])
> +	x_labels.append(key[key.find('['):])
> +
> +# Table output
> +table.insert(0, ["INTERVAL (us)", "COUNT"])
> +pprint(table, 1, out)
> +
> +# Graph output
> +cairoplot.vertical_bar_plot ( 'histogram.svg', data, 50 + 150*nbDiv, 50*nbDiv,
> +	border = 20, display_values = True, grid = True,
> +	x_labels = x_labels, rounded_corners = True )
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py b/bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..a27113f
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/cairoplot.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,2336 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python
> +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> +
> +# CairoPlot.py
> +#
> +# Copyright (c) 2008 Rodrigo Moreira Araújo
> +#
> +# Author: Rodrigo Moreiro Araujo <alf.rodrigo at gmail.com>
> +#
> +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
> +# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
> +# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
> +# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
> +# USA
> +
> +#Contributor: João S. O. Bueno
> +
> +#TODO: review BarPlot Code
> +#TODO: x_label colision problem on Horizontal Bar Plot
> +#TODO: y_label's eat too much space on HBP
> +
> +
> +__version__ = 1.2
> +
> +import cairo
> +import math
> +import random
> +from series import Series, Group, Data
> +
> +HORZ = 0
> +VERT = 1
> +NORM = 2
> +
> +COLORS = {"red"    : (1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), "lime"    : (0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), "blue"   : (0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0),
> +          "maroon" : (0.5,0.0,0.0,1.0), "green"   : (0.0,0.5,0.0,1.0), "navy"   : (0.0,0.0,0.5,1.0),
> +          "yellow" : (1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), "magenta" : (1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0), "cyan"   : (0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0),
> +          "orange" : (1.0,0.5,0.0,1.0), "white"   : (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0), "black"  : (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0),
> +          "gray" : (0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0), "light_gray" : (0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0),
> +          "transparent" : (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)}
> +
> +THEMES = {"black_red"         : [(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)],
> +          "red_green_blue"    : [(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), (0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), (0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0)],
> +          "red_orange_yellow" : [(1.0,0.2,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.7,0.0,1.0), (1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0)],
> +          "yellow_orange_red" : [(1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.7,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.2,0.0,1.0)],
> +          "rainbow"           : [(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), (1.0,0.5,0.0,1.0), (1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), (0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0), (0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0), (0.3, 0.0, 0.5,1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)]}
> +
> +def colors_from_theme( theme, series_length, mode = 'solid' ):
> +    colors = []
> +    if theme not in THEMES.keys() :
> +        raise Exception, "Theme not defined"
> +    color_steps = THEMES[theme]
> +    n_colors = len(color_steps)
> +    if series_length <= n_colors:
> +        colors = [color + tuple([mode]) for color in color_steps[0:n_colors]]
> +    else:
> +        iterations = [(series_length - n_colors)/(n_colors - 1) for i in color_steps[:-1]]
> +        over_iterations = (series_length - n_colors) % (n_colors - 1)
> +        for i in range(n_colors - 1):
> +            if over_iterations <= 0:
> +                break
> +            iterations[i] += 1
> +            over_iterations -= 1
> +        for index,color in enumerate(color_steps[:-1]):
> +            colors.append(color + tuple([mode]))
> +            if iterations[index] == 0:
> +                continue
> +            next_color = color_steps[index+1]
> +            color_step = ((next_color[0] - color[0])/(iterations[index] + 1),
> +                          (next_color[1] - color[1])/(iterations[index] + 1),
> +                          (next_color[2] - color[2])/(iterations[index] + 1),
> +                          (next_color[3] - color[3])/(iterations[index] + 1))
> +            for i in range( iterations[index] ):
> +                colors.append((color[0] + color_step[0]*(i+1),
> +                               color[1] + color_step[1]*(i+1),
> +                               color[2] + color_step[2]*(i+1),
> +                               color[3] + color_step[3]*(i+1),
> +                               mode))
> +        colors.append(color_steps[-1] + tuple([mode]))
> +    return colors
> +
> +
> +def other_direction(direction):
> +    "explicit is better than implicit"
> +    if direction == HORZ:
> +        return VERT
> +    else:
> +        return HORZ
> +
> +#Class definition
> +
> +class Plot(object):
> +    def __init__(self,
> +                 surface=None,
> +                 data=None,
> +                 width=640,
> +                 height=480,
> +                 background=None,
> +                 border = 0,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 y_labels = None,
> +                 series_colors = None):
> +        random.seed(2)
> +        self.create_surface(surface, width, height)
> +        self.dimensions = {}
> +        self.dimensions[HORZ] = width
> +        self.dimensions[VERT] = height
> +        self.context = cairo.Context(self.surface)
> +        self.labels={}
> +        self.labels[HORZ] = x_labels
> +        self.labels[VERT] = y_labels
> +        self.load_series(data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> +        self.font_size = 10
> +        self.set_background (background)
> +        self.border = border
> +        self.borders = {}
> +        self.line_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
> +        self.line_width = 0.5
> +        self.label_color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
> +        self.grid_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
> +
> +    def create_surface(self, surface, width=None, height=None):
> +        self.filename = None
> +        if isinstance(surface, cairo.Surface):
> +            self.surface = surface
> +            return
> +        if not type(surface) in (str, unicode):
> +            raise TypeError("Surface should be either a Cairo surface or a filename, not %s" % surface)
> +        sufix = surface.rsplit(".")[-1].lower()
> +        self.filename = surface
> +        if sufix == "png":
> +            self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
> +        elif sufix == "ps":
> +            self.surface = cairo.PSSurface(surface, width, height)
> +        elif sufix == "pdf":
> +            self.surface = cairo.PSSurface(surface, width, height)
> +        else:
> +            if sufix != "svg":
> +                self.filename += ".svg"
> +            self.surface = cairo.SVGSurface(self.filename, width, height)
> +
> +    def commit(self):
> +        try:
> +            self.context.show_page()
> +            if self.filename and self.filename.endswith(".png"):
> +                self.surface.write_to_png(self.filename)
> +            else:
> +                self.surface.finish()
> +        except cairo.Error:
> +            pass
> +
> +    def load_series (self, data, x_labels=None, y_labels=None, series_colors=None):
> +        self.series_labels = []
> +        self.series = None
> +
> +        #The pretty way
> +        #if not isinstance(data, Series):
> +        #    # Not an instance of Series
> +        #    self.series = Series(data)
> +        #else:
> +        #    self.series = data
> +        #
> +        #self.series_labels = self.series.get_names()
> +
> +        #TODO: Remove on next version
> +        # The ugly way, keeping retrocompatibility...
> +        if callable(data) or type(data) is list and callable(data[0]): # Lambda or List of lambdas
> +            self.series = data
> +            self.series_labels = None
> +        elif isinstance(data, Series): # Instance of Series
> +            self.series = data
> +            self.series_labels = data.get_names()
> +        else: # Anything else
> +            self.series = Series(data)
> +            self.series_labels = self.series.get_names()
> +
> +        #TODO: allow user passed series_widths
> +        self.series_widths = [1.0 for group in self.series]
> +
> +        #TODO: Remove on next version
> +        self.process_colors( series_colors )
> +
> +    def process_colors( self, series_colors, length = None, mode = 'solid' ):
> +        #series_colors might be None, a theme, a string of colors names or a list of color tuples
> +        if length is None :
> +            length = len( self.series.to_list() )
> +
> +        #no colors passed
> +        if not series_colors:
> +            #Randomize colors
> +            self.series_colors = [ [random.random() for i in range(3)] + [1.0, mode]  for series in range( length ) ]
> +        else:
> +            #Just theme pattern
> +            if not hasattr( series_colors, "__iter__" ):
> +                theme = series_colors
> +                self.series_colors = colors_from_theme( theme.lower(), length )
> +
> +            #Theme pattern and mode
> +            elif not hasattr(series_colors, '__delitem__') and not hasattr( series_colors[0], "__iter__" ):
> +                theme = series_colors[0]
> +                mode = series_colors[1]
> +                self.series_colors = colors_from_theme( theme.lower(), length, mode )
> +
> +            #List
> +            else:
> +                self.series_colors = series_colors
> +                for index, color in enumerate( self.series_colors ):
> +                    #element is a color name
> +                    if not hasattr(color, "__iter__"):
> +                        self.series_colors[index] = COLORS[color.lower()] + tuple([mode])
> +                    #element is rgb tuple instead of rgba
> +                    elif len( color ) == 3 :
> +                        self.series_colors[index] += (1.0,mode)
> +                    #element has 4 elements, might be rgba tuple or rgb tuple with mode
> +                    elif len( color ) == 4 :
> +                        #last element is mode
> +                        if not hasattr(color[3], "__iter__"):
> +                            self.series_colors[index] += tuple([color[3]])
> +                            self.series_colors[index][3] = 1.0
> +                        #last element is alpha
> +                        else:
> +                            self.series_colors[index] += tuple([mode])
> +
> +    def get_width(self):
> +        return self.surface.get_width()
> +
> +    def get_height(self):
> +        return self.surface.get_height()
> +
> +    def set_background(self, background):
> +        if background is None:
> +            self.background = (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)
> +        elif type(background) in (cairo.LinearGradient, tuple):
> +            self.background = background
> +        elif not hasattr(background,"__iter__"):
> +            colors = background.split(" ")
> +            if len(colors) == 1 and colors[0] in COLORS:
> +                self.background = COLORS[background]
> +            elif len(colors) > 1:
> +                self.background = cairo.LinearGradient(self.dimensions[HORZ] / 2, 0, self.dimensions[HORZ] / 2, self.dimensions[VERT])
> +                for index,color in enumerate(colors):
> +                    self.background.add_color_stop_rgba(float(index)/(len(colors)-1),*COLORS[color])
> +        else:
> +            raise TypeError ("Background should be either cairo.LinearGradient or a 3/4-tuple, not %s" % type(background))
> +
> +    def render_background(self):
> +        if isinstance(self.background, cairo.LinearGradient):
> +            self.context.set_source(self.background)
> +        else:
> +            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.background)
> +        self.context.rectangle(0,0, self.dimensions[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT])
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +    def render_bounding_box(self):
> +        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.line_color)
> +        self.context.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> +        self.context.rectangle(self.border, self.border,
> +                               self.dimensions[HORZ] - 2 * self.border,
> +                               self.dimensions[VERT] - 2 * self.border)
> +        self.context.stroke()
> +
> +    def render(self):
> +        pass
> +
> +class ScatterPlot( Plot ):
> +    def __init__(self,
> +                 surface=None,
> +                 data=None,
> +                 errorx=None,
> +                 errory=None,
> +                 width=640,
> +                 height=480,
> +                 background=None,
> +                 border=0,
> +                 axis = False,
> +                 dash = False,
> +                 discrete = False,
> +                 dots = 0,
> +                 grid = False,
> +                 series_legend = False,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 y_labels = None,
> +                 x_bounds = None,
> +                 y_bounds = None,
> +                 z_bounds = None,
> +                 x_title  = None,
> +                 y_title  = None,
> +                 series_colors = None,
> +                 circle_colors = None ):
> +
> +        self.bounds = {}
> +        self.bounds[HORZ] = x_bounds
> +        self.bounds[VERT] = y_bounds
> +        self.bounds[NORM] = z_bounds
> +        self.titles = {}
> +        self.titles[HORZ] = x_title
> +        self.titles[VERT] = y_title
> +        self.max_value = {}
> +        self.axis = axis
> +        self.discrete = discrete
> +        self.dots = dots
> +        self.grid = grid
> +        self.series_legend = series_legend
> +        self.variable_radius = False
> +        self.x_label_angle = math.pi / 2.5
> +        self.circle_colors = circle_colors
> +
> +        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> +
> +        self.dash = None
> +        if dash:
> +            if hasattr(dash, "keys"):
> +                self.dash = [dash[key] for key in self.series_labels]
> +            elif max([hasattr(item,'__delitem__') for item in data]) :
> +                self.dash = dash
> +            else:
> +                self.dash = [dash]
> +
> +        self.load_errors(errorx, errory)
> +
> +    def convert_list_to_tuple(self, data):
> +        #Data must be converted from lists of coordinates to a single
> +        # list of tuples
> +        out_data = zip(*data)
> +        if len(data) == 3:
> +            self.variable_radius = True
> +        return out_data
> +
> +    def load_series(self, data, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, series_colors=None):
> +        #TODO: In cairoplot 2.0 keep only the Series instances
> +
> +        # Convert Data and Group to Series
> +        if isinstance(data, Data) or isinstance(data, Group):
> +            data = Series(data)
> +
> +        # Series
> +        if  isinstance(data, Series):
> +            for group in data:
> +                for item in group:
> +                    if len(item) is 3:
> +                        self.variable_radius = True
> +
> +        #Dictionary with lists
> +        if hasattr(data, "keys") :
> +            if hasattr( data.values()[0][0], "__delitem__" ) :
> +                for key in data.keys() :
> +                    data[key] = self.convert_list_to_tuple(data[key])
> +            elif len(data.values()[0][0]) == 3:
> +                    self.variable_radius = True
> +        #List
> +        elif hasattr(data[0], "__delitem__") :
> +            #List of lists
> +            if hasattr(data[0][0], "__delitem__") :
> +                for index,value in enumerate(data) :
> +                    data[index] = self.convert_list_to_tuple(value)
> +            #List
> +            elif type(data[0][0]) != type((0,0)):
> +                data = self.convert_list_to_tuple(data)
> +            #Three dimensional data
> +            elif len(data[0][0]) == 3:
> +                self.variable_radius = True
> +
> +        #List with three dimensional tuples
> +        elif len(data[0]) == 3:
> +            self.variable_radius = True
> +        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> +        self.calc_boundaries()
> +        self.calc_labels()
> +
> +    def load_errors(self, errorx, errory):
> +        self.errors = None
> +        if errorx == None and errory == None:
> +            return
> +        self.errors = {}
> +        self.errors[HORZ] = None
> +        self.errors[VERT] = None
> +        #asimetric errors
> +        if errorx and hasattr(errorx[0], "__delitem__"):
> +            self.errors[HORZ] = errorx
> +        #simetric errors
> +        elif errorx:
> +            self.errors[HORZ] = [errorx]
> +        #asimetric errors
> +        if errory and hasattr(errory[0], "__delitem__"):
> +            self.errors[VERT] = errory
> +        #simetric errors
> +        elif errory:
> +            self.errors[VERT] = [errory]
> +
> +    def calc_labels(self):
> +        if not self.labels[HORZ]:
> +            amplitude = self.bounds[HORZ][1] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]
> +            if amplitude % 10: #if horizontal labels need floating points
> +                self.labels[HORZ] = ["%.2lf" % (float(self.bounds[HORZ][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(11) ]
> +            else:
> +                self.labels[HORZ] = ["%d" % (int(self.bounds[HORZ][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(11) ]
> +        if not self.labels[VERT]:
> +            amplitude = self.bounds[VERT][1] - self.bounds[VERT][0]
> +            if amplitude % 10: #if vertical labels need floating points
> +                self.labels[VERT] = ["%.2lf" % (float(self.bounds[VERT][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(11) ]
> +            else:
> +                self.labels[VERT] = ["%d" % (int(self.bounds[VERT][0] + (amplitude * i / 10.0))) for i in range(11) ]
> +
> +    def calc_extents(self, direction):
> +        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> +        self.max_value[direction] = max(self.context.text_extents(item)[2] for item in self.labels[direction])
> +        self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = self.max_value[direction] + self.border + 20
> +
> +    def calc_boundaries(self):
> +        #HORZ = 0, VERT = 1, NORM = 2
> +        min_data_value = [0,0,0]
> +        max_data_value = [0,0,0]
> +
> +        for group in self.series:
> +            if type(group[0].content) in (int, float, long):
> +                group = [Data((index, item.content)) for index,item in enumerate(group)]
> +
> +            for point in group:
> +                for index, item in enumerate(point.content):
> +                    if item > max_data_value[index]:
> +                        max_data_value[index] = item
> +                    elif item < min_data_value[index]:
> +                        min_data_value[index] = item
> +
> +        if not self.bounds[HORZ]:
> +            self.bounds[HORZ] = (min_data_value[HORZ], max_data_value[HORZ])
> +        if not self.bounds[VERT]:
> +            self.bounds[VERT] = (min_data_value[VERT], max_data_value[VERT])
> +        if not self.bounds[NORM]:
> +            self.bounds[NORM] = (min_data_value[NORM], max_data_value[NORM])
> +
> +    def calc_all_extents(self):
> +        self.calc_extents(HORZ)
> +        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> +
> +        self.plot_height = self.dimensions[VERT] - 2 * self.borders[VERT]
> +        self.plot_width = self.dimensions[HORZ] - 2* self.borders[HORZ]
> +
> +        self.plot_top = self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT]
> +
> +    def calc_steps(self):
> +        #Calculates all the x, y, z and color steps
> +        series_amplitude = [self.bounds[index][1] - self.bounds[index][0] for index in range(3)]
> +
> +        if series_amplitude[HORZ]:
> +            self.horizontal_step = float (self.plot_width) / series_amplitude[HORZ]
> +        else:
> +            self.horizontal_step = 0.00
> +
> +        if series_amplitude[VERT]:
> +            self.vertical_step = float (self.plot_height) / series_amplitude[VERT]
> +        else:
> +            self.vertical_step = 0.00
> +
> +        if series_amplitude[NORM]:
> +            if self.variable_radius:
> +                self.z_step = float (self.bounds[NORM][1]) / series_amplitude[NORM]
> +            if self.circle_colors:
> +                self.circle_color_step = tuple([float(self.circle_colors[1][i]-self.circle_colors[0][i])/series_amplitude[NORM] for i in range(4)])
> +        else:
> +            self.z_step = 0.00
> +            self.circle_color_step = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
> +
> +    def get_circle_color(self, value):
> +        return tuple( [self.circle_colors[0][i] + value*self.circle_color_step[i] for i in range(4)] )
> +
> +    def render(self):
> +        self.calc_all_extents()
> +        self.calc_steps()
> +        self.render_background()
> +        self.render_bounding_box()
> +        if self.axis:
> +            self.render_axis()
> +        if self.grid:
> +            self.render_grid()
> +        self.render_labels()
> +        self.render_plot()
> +        if self.errors:
> +            self.render_errors()
> +        if self.series_legend and self.series_labels:
> +            self.render_legend()
> +
> +    def render_axis(self):
> +        #Draws both the axis lines and their titles
> +        cr = self.context
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.line_color)
> +        cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> +        cr.line_to(self.borders[HORZ], self.borders[VERT])
> +        cr.stroke()
> +
> +        cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> +        cr.line_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> +        cr.stroke()
> +
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> +        self.context.set_font_size( 1.2 * self.font_size )
> +        if self.titles[HORZ]:
> +            title_width,title_height = cr.text_extents(self.titles[HORZ])[2:4]
> +            cr.move_to( self.dimensions[HORZ]/2 - title_width/2, self.borders[VERT] - title_height/2 )
> +            cr.show_text( self.titles[HORZ] )
> +
> +        if self.titles[VERT]:
> +            title_width,title_height = cr.text_extents(self.titles[VERT])[2:4]
> +            cr.move_to( self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] + title_height/2, self.dimensions[VERT]/2 - title_width/2)
> +            cr.save()
> +            cr.rotate( math.pi/2 )
> +            cr.show_text( self.titles[VERT] )
> +            cr.restore()
> +
> +    def render_grid(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        horizontal_step = float( self.plot_height ) / ( len( self.labels[VERT] ) - 1 )
> +        vertical_step = float( self.plot_width ) / ( len( self.labels[HORZ] ) - 1 )
> +
> +        x = self.borders[HORZ] + vertical_step
> +        y = self.plot_top - horizontal_step
> +
> +        for label in self.labels[HORZ][:-1]:
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.grid_color)
> +            cr.move_to(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> +            cr.line_to(x, self.borders[VERT])
> +            cr.stroke()
> +            x += vertical_step
> +        for label in self.labels[VERT][:-1]:
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.grid_color)
> +            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], y)
> +            cr.line_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], y)
> +            cr.stroke()
> +            y -= horizontal_step
> +
> +    def render_labels(self):
> +        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> +        self.render_horz_labels()
> +        self.render_vert_labels()
> +
> +    def render_horz_labels(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        step = float( self.plot_width ) / ( len( self.labels[HORZ] ) - 1 )
> +        x = self.borders[HORZ]
> +        y = self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5
> +
> +        # store rotation matrix from the initial state
> +        rotation_matrix = cr.get_matrix()
> +        rotation_matrix.rotate(self.x_label_angle)
> +
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> +
> +        for item in self.labels[HORZ]:
> +            width = cr.text_extents(item)[2]
> +            cr.move_to(x, y)
> +            cr.save()
> +            cr.set_matrix(rotation_matrix)
> +            cr.show_text(item)
> +            cr.restore()
> +            x += step
> +
> +    def render_vert_labels(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        step = ( self.plot_height ) / ( len( self.labels[VERT] ) - 1 )
> +        y = self.plot_top
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> +        for item in self.labels[VERT]:
> +            width = cr.text_extents(item)[2]
> +            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] - width - 5,y)
> +            cr.show_text(item)
> +            y -= step
> +
> +    def render_legend(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        cr.set_font_size(self.font_size)
> +        cr.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> +
> +        widest_word = max(self.series_labels, key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[2])
> +        tallest_word = max(self.series_labels, key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[3])
> +        max_width = self.context.text_extents(widest_word)[2]
> +        max_height = self.context.text_extents(tallest_word)[3] * 1.1
> +
> +        color_box_height = max_height / 2
> +        color_box_width = color_box_height * 2
> +
> +        #Draw a bounding box
> +        bounding_box_width = max_width + color_box_width + 15
> +        bounding_box_height = (len(self.series_labels)+0.5) * max_height
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(1,1,1)
> +        cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - bounding_box_width, self.borders[VERT],
> +                            bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height)
> +        cr.fill()
> +
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.line_color)
> +        cr.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> +        cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - bounding_box_width, self.borders[VERT],
> +                            bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height)
> +        cr.stroke()
> +
> +        for idx,key in enumerate(self.series_labels):
> +            #Draw color box
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[idx][:4])
> +            cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - max_width - color_box_width - 10,
> +                                self.borders[VERT] + color_box_height + (idx*max_height) ,
> +                                color_box_width, color_box_height)
> +            cr.fill()
> +
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0)
> +            cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - max_width - color_box_width - 10,
> +                                self.borders[VERT] + color_box_height + (idx*max_height),
> +                                color_box_width, color_box_height)
> +            cr.stroke()
> +
> +            #Draw series labels
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0)
> +            cr.move_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ] - max_width - 5, self.borders[VERT] + ((idx+1)*max_height))
> +            cr.show_text(key)
> +
> +    def render_errors(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        cr.rectangle(self.borders[HORZ], self.borders[VERT], self.plot_width, self.plot_height)
> +        cr.clip()
> +        radius = self.dots
> +        x0 = self.borders[HORZ] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]*self.horizontal_step
> +        y0 = self.borders[VERT] - self.bounds[VERT][0]*self.vertical_step
> +        for index, group in enumerate(self.series):
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[index][:4])
> +            for number, data in enumerate(group):
> +                x = x0 + self.horizontal_step * data.content[0]
> +                y = self.dimensions[VERT] - y0 - self.vertical_step * data.content[1]
> +                if self.errors[HORZ]:
> +                    cr.move_to(x, y)
> +                    x1 = x - self.horizontal_step * self.errors[HORZ][0][number]
> +                    cr.line_to(x1, y)
> +                    cr.line_to(x1, y - radius)
> +                    cr.line_to(x1, y + radius)
> +                    cr.stroke()
> +                if self.errors[HORZ] and len(self.errors[HORZ]) == 2:
> +                    cr.move_to(x, y)
> +                    x1 = x + self.horizontal_step * self.errors[HORZ][1][number]
> +                    cr.line_to(x1, y)
> +                    cr.line_to(x1, y - radius)
> +                    cr.line_to(x1, y + radius)
> +                    cr.stroke()
> +                if self.errors[VERT]:
> +                    cr.move_to(x, y)
> +                    y1 = y + self.vertical_step   * self.errors[VERT][0][number]
> +                    cr.line_to(x, y1)
> +                    cr.line_to(x - radius, y1)
> +                    cr.line_to(x + radius, y1)
> +                    cr.stroke()
> +                if self.errors[VERT] and len(self.errors[VERT]) == 2:
> +                    cr.move_to(x, y)
> +                    y1 = y - self.vertical_step   * self.errors[VERT][1][number]
> +                    cr.line_to(x, y1)
> +                    cr.line_to(x - radius, y1)
> +                    cr.line_to(x + radius, y1)
> +                    cr.stroke()
> +
> +
> +    def render_plot(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        if self.discrete:
> +            cr.rectangle(self.borders[HORZ], self.borders[VERT], self.plot_width, self.plot_height)
> +            cr.clip()
> +            x0 = self.borders[HORZ] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]*self.horizontal_step
> +            y0 = self.borders[VERT] - self.bounds[VERT][0]*self.vertical_step
> +            radius = self.dots
> +            for number, group in  enumerate (self.series):
> +                cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> +                for data in group :
> +                    if self.variable_radius:
> +                        radius = data.content[2]*self.z_step
> +                        if self.circle_colors:
> +                            cr.set_source_rgba( *self.get_circle_color( data.content[2]) )
> +                    x = x0 + self.horizontal_step*data.content[0]
> +                    y = y0 + self.vertical_step*data.content[1]
> +                    cr.arc(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y, radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
> +                    cr.fill()
> +        else:
> +            cr.rectangle(self.borders[HORZ], self.borders[VERT], self.plot_width, self.plot_height)
> +            cr.clip()
> +            x0 = self.borders[HORZ] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]*self.horizontal_step
> +            y0 = self.borders[VERT] - self.bounds[VERT][0]*self.vertical_step
> +            radius = self.dots
> +            for number, group in  enumerate (self.series):
> +                last_data = None
> +                cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> +                for data in group :
> +                    x = x0 + self.horizontal_step*data.content[0]
> +                    y = y0 + self.vertical_step*data.content[1]
> +                    if self.dots:
> +                        if self.variable_radius:
> +                            radius = data.content[2]*self.z_step
> +                        cr.arc(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y, radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
> +                        cr.fill()
> +                    if last_data :
> +                        old_x = x0 + self.horizontal_step*last_data.content[0]
> +                        old_y = y0 + self.vertical_step*last_data.content[1]
> +                        cr.move_to( old_x, self.dimensions[VERT] - old_y )
> +                        cr.line_to( x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y)
> +                        cr.set_line_width(self.series_widths[number])
> +
> +                        # Display line as dash line
> +                        if self.dash and self.dash[number]:
> +                            s = self.series_widths[number]
> +                            cr.set_dash([s*3, s*3], 0)
> +
> +                        cr.stroke()
> +                        cr.set_dash([])
> +                    last_data = data
> +
> +class DotLinePlot(ScatterPlot):
> +    def __init__(self,
> +                 surface=None,
> +                 data=None,
> +                 width=640,
> +                 height=480,
> +                 background=None,
> +                 border=0,
> +                 axis = False,
> +                 dash = False,
> +                 dots = 0,
> +                 grid = False,
> +                 series_legend = False,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 y_labels = None,
> +                 x_bounds = None,
> +                 y_bounds = None,
> +                 x_title  = None,
> +                 y_title  = None,
> +                 series_colors = None):
> +
> +        ScatterPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, None, None, width, height, background, border,
> +                             axis, dash, False, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> +                             x_bounds, y_bounds, None, x_title, y_title, series_colors, None )
> +
> +
> +    def load_series(self, data, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, series_colors=None):
> +        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> +        for group in self.series :
> +            for index,data in enumerate(group):
> +                group[index].content = (index, data.content)
> +
> +        self.calc_boundaries()
> +        self.calc_labels()
> +
> +class FunctionPlot(ScatterPlot):
> +    def __init__(self,
> +                 surface=None,
> +                 data=None,
> +                 width=640,
> +                 height=480,
> +                 background=None,
> +                 border=0,
> +                 axis = False,
> +                 discrete = False,
> +                 dots = 0,
> +                 grid = False,
> +                 series_legend = False,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 y_labels = None,
> +                 x_bounds = None,
> +                 y_bounds = None,
> +                 x_title  = None,
> +                 y_title  = None,
> +                 series_colors = None,
> +                 step = 1):
> +
> +        self.function = data
> +        self.step = step
> +        self.discrete = discrete
> +
> +        data, x_bounds = self.load_series_from_function( self.function, x_bounds )
> +
> +        ScatterPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, None, None, width, height, background, border,
> +                             axis, False, discrete, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> +                             x_bounds, y_bounds, None, x_title, y_title, series_colors, None )
> +
> +    def load_series(self, data, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, series_colors=None):
> +        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> +
> +        if len(self.series[0][0]) is 1:
> +            for group_id, group in enumerate(self.series) :
> +                for index,data in enumerate(group):
> +                    group[index].content = (self.bounds[HORZ][0] + self.step*index, data.content)
> +
> +        self.calc_boundaries()
> +        self.calc_labels()
> +
> +    def load_series_from_function( self, function, x_bounds ):
> +        #TODO: Add the possibility for the user to define multiple functions with different discretization parameters
> +
> +        #This function converts a function, a list of functions or a dictionary
> +        #of functions into its corresponding array of data
> +        series = Series()
> +
> +        if isinstance(function, Group) or isinstance(function, Data):
> +            function = Series(function)
> +
> +        # If is instance of Series
> +        if isinstance(function, Series):
> +            # Overwrite any bounds passed by the function
> +            x_bounds = (function.range[0],function.range[-1])
> +
> +        #if no bounds are provided
> +        if x_bounds == None:
> +            x_bounds = (0,10)
> +
> +
> +        #TODO: Finish the dict translation
> +        if hasattr(function, "keys"): #dictionary:
> +            for key in function.keys():
> +                group = Group(name=key)
> +                #data[ key ] = []
> +                i = x_bounds[0]
> +                while i <= x_bounds[1] :
> +                    group.add_data(function[ key ](i))
> +                    #data[ key ].append( function[ key ](i) )
> +                    i += self.step
> +                series.add_group(group)
> +
> +        elif hasattr(function, "__delitem__"): #list of functions
> +            for index,f in enumerate( function ) :
> +                group = Group()
> +                #data.append( [] )
> +                i = x_bounds[0]
> +                while i <= x_bounds[1] :
> +                    group.add_data(f(i))
> +                    #data[ index ].append( f(i) )
> +                    i += self.step
> +                series.add_group(group)
> +
> +        elif isinstance(function, Series): # instance of Series
> +            series = function
> +
> +        else: #function
> +            group = Group()
> +            i = x_bounds[0]
> +            while i <= x_bounds[1] :
> +                group.add_data(function(i))
> +                i += self.step
> +            series.add_group(group)
> +
> +
> +        return series, x_bounds
> +
> +    def calc_labels(self):
> +        if not self.labels[HORZ]:
> +            self.labels[HORZ] = []
> +            i = self.bounds[HORZ][0]
> +            while i<=self.bounds[HORZ][1]:
> +                self.labels[HORZ].append(str(i))
> +                i += float(self.bounds[HORZ][1] - self.bounds[HORZ][0])/10
> +        ScatterPlot.calc_labels(self)
> +
> +    def render_plot(self):
> +        if not self.discrete:
> +            ScatterPlot.render_plot(self)
> +        else:
> +            last = None
> +            cr = self.context
> +            for number, group in  enumerate (self.series):
> +                cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> +                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] - self.bounds[HORZ][0]*self.horizontal_step
> +                y0 = self.borders[VERT] - self.bounds[VERT][0]*self.vertical_step
> +                for data in group:
> +                    x = x0 + self.horizontal_step * data.content[0]
> +                    y = y0 + self.vertical_step   * data.content[1]
> +                    cr.move_to(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y)
> +                    cr.line_to(x, self.plot_top)
> +                    cr.set_line_width(self.series_widths[number])
> +                    cr.stroke()
> +                    if self.dots:
> +                        cr.new_path()
> +                        cr.arc(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - y, 3, 0, 2.1 * math.pi)
> +                        cr.close_path()
> +                        cr.fill()
> +
> +class BarPlot(Plot):
> +    def __init__(self,
> +                 surface = None,
> +                 data = None,
> +                 width = 640,
> +                 height = 480,
> +                 background = "white light_gray",
> +                 border = 0,
> +                 display_values = False,
> +                 grid = False,
> +                 rounded_corners = False,
> +                 stack = False,
> +                 three_dimension = False,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 y_labels = None,
> +                 x_bounds = None,
> +                 y_bounds = None,
> +                 series_colors = None,
> +                 main_dir = None):
> +
> +        self.bounds = {}
> +        self.bounds[HORZ] = x_bounds
> +        self.bounds[VERT] = y_bounds
> +        self.display_values = display_values
> +        self.grid = grid
> +        self.rounded_corners = rounded_corners
> +        self.stack = stack
> +        self.three_dimension = three_dimension
> +        self.x_label_angle = math.pi / 2.5
> +        self.main_dir = main_dir
> +        self.max_value = {}
> +        self.plot_dimensions = {}
> +        self.steps = {}
> +        self.value_label_color = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0)
> +
> +        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> +
> +    def load_series(self, data, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, series_colors = None):
> +        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> +        self.calc_boundaries()
> +
> +    def process_colors(self, series_colors):
> +        #Data for a BarPlot might be a List or a List of Lists.
> +        #On the first case, colors must be generated for all bars,
> +        #On the second, colors must be generated for each of the inner lists.
> +
> +        #TODO: Didn't get it...
> +        #if hasattr(self.data[0], '__getitem__'):
> +        #    length = max(len(series) for series in self.data)
> +        #else:
> +        #    length = len( self.data )
> +
> +        length = max(len(group) for group in self.series)
> +
> +        Plot.process_colors( self, series_colors, length, 'linear')
> +
> +    def calc_boundaries(self):
> +        if not self.bounds[self.main_dir]:
> +            if self.stack:
> +                max_data_value = max(sum(group.to_list()) for group in self.series)
> +            else:
> +                max_data_value = max(max(group.to_list()) for group in self.series)
> +            self.bounds[self.main_dir] = (0, max_data_value)
> +        if not self.bounds[other_direction(self.main_dir)]:
> +            self.bounds[other_direction(self.main_dir)] = (0, len(self.series))
> +
> +    def calc_extents(self, direction):
> +        self.max_value[direction] = 0
> +        if self.labels[direction]:
> +            widest_word = max(self.labels[direction], key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[2])
> +            self.max_value[direction] = self.context.text_extents(widest_word)[3 - direction]
> +            self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = (2-direction)*self.max_value[direction] + self.border + direction*(5)
> +        else:
> +            self.borders[other_direction(direction)] = self.border
> +
> +    def calc_horz_extents(self):
> +        self.calc_extents(HORZ)
> +
> +    def calc_vert_extents(self):
> +        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> +
> +    def calc_all_extents(self):
> +        self.calc_horz_extents()
> +        self.calc_vert_extents()
> +        other_dir = other_direction(self.main_dir)
> +        self.value_label = 0
> +        if self.display_values:
> +            if self.stack:
> +                self.value_label = self.context.text_extents(str(max(sum(group.to_list()) for group in self.series)))[2 + self.main_dir]
> +            else:
> +                self.value_label = self.context.text_extents(str(max(max(group.to_list()) for group in self.series)))[2 + self.main_dir]
> +        if self.labels[self.main_dir]:
> +            self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir] = self.dimensions[self.main_dir] - 2*self.borders[self.main_dir] - self.value_label
> +        else:
> +            self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir] = self.dimensions[self.main_dir] - self.borders[self.main_dir] - 1.2*self.border - self.value_label
> +        self.plot_dimensions[other_dir] = self.dimensions[other_dir] - self.borders[other_dir] - self.border
> +        self.plot_top = self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT]
> +
> +    def calc_steps(self):
> +        other_dir = other_direction(self.main_dir)
> +        self.series_amplitude = self.bounds[self.main_dir][1] - self.bounds[self.main_dir][0]
> +        if self.series_amplitude:
> +            self.steps[self.main_dir] = float(self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir])/self.series_amplitude
> +        else:
> +            self.steps[self.main_dir] = 0.00
> +        series_length = len(self.series)
> +        self.steps[other_dir] = float(self.plot_dimensions[other_dir])/(series_length + 0.1*(series_length + 1))
> +        self.space = 0.1*self.steps[other_dir]
> +
> +    def render(self):
> +        self.calc_all_extents()
> +        self.calc_steps()
> +        self.render_background()
> +        self.render_bounding_box()
> +        if self.grid:
> +            self.render_grid()
> +        if self.three_dimension:
> +            self.render_ground()
> +        if self.display_values:
> +            self.render_values()
> +        self.render_labels()
> +        self.render_plot()
> +        if self.series_labels:
> +            self.render_legend()
> +
> +    def draw_3d_rectangle_front(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, shift):
> +        self.context.rectangle(x0-shift, y0+shift, x1-x0, y1-y0)
> +
> +    def draw_3d_rectangle_side(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, shift):
> +        self.context.move_to(x1-shift,y0+shift)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y1)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1-shift, y1+shift)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1-shift, y0+shift)
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +
> +    def draw_3d_rectangle_top(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, shift):
> +        self.context.move_to(x0-shift,y0+shift)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0, y0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1-shift, y0+shift)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0-shift, y0+shift)
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +
> +    def draw_round_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> +        self.context.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi, -math.pi/2)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1-5, y0)
> +        self.context.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi/2, 0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y1-5)
> +        self.context.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, math.pi/2)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0+5, y1)
> +        self.context.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, math.pi/2, math.pi)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0, y0+5)
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +
> +    def render_ground(self):
> +        self.draw_3d_rectangle_front(self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> +                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +        self.draw_3d_rectangle_side (self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> +                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +        self.draw_3d_rectangle_top  (self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> +                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +    def render_labels(self):
> +        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> +        if self.labels[HORZ]:
> +            self.render_horz_labels()
> +        if self.labels[VERT]:
> +            self.render_vert_labels()
> +
> +    def render_legend(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        cr.set_font_size(self.font_size)
> +        cr.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> +
> +        widest_word = max(self.series_labels, key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[2])
> +        tallest_word = max(self.series_labels, key = lambda item: self.context.text_extents(item)[3])
> +        max_width = self.context.text_extents(widest_word)[2]
> +        max_height = self.context.text_extents(tallest_word)[3] * 1.1 + 5
> +
> +        color_box_height = max_height / 2
> +        color_box_width = color_box_height * 2
> +
> +        #Draw a bounding box
> +        bounding_box_width = max_width + color_box_width + 15
> +        bounding_box_height = (len(self.series_labels)+0.5) * max_height
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(1,1,1)
> +        cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - bounding_box_width, self.border,
> +                            bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height)
> +        cr.fill()
> +
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(*self.line_color)
> +        cr.set_line_width(self.line_width)
> +        cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - bounding_box_width, self.border,
> +                            bounding_box_width, bounding_box_height)
> +        cr.stroke()
> +
> +        for idx,key in enumerate(self.series_labels):
> +            #Draw color box
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[idx][:4])
> +            cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - max_width - color_box_width - 10,
> +                                self.border + color_box_height + (idx*max_height) ,
> +                                color_box_width, color_box_height)
> +            cr.fill()
> +
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0)
> +            cr.rectangle(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - max_width - color_box_width - 10,
> +                                self.border + color_box_height + (idx*max_height),
> +                                color_box_width, color_box_height)
> +            cr.stroke()
> +
> +            #Draw series labels
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0)
> +            cr.move_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border - max_width - 5, self.border + ((idx+1)*max_height))
> +            cr.show_text(key)
> +
> +
> +class HorizontalBarPlot(BarPlot):
> +    def __init__(self,
> +                 surface = None,
> +                 data = None,
> +                 width = 640,
> +                 height = 480,
> +                 background = "white light_gray",
> +                 border = 0,
> +                 display_values = False,
> +                 grid = False,
> +                 rounded_corners = False,
> +                 stack = False,
> +                 three_dimension = False,
> +                 series_labels = None,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 y_labels = None,
> +                 x_bounds = None,
> +                 y_bounds = None,
> +                 series_colors = None):
> +
> +        BarPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border,
> +                         display_values, grid, rounded_corners, stack, three_dimension,
> +                         x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, series_colors, HORZ)
> +        self.series_labels = series_labels
> +
> +    def calc_vert_extents(self):
> +        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> +        if self.labels[HORZ] and not self.labels[VERT]:
> +            self.borders[HORZ] += 10
> +
> +    def draw_rectangle_bottom(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> +        self.context.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, math.pi/2, math.pi)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0, y0+5)
> +        self.context.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi, -math.pi/2)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y1)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0+5, y1)
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +
> +    def draw_rectangle_top(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> +        self.context.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi/2, 0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y1-5)
> +        self.context.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, math.pi/2)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0, y1)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0, y0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +
> +    def draw_rectangle(self, index, length, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> +        if length == 1:
> +            BarPlot.draw_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1)
> +        elif index == 0:
> +            self.draw_rectangle_bottom(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> +        elif index == length-1:
> +            self.draw_rectangle_top(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> +        else:
> +            self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0)
> +
> +    #TODO: Review BarPlot.render_grid code
> +    def render_grid(self):
> +        self.context.set_source_rgba(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
> +        if self.labels[HORZ]:
> +            self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> +            step = (self.dimensions[HORZ] - 2*self.borders[HORZ] - self.value_label)/(len(self.labels[HORZ])-1)
> +            x = self.borders[HORZ]
> +            next_x = 0
> +            for item in self.labels[HORZ]:
> +                width = self.context.text_extents(item)[2]
> +                if x - width/2 > next_x and x - width/2 > self.border:
> +                    self.context.move_to(x, self.border)
> +                    self.context.line_to(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> +                    self.context.stroke()
> +                    next_x = x + width/2
> +                x += step
> +        else:
> +            lines = 11
> +            horizontal_step = float(self.plot_dimensions[HORZ])/(lines-1)
> +            x = self.borders[HORZ]
> +            for y in xrange(0, lines):
> +                self.context.move_to(x, self.border)
> +                self.context.line_to(x, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT])
> +                self.context.stroke()
> +                x += horizontal_step
> +
> +    def render_horz_labels(self):
> +        step = (self.dimensions[HORZ] - 2*self.borders[HORZ])/(len(self.labels[HORZ])-1)
> +        x = self.borders[HORZ]
> +        next_x = 0
> +
> +        for item in self.labels[HORZ]:
> +            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> +            width = self.context.text_extents(item)[2]
> +            if x - width/2 > next_x and x - width/2 > self.border:
> +                self.context.move_to(x - width/2, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + self.max_value[HORZ] + 3)
> +                self.context.show_text(item)
> +                next_x = x + width/2
> +            x += step
> +
> +    def render_vert_labels(self):
> +        series_length = len(self.labels[VERT])
> +        step = (self.plot_dimensions[VERT] - (series_length + 1)*self.space)/(len(self.labels[VERT]))
> +        y = self.border + step/2 + self.space
> +
> +        for item in self.labels[VERT]:
> +            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> +            width, height = self.context.text_extents(item)[2:4]
> +            self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] - width - 5, y + height/2)
> +            self.context.show_text(item)
> +            y += step + self.space
> +        self.labels[VERT].reverse()
> +
> +    def render_values(self):
> +        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.value_label_color)
> +        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> +        if self.stack:
> +            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +                value = sum(group.to_list())
> +                height = self.context.text_extents(str(value))[3]
> +                x = self.borders[HORZ] + value*self.steps[HORZ] + 2
> +                y = self.borders[VERT] + (i+0.5)*self.steps[VERT] + (i+1)*self.space + height/2
> +                self.context.move_to(x, y)
> +                self.context.show_text(str(value))
> +        else:
> +            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +                inner_step = self.steps[VERT]/len(group)
> +                y0 = self.border + i*self.steps[VERT] + (i+1)*self.space
> +                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> +                    height = self.context.text_extents(str(data.content))[3]
> +                    self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + data.content*self.steps[HORZ] + 2, y0 + 0.5*inner_step + height/2, )
> +                    self.context.show_text(str(data.content))
> +                    y0 += inner_step
> +
> +    def render_plot(self):
> +        if self.stack:
> +            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +                x0 = self.borders[HORZ]
> +                y0 = self.borders[VERT] + i*self.steps[VERT] + (i+1)*self.space
> +                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> +                    if self.series_colors[number][4] in ('radial','linear') :
> +                        linear = cairo.LinearGradient( data.content*self.steps[HORZ]/2, y0, data.content*self.steps[HORZ]/2, y0 + self.steps[VERT] )
> +                        color = self.series_colors[number]
> +                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0.0, 3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> +                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0, *color[:4])
> +                        self.context.set_source(linear)
> +                    elif self.series_colors[number][4] == 'solid':
> +                        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> +                    if self.rounded_corners:
> +                        self.draw_rectangle(number, len(group), x0, y0, x0+data.content*self.steps[HORZ], y0+self.steps[VERT])
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                    else:
> +                        self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, data.content*self.steps[HORZ], self.steps[VERT])
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                    x0 += data.content*self.steps[HORZ]
> +        else:
> +            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +                inner_step = self.steps[VERT]/len(group)
> +                x0 = self.borders[HORZ]
> +                y0 = self.border + i*self.steps[VERT] + (i+1)*self.space
> +                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> +                    linear = cairo.LinearGradient(data.content*self.steps[HORZ]/2, y0, data.content*self.steps[HORZ]/2, y0 + inner_step)
> +                    color = self.series_colors[number]
> +                    linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0.0, 3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> +                    linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0, *color[:4])
> +                    self.context.set_source(linear)
> +                    if self.rounded_corners and data.content != 0:
> +                        BarPlot.draw_round_rectangle(self,x0, y0, x0 + data.content*self.steps[HORZ], y0 + inner_step)
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                    else:
> +                        self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, data.content*self.steps[HORZ], inner_step)
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                    y0 += inner_step
> +
> +class VerticalBarPlot(BarPlot):
> +    def __init__(self,
> +                 surface = None,
> +                 data = None,
> +                 width = 640,
> +                 height = 480,
> +                 background = "white light_gray",
> +                 border = 0,
> +                 display_values = False,
> +                 grid = False,
> +                 rounded_corners = False,
> +                 stack = False,
> +                 three_dimension = False,
> +                 series_labels = None,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 y_labels = None,
> +                 x_bounds = None,
> +                 y_bounds = None,
> +                 series_colors = None):
> +
> +        BarPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border,
> +                         display_values, grid, rounded_corners, stack, three_dimension,
> +                         x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, series_colors, VERT)
> +        self.series_labels = series_labels
> +
> +    def calc_vert_extents(self):
> +        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> +        if self.labels[VERT] and not self.labels[HORZ]:
> +            self.borders[VERT] += 10
> +
> +    def draw_rectangle_bottom(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> +        self.context.move_to(x1,y1)
> +        self.context.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, math.pi/2)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0+5, y1)
> +        self.context.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, math.pi/2, math.pi)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0, y0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y1)
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +
> +    def draw_rectangle_top(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> +        self.context.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi, -math.pi/2)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1-5, y0)
> +        self.context.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, -math.pi/2, 0)
> +        self.context.line_to(x1, y1)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0, y1)
> +        self.context.line_to(x0, y0)
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +
> +    def draw_rectangle(self, index, length, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> +        if length == 1:
> +            BarPlot.draw_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1)
> +        elif index == 0:
> +            self.draw_rectangle_bottom(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> +        elif index == length-1:
> +            self.draw_rectangle_top(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> +        else:
> +            self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0)
> +
> +    def render_grid(self):
> +        self.context.set_source_rgba(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
> +        if self.labels[VERT]:
> +            lines = len(self.labels[VERT])
> +            vertical_step = float(self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir])/(lines-1)
> +            y = self.borders[VERT] + self.value_label
> +        else:
> +            lines = 11
> +            vertical_step = float(self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir])/(lines-1)
> +            y = 1.2*self.border + self.value_label
> +        for x in xrange(0, lines):
> +            self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ], y)
> +            self.context.line_to(self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.border, y)
> +            self.context.stroke()
> +            y += vertical_step
> +
> +    def render_ground(self):
> +        self.draw_3d_rectangle_front(self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> +                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +        self.draw_3d_rectangle_side (self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> +                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +        self.draw_3d_rectangle_top  (self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT],
> +                                     self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + 5, 10)
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +    def render_horz_labels(self):
> +        series_length = len(self.labels[HORZ])
> +        step = float (self.plot_dimensions[HORZ] - (series_length + 1)*self.space)/len(self.labels[HORZ])
> +        x = self.borders[HORZ] + step/2 + self.space
> +        next_x = 0
> +
> +        for item in self.labels[HORZ]:
> +            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> +            width = self.context.text_extents(item)[2]
> +            if x - width/2 > next_x and x - width/2 > self.borders[HORZ]:
> +                self.context.move_to(x - width/2, self.dimensions[VERT] - self.borders[VERT] + self.max_value[HORZ] + 3)
> +                self.context.show_text(item)
> +                next_x = x + width/2
> +            x += step + self.space
> +
> +    def render_vert_labels(self):
> +        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.label_color)
> +        y = self.borders[VERT] + self.value_label
> +        step = (self.dimensions[VERT] - 2*self.borders[VERT] - self.value_label)/(len(self.labels[VERT]) - 1)
> +        self.labels[VERT].reverse()
> +        for item in self.labels[VERT]:
> +            width, height = self.context.text_extents(item)[2:4]
> +            self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] - width - 5, y + height/2)
> +            self.context.show_text(item)
> +            y += step
> +        self.labels[VERT].reverse()
> +
> +    def render_values(self):
> +        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.value_label_color)
> +        self.context.set_font_size(self.font_size * 0.8)
> +        if self.stack:
> +            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +                value = sum(group.to_list())
> +                width = self.context.text_extents(str(value))[2]
> +                x = self.borders[HORZ] + (i+0.5)*self.steps[HORZ] + (i+1)*self.space - width/2
> +                y = value*self.steps[VERT] + 2
> +                self.context.move_to(x, self.plot_top-y)
> +                self.context.show_text(str(value))
> +        else:
> +            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +                inner_step = self.steps[HORZ]/len(group)
> +                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + i*self.steps[HORZ] + (i+1)*self.space
> +                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> +                    width = self.context.text_extents(str(data.content))[2]
> +                    self.context.move_to(x0 + 0.5*inner_step - width/2, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT] - 2)
> +                    self.context.show_text(str(data.content))
> +                    x0 += inner_step
> +
> +    def render_plot(self):
> +        if self.stack:
> +            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + i*self.steps[HORZ] + (i+1)*self.space
> +                y0 = 0
> +                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> +                    if self.series_colors[number][4] in ('linear','radial'):
> +                        linear = cairo.LinearGradient( x0, data.content*self.steps[VERT]/2, x0 + self.steps[HORZ], data.content*self.steps[VERT]/2 )
> +                        color = self.series_colors[number]
> +                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0.0, 3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> +                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0, *color[:4])
> +                        self.context.set_source(linear)
> +                    elif self.series_colors[number][4] == 'solid':
> +                        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> +                    if self.rounded_corners:
> +                        self.draw_rectangle(number, len(group), x0, self.plot_top - y0 - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0 + self.steps[HORZ], self.plot_top - y0)
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                    else:
> +                        self.context.rectangle(x0, self.plot_top - y0 - data.content*self.steps[VERT], self.steps[HORZ], data.content*self.steps[VERT])
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                    y0 += data.content*self.steps[VERT]
> +        else:
> +            for i,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +                inner_step = self.steps[HORZ]/len(group)
> +                y0 = self.borders[VERT]
> +                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + i*self.steps[HORZ] + (i+1)*self.space
> +                for number,data in enumerate(group):
> +                    if self.series_colors[number][4] == 'linear':
> +                        linear = cairo.LinearGradient( x0, data.content*self.steps[VERT]/2, x0 + inner_step, data.content*self.steps[VERT]/2 )
> +                        color = self.series_colors[number]
> +                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0.0, 3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> +                        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0, *color[:4])
> +                        self.context.set_source(linear)
> +                    elif self.series_colors[number][4] == 'solid':
> +                        self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> +                    if self.rounded_corners and data.content != 0:
> +                        BarPlot.draw_round_rectangle(self, x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0+inner_step, self.plot_top)
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                    elif self.three_dimension:
> +                        self.draw_3d_rectangle_front(x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0+inner_step, self.plot_top, 5)
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                        self.draw_3d_rectangle_side(x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0+inner_step, self.plot_top, 5)
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                        self.draw_3d_rectangle_top(x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], x0+inner_step, self.plot_top, 5)
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +                    else:
> +                        self.context.rectangle(x0, self.plot_top - data.content*self.steps[VERT], inner_step, data.content*self.steps[VERT])
> +                        self.context.fill()
> +
> +                    x0 += inner_step
> +
> +class StreamChart(VerticalBarPlot):
> +    def __init__(self,
> +                 surface = None,
> +                 data = None,
> +                 width = 640,
> +                 height = 480,
> +                 background = "white light_gray",
> +                 border = 0,
> +                 grid = False,
> +                 series_legend = None,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 x_bounds = None,
> +                 y_bounds = None,
> +                 series_colors = None):
> +
> +        VerticalBarPlot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height, background, border,
> +                                 False, grid, False, True, False,
> +                                 None, x_labels, None, x_bounds, y_bounds, series_colors)
> +
> +    def calc_steps(self):
> +        other_dir = other_direction(self.main_dir)
> +        self.series_amplitude = self.bounds[self.main_dir][1] - self.bounds[self.main_dir][0]
> +        if self.series_amplitude:
> +            self.steps[self.main_dir] = float(self.plot_dimensions[self.main_dir])/self.series_amplitude
> +        else:
> +            self.steps[self.main_dir] = 0.00
> +        series_length = len(self.data)
> +        self.steps[other_dir] = float(self.plot_dimensions[other_dir])/series_length
> +
> +    def render_legend(self):
> +        pass
> +
> +    def ground(self, index):
> +        sum_values = sum(self.data[index])
> +        return -0.5*sum_values
> +
> +    def calc_angles(self):
> +        middle = self.plot_top - self.plot_dimensions[VERT]/2.0
> +        self.angles = [tuple([0.0 for x in range(len(self.data)+1)])]
> +        for x_index in range(1, len(self.data)-1):
> +            t = []
> +            x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index - 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +            x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index + 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +            y0 = middle - self.ground(x_index-1)*self.steps[VERT]
> +            y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index+1)*self.steps[VERT]
> +            t.append(math.atan(float(y0-y2)/(x0-x2)))
> +            for data_index in range(len(self.data[x_index])):
> +                x0 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index - 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index + 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                y0 = middle - self.ground(x_index-1)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index-1][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> +                y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index+1)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index+1][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                for i in range(0,data_index):
> +                    y0 -= self.data[x_index-1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +                    y2 -= self.data[x_index+1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                if data_index == len(self.data[0])-1 and False:
> +                    self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.3)
> +                    self.context.move_to(x0,y0)
> +                    self.context.line_to(x2,y2)
> +                    self.context.stroke()
> +                    self.context.arc(x0,y0,2,0,2*math.pi)
> +                    self.context.fill()
> +                t.append(math.atan(float(y0-y2)/(x0-x2)))
> +            self.angles.append(tuple(t))
> +        self.angles.append(tuple([0.0 for x in range(len(self.data)+1)]))
> +
> +    def render_plot(self):
> +        self.calc_angles()
> +        middle = self.plot_top - self.plot_dimensions[VERT]/2.0
> +        p = 0.4*self.steps[HORZ]
> +        for data_index in range(len(self.data[0])-1,-1,-1):
> +            self.context.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[data_index][:4])
> +
> +            #draw the upper line
> +            for x_index in range(len(self.data)-1) :
> +                x1 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                y1 = middle - self.ground(x_index)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> +                x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index + 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index + 1)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index + 1][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                for i in range(0,data_index):
> +                    y1 -= self.data[x_index][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +                    y2 -= self.data[x_index+1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                if x_index == 0:
> +                    self.context.move_to(x1,y1)
> +
> +                ang1 = self.angles[x_index][data_index+1]
> +                ang2 = self.angles[x_index+1][data_index+1] + math.pi
> +                self.context.curve_to(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1),
> +                                      x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2),
> +                                      x2,y2)
> +
> +            for x_index in range(len(self.data)-1,0,-1) :
> +                x1 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                y1 = middle - self.ground(x_index)*self.steps[VERT]
> +                x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index - 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index - 1)*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                for i in range(0,data_index):
> +                    y1 -= self.data[x_index][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +                    y2 -= self.data[x_index-1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                if x_index == len(self.data)-1:
> +                    self.context.line_to(x1,y1+2)
> +
> +                #revert angles by pi degrees to take the turn back
> +                ang1 = self.angles[x_index][data_index] + math.pi
> +                ang2 = self.angles[x_index-1][data_index]
> +                self.context.curve_to(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1),
> +                                      x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2),
> +                                      x2,y2+2)
> +
> +            self.context.close_path()
> +            self.context.fill()
> +
> +            if False:
> +                self.context.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + 0.5*self.steps[HORZ], middle)
> +                for x_index in range(len(self.data)-1) :
> +                    x1 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                    y1 = middle - self.ground(x_index)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> +                    x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index + 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                    y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index + 1)*self.steps[VERT] - self.data[x_index + 1][data_index]*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                    for i in range(0,data_index):
> +                        y1 -= self.data[x_index][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +                        y2 -= self.data[x_index+1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                    ang1 = self.angles[x_index][data_index+1]
> +                    ang2 = self.angles[x_index+1][data_index+1] + math.pi
> +                    self.context.set_source_rgba(1.0,0.0,0.0)
> +                    self.context.arc(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1),2,0,2*math.pi)
> +                    self.context.fill()
> +                    self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0)
> +                    self.context.arc(x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2),2,0,2*math.pi)
> +                    self.context.fill()
> +                    '''self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.3)
> +                    self.context.arc(x2,y2,2,0,2*math.pi)
> +                    self.context.fill()'''
> +                    self.context.move_to(x1,y1)
> +                    self.context.line_to(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1))
> +                    self.context.stroke()
> +                    self.context.move_to(x2,y2)
> +                    self.context.line_to(x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2))
> +                    self.context.stroke()
> +            if False:
> +                for x_index in range(len(self.data)-1,0,-1) :
> +                    x1 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                    y1 = middle - self.ground(x_index)*self.steps[VERT]
> +                    x2 = self.borders[HORZ] + (0.5 + x_index - 1)*self.steps[HORZ]
> +                    y2 = middle - self.ground(x_index - 1)*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                    for i in range(0,data_index):
> +                        y1 -= self.data[x_index][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +                        y2 -= self.data[x_index-1][i]*self.steps[VERT]
> +
> +                    #revert angles by pi degrees to take the turn back
> +                    ang1 = self.angles[x_index][data_index] + math.pi
> +                    ang2 = self.angles[x_index-1][data_index]
> +                    self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,1.0,0.0)
> +                    self.context.arc(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1),2,0,2*math.pi)
> +                    self.context.fill()
> +                    self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,1.0)
> +                    self.context.arc(x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2),2,0,2*math.pi)
> +                    self.context.fill()
> +                    '''self.context.set_source_rgba(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.3)
> +                    self.context.arc(x2,y2,2,0,2*math.pi)
> +                    self.context.fill()'''
> +                    self.context.move_to(x1,y1)
> +                    self.context.line_to(x1+p*math.cos(ang1),y1+p*math.sin(ang1))
> +                    self.context.stroke()
> +                    self.context.move_to(x2,y2)
> +                    self.context.line_to(x2+p*math.cos(ang2),y2+p*math.sin(ang2))
> +                    self.context.stroke()
> +            #break
> +
> +            #self.context.arc(self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.dimensions[VERT]/2,50,0,3*math.pi/2)
> +            #self.context.fill()
> +
> +
> +class PiePlot(Plot):
> +    #TODO: Check the old cairoplot, graphs aren't matching
> +    def __init__ (self,
> +            surface = None,
> +            data = None,
> +            width = 640,
> +            height = 480,
> +            background = "white light_gray",
> +            gradient = False,
> +            shadow = False,
> +            colors = None):
> +
> +        Plot.__init__( self, surface, data, width, height, background, series_colors = colors )
> +        self.center = (self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.dimensions[VERT]/2)
> +        self.total = sum( self.series.to_list() )
> +        self.radius = min(self.dimensions[HORZ]/3,self.dimensions[VERT]/3)
> +        self.gradient = gradient
> +        self.shadow = shadow
> +
> +    def sort_function(x,y):
> +        return x.content - y.content
> +
> +    def load_series(self, data, x_labels=None, y_labels=None, series_colors=None):
> +        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> +        # Already done inside series
> +        #self.data = sorted(self.data)
> +
> +    def draw_piece(self, angle, next_angle):
> +        self.context.move_to(self.center[0],self.center[1])
> +        self.context.line_to(self.center[0] + self.radius*math.cos(angle), self.center[1] + self.radius*math.sin(angle))
> +        self.context.arc(self.center[0], self.center[1], self.radius, angle, next_angle)
> +        self.context.line_to(self.center[0], self.center[1])
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +
> +    def render(self):
> +        self.render_background()
> +        self.render_bounding_box()
> +        if self.shadow:
> +            self.render_shadow()
> +        self.render_plot()
> +        self.render_series_labels()
> +
> +    def render_shadow(self):
> +        horizontal_shift = 3
> +        vertical_shift = 3
> +        self.context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
> +        self.context.arc(self.center[0] + horizontal_shift, self.center[1] + vertical_shift, self.radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +    def render_series_labels(self):
> +        angle = 0
> +        next_angle = 0
> +        x0,y0 = self.center
> +        cr = self.context
> +        for number,key in enumerate(self.series_labels):
> +            # self.data[number] should be just a number
> +            data = sum(self.series[number].to_list())
> +
> +            next_angle = angle + 2.0*math.pi*data/self.total
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> +            w = cr.text_extents(key)[2]
> +            if (angle + next_angle)/2 < math.pi/2 or (angle + next_angle)/2 > 3*math.pi/2:
> +                cr.move_to(x0 + (self.radius+10)*math.cos((angle+next_angle)/2), y0 + (self.radius+10)*math.sin((angle+next_angle)/2) )
> +            else:
> +                cr.move_to(x0 + (self.radius+10)*math.cos((angle+next_angle)/2) - w, y0 + (self.radius+10)*math.sin((angle+next_angle)/2) )
> +            cr.show_text(key)
> +            angle = next_angle
> +
> +    def render_plot(self):
> +        angle = 0
> +        next_angle = 0
> +        x0,y0 = self.center
> +        cr = self.context
> +        for number,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +            # Group should be just a number
> +            data = sum(group.to_list())
> +            next_angle = angle + 2.0*math.pi*data/self.total
> +            if self.gradient or self.series_colors[number][4] in ('linear','radial'):
> +                gradient_color = cairo.RadialGradient(self.center[0], self.center[1], 0, self.center[0], self.center[1], self.radius)
> +                gradient_color.add_color_stop_rgba(0.3, *self.series_colors[number][:4])
> +                gradient_color.add_color_stop_rgba(1, self.series_colors[number][0]*0.7,
> +                                                      self.series_colors[number][1]*0.7,
> +                                                      self.series_colors[number][2]*0.7,
> +                                                      self.series_colors[number][3])
> +                cr.set_source(gradient_color)
> +            else:
> +                cr.set_source_rgba(*self.series_colors[number][:4])
> +
> +            self.draw_piece(angle, next_angle)
> +            cr.fill()
> +
> +            cr.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
> +            self.draw_piece(angle, next_angle)
> +            cr.stroke()
> +
> +            angle = next_angle
> +
> +class DonutPlot(PiePlot):
> +    def __init__ (self,
> +            surface = None,
> +            data = None,
> +            width = 640,
> +            height = 480,
> +            background = "white light_gray",
> +            gradient = False,
> +            shadow = False,
> +            colors = None,
> +            inner_radius=-1):
> +
> +        Plot.__init__( self, surface, data, width, height, background, series_colors = colors )
> +
> +        self.center = ( self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.dimensions[VERT]/2 )
> +        self.total = sum( self.series.to_list() )
> +        self.radius = min( self.dimensions[HORZ]/3,self.dimensions[VERT]/3 )
> +        self.inner_radius = inner_radius*self.radius
> +
> +        if inner_radius == -1:
> +            self.inner_radius = self.radius/3
> +
> +        self.gradient = gradient
> +        self.shadow = shadow
> +
> +    def draw_piece(self, angle, next_angle):
> +        self.context.move_to(self.center[0] + (self.inner_radius)*math.cos(angle), self.center[1] + (self.inner_radius)*math.sin(angle))
> +        self.context.line_to(self.center[0] + self.radius*math.cos(angle), self.center[1] + self.radius*math.sin(angle))
> +        self.context.arc(self.center[0], self.center[1], self.radius, angle, next_angle)
> +        self.context.line_to(self.center[0] + (self.inner_radius)*math.cos(next_angle), self.center[1] + (self.inner_radius)*math.sin(next_angle))
> +        self.context.arc_negative(self.center[0], self.center[1], self.inner_radius, next_angle, angle)
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +
> +    def render_shadow(self):
> +        horizontal_shift = 3
> +        vertical_shift = 3
> +        self.context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
> +        self.context.arc(self.center[0] + horizontal_shift, self.center[1] + vertical_shift, self.inner_radius, 0, 2*math.pi)
> +        self.context.arc_negative(self.center[0] + horizontal_shift, self.center[1] + vertical_shift, self.radius, 0, -2*math.pi)
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +class GanttChart (Plot) :
> +    def __init__(self,
> +                 surface = None,
> +                 data = None,
> +                 width = 640,
> +                 height = 480,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 y_labels = None,
> +                 colors = None):
> +        self.bounds = {}
> +        self.max_value = {}
> +        Plot.__init__(self, surface, data, width, height,  x_labels = x_labels, y_labels = y_labels, series_colors = colors)
> +
> +    def load_series(self, data, x_labels=None, y_labels=None, series_colors=None):
> +        Plot.load_series(self, data, x_labels, y_labels, series_colors)
> +        self.calc_boundaries()
> +
> +    def calc_boundaries(self):
> +        self.bounds[HORZ] = (0,len(self.series))
> +        end_pos = max(self.series.to_list())
> +
> +        #for group in self.series:
> +        #    if hasattr(item, "__delitem__"):
> +        #        for sub_item in item:
> +        #            end_pos = max(sub_item)
> +        #    else:
> +        #        end_pos = max(item)
> +        self.bounds[VERT] = (0,end_pos)
> +
> +    def calc_extents(self, direction):
> +        self.max_value[direction] = 0
> +        if self.labels[direction]:
> +            self.max_value[direction] = max(self.context.text_extents(item)[2] for item in self.labels[direction])
> +        else:
> +            self.max_value[direction] = self.context.text_extents( str(self.bounds[direction][1] + 1) )[2]
> +
> +    def calc_horz_extents(self):
> +        self.calc_extents(HORZ)
> +        self.borders[HORZ] = 100 + self.max_value[HORZ]
> +
> +    def calc_vert_extents(self):
> +        self.calc_extents(VERT)
> +        self.borders[VERT] = self.dimensions[VERT]/(self.bounds[HORZ][1] + 1)
> +
> +    def calc_steps(self):
> +        self.horizontal_step = (self.dimensions[HORZ] - self.borders[HORZ])/(len(self.labels[VERT]))
> +        self.vertical_step = self.borders[VERT]
> +
> +    def render(self):
> +        self.calc_horz_extents()
> +        self.calc_vert_extents()
> +        self.calc_steps()
> +        self.render_background()
> +
> +        self.render_labels()
> +        self.render_grid()
> +        self.render_plot()
> +
> +    def render_background(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(255,255,255)
> +        cr.rectangle(0,0,self.dimensions[HORZ], self.dimensions[VERT])
> +        cr.fill()
> +        for number,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +            linear = cairo.LinearGradient(self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step,
> +                                          self.dimensions[HORZ]/2, self.borders[VERT] + (number+1)*self.vertical_step)
> +            linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
> +            linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1.0,0.9,0.9,0.9,1.0)
> +            cr.set_source(linear)
> +            cr.rectangle(0,self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step,self.dimensions[HORZ],self.vertical_step)
> +            cr.fill()
> +
> +    def render_grid(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        cr.set_source_rgba(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
> +        cr.set_dash((1,0,0,0,0,0,1))
> +        cr.set_line_width(0.5)
> +        for number,label in enumerate(self.labels[VERT]):
> +            h = cr.text_extents(label)[3]
> +            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + number*self.horizontal_step, self.vertical_step/2 + h)
> +            cr.line_to(self.borders[HORZ] + number*self.horizontal_step, self.dimensions[VERT])
> +        cr.stroke()
> +
> +    def render_labels(self):
> +        self.context.set_font_size(0.02 * self.dimensions[HORZ])
> +
> +        self.render_horz_labels()
> +        self.render_vert_labels()
> +
> +    def render_horz_labels(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        labels = self.labels[HORZ]
> +        if not labels:
> +            labels = [str(i) for i in range(1, self.bounds[HORZ][1] + 1)  ]
> +        for number,label in enumerate(labels):
> +            if label != None:
> +                cr.set_source_rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
> +                w,h = cr.text_extents(label)[2], cr.text_extents(label)[3]
> +                cr.move_to(40,self.borders[VERT] + number*self.vertical_step + self.vertical_step/2 + h/2)
> +                cr.show_text(label)
> +
> +    def render_vert_labels(self):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        labels = self.labels[VERT]
> +        if not labels:
> +            labels = [str(i) for i in range(1, self.bounds[VERT][1] + 1)  ]
> +        for number,label in enumerate(labels):
> +            w,h = cr.text_extents(label)[2], cr.text_extents(label)[3]
> +            cr.move_to(self.borders[HORZ] + number*self.horizontal_step - w/2, self.vertical_step/2)
> +            cr.show_text(label)
> +
> +    def render_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, color):
> +        self.draw_shadow(x0, y0, x1, y1)
> +        self.draw_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
> +
> +    def draw_rectangular_shadow(self, gradient, x0, y0, w, h):
> +        self.context.set_source(gradient)
> +        self.context.rectangle(x0,y0,w,h)
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +    def draw_circular_shadow(self, x, y, radius, ang_start, ang_end, mult, shadow):
> +        gradient = cairo.RadialGradient(x, y, 0, x, y, 2*radius)
> +        gradient.add_color_stop_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> +        gradient.add_color_stop_rgba(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> +        self.context.set_source(gradient)
> +        self.context.move_to(x,y)
> +        self.context.line_to(x + mult[0]*radius,y + mult[1]*radius)
> +        self.context.arc(x, y, 8, ang_start, ang_end)
> +        self.context.line_to(x,y)
> +        self.context.close_path()
> +        self.context.fill()
> +
> +    def draw_rectangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, color):
> +        cr = self.context
> +        middle = (x0+x1)/2
> +        linear = cairo.LinearGradient(middle,y0,middle,y1)
> +        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(0,3.5*color[0]/5.0, 3.5*color[1]/5.0, 3.5*color[2]/5.0,1.0)
> +        linear.add_color_stop_rgba(1,*color[:4])
> +        cr.set_source(linear)
> +
> +        cr.arc(x0+5, y0+5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
> +        cr.arc(x1-5, y0+5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
> +        cr.arc(x0+5, y1-5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
> +        cr.arc(x1-5, y1-5, 5, 0, 2*math.pi)
> +        cr.rectangle(x0+5,y0,x1-x0-10,y1-y0)
> +        cr.rectangle(x0,y0+5,x1-x0,y1-y0-10)
> +        cr.fill()
> +
> +    def draw_shadow(self, x0, y0, x1, y1):
> +        shadow = 0.4
> +        h_mid = (x0+x1)/2
> +        v_mid = (y0+y1)/2
> +        h_linear_1 = cairo.LinearGradient(h_mid,y0-4,h_mid,y0+4)
> +        h_linear_2 = cairo.LinearGradient(h_mid,y1-4,h_mid,y1+4)
> +        v_linear_1 = cairo.LinearGradient(x0-4,v_mid,x0+4,v_mid)
> +        v_linear_2 = cairo.LinearGradient(x1-4,v_mid,x1+4,v_mid)
> +
> +        h_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> +        h_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> +        h_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> +        h_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> +        v_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> +        v_linear_1.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> +        v_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0, shadow)
> +        v_linear_2.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> +
> +        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(h_linear_1,x0+4,y0-4,x1-x0-8,8)
> +        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(h_linear_2,x0+4,y1-4,x1-x0-8,8)
> +        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(v_linear_1,x0-4,y0+4,8,y1-y0-8)
> +        self.draw_rectangular_shadow(v_linear_2,x1-4,y0+4,8,y1-y0-8)
> +
> +        self.draw_circular_shadow(x0+4, y0+4, 4, math.pi, 3*math.pi/2, (-1,0), shadow)
> +        self.draw_circular_shadow(x1-4, y0+4, 4, 3*math.pi/2, 2*math.pi, (0,-1), shadow)
> +        self.draw_circular_shadow(x0+4, y1-4, 4, math.pi/2, math.pi, (0,1), shadow)
> +        self.draw_circular_shadow(x1-4, y1-4, 4, 0, math.pi/2, (1,0), shadow)
> +
> +    def render_plot(self):
> +        for index,group in enumerate(self.series):
> +            for data in group:
> +                self.render_rectangle(self.borders[HORZ] + data.content[0]*self.horizontal_step,
> +                                      self.borders[VERT] + index*self.vertical_step + self.vertical_step/4.0,
> +                                      self.borders[HORZ] + data.content[1]*self.horizontal_step,
> +                                      self.borders[VERT] + index*self.vertical_step + 3.0*self.vertical_step/4.0,
> +                                      self.series_colors[index])
> +
> +# Function definition
> +
> +def scatter_plot(name,
> +                 data   = None,
> +                 errorx = None,
> +                 errory = None,
> +                 width  = 640,
> +                 height = 480,
> +                 background = "white light_gray",
> +                 border = 0,
> +                 axis = False,
> +                 dash = False,
> +                 discrete = False,
> +                 dots = False,
> +                 grid = False,
> +                 series_legend = False,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 y_labels = None,
> +                 x_bounds = None,
> +                 y_bounds = None,
> +                 z_bounds = None,
> +                 x_title  = None,
> +                 y_title  = None,
> +                 series_colors = None,
> +                 circle_colors = None):
> +
> +    '''
> +        - Function to plot scatter data.
> +
> +        - Parameters
> +
> +        data - The values to be ploted might be passed in a two basic:
> +               list of points:       [(0,0), (0,1), (0,2)] or [(0,0,1), (0,1,4), (0,2,1)]
> +               lists of coordinates: [ [0,0,0] , [0,1,2] ] or [ [0,0,0] , [0,1,2] , [1,4,1] ]
> +               Notice that these kinds of that can be grouped in order to form more complex data
> +               using lists of lists or dictionaries;
> +        series_colors - Define color values for each of the series
> +        circle_colors - Define a lower and an upper bound for the circle colors for variable radius
> +                        (3 dimensions) series
> +    '''
> +
> +    plot = ScatterPlot( name, data, errorx, errory, width, height, background, border,
> +                        axis, dash, discrete, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> +                        x_bounds, y_bounds, z_bounds, x_title, y_title, series_colors, circle_colors )
> +    plot.render()
> +    plot.commit()
> +
> +def dot_line_plot(name,
> +                  data,
> +                  width,
> +                  height,
> +                  background = "white light_gray",
> +                  border = 0,
> +                  axis = False,
> +                  dash = False,
> +                  dots = False,
> +                  grid = False,
> +                  series_legend = False,
> +                  x_labels = None,
> +                  y_labels = None,
> +                  x_bounds = None,
> +                  y_bounds = None,
> +                  x_title  = None,
> +                  y_title  = None,
> +                  series_colors = None):
> +    '''
> +        - Function to plot graphics using dots and lines.
> +
> +        dot_line_plot (name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", border = 0, axis = False, grid = False, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, x_bounds = None, y_bounds = None)
> +
> +        - Parameters
> +
> +        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> +        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> +        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> +        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> +                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> +        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
> +        axis - Whether or not the axis are to be drawn;
> +        dash - Boolean or a list or a dictionary of booleans indicating whether or not the associated series should be drawn in dashed mode;
> +        dots - Whether or not dots should be drawn on each point;
> +        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
> +        series_legend - Whether or not the legend is to be drawn;
> +        x_labels, y_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
> +        x_bounds, y_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
> +        x_title - Whether or not to plot a title over the x axis.
> +        y_title - Whether or not to plot a title over the y axis.
> +
> +        - Examples of use
> +
> +        data = [0, 1, 3, 8, 9, 0, 10, 10, 2, 1]
> +        CairoPlot.dot_line_plot('teste', data, 400, 300)
> +
> +        data = { "john" : [10, 10, 10, 10, 30], "mary" : [0, 0, 3, 5, 15], "philip" : [13, 32, 11, 25, 2] }
> +        x_labels = ["jan/2008", "feb/2008", "mar/2008", "apr/2008", "may/2008" ]
> +        CairoPlot.dot_line_plot( 'test', data, 400, 300, axis = True, grid = True,
> +                                  series_legend = True, x_labels = x_labels )
> +    '''
> +    plot = DotLinePlot( name, data, width, height, background, border,
> +                        axis, dash, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> +                        x_bounds, y_bounds, x_title, y_title, series_colors )
> +    plot.render()
> +    plot.commit()
> +
> +def function_plot(name,
> +                  data,
> +                  width,
> +                  height,
> +                  background = "white light_gray",
> +                  border = 0,
> +                  axis = True,
> +                  dots = False,
> +                  discrete = False,
> +                  grid = False,
> +                  series_legend = False,
> +                  x_labels = None,
> +                  y_labels = None,
> +                  x_bounds = None,
> +                  y_bounds = None,
> +                  x_title  = None,
> +                  y_title  = None,
> +                  series_colors = None,
> +                  step = 1):
> +
> +    '''
> +        - Function to plot functions.
> +
> +        function_plot(name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", border = 0, axis = True, grid = False, dots = False, x_labels = None, y_labels = None, x_bounds = None, y_bounds = None, step = 1, discrete = False)
> +
> +        - Parameters
> +
> +        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> +        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> +        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> +        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> +                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> +        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
> +        axis - Whether or not the axis are to be drawn;
> +        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
> +        dots - Whether or not dots should be shown at each point;
> +        x_labels, y_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
> +        x_bounds, y_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
> +        step - the horizontal distance from one point to the other. The smaller, the smoother the curve will be;
> +        discrete - whether or not the function should be plotted in discrete format.
> +
> +        - Example of use
> +
> +        data = lambda x : x**2
> +        CairoPlot.function_plot('function4', data, 400, 300, grid = True, x_bounds=(-10,10), step = 0.1)
> +    '''
> +
> +    plot = FunctionPlot( name, data, width, height, background, border,
> +                         axis, discrete, dots, grid, series_legend, x_labels, y_labels,
> +                         x_bounds, y_bounds, x_title, y_title, series_colors, step )
> +    plot.render()
> +    plot.commit()
> +
> +def pie_plot( name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", gradient = False, shadow = False, colors = None ):
> +
> +    '''
> +        - Function to plot pie graphics.
> +
> +        pie_plot(name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", gradient = False, colors = None)
> +
> +        - Parameters
> +
> +        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> +        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> +        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> +        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> +                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> +        gradient - Whether or not the pie color will be painted with a gradient;
> +        shadow - Whether or not there will be a shadow behind the pie;
> +        colors - List of slices colors.
> +
> +        - Example of use
> +
> +        teste_data = {"john" : 123, "mary" : 489, "philip" : 890 , "suzy" : 235}
> +        CairoPlot.pie_plot("pie_teste", teste_data, 500, 500)
> +    '''
> +
> +    plot = PiePlot( name, data, width, height, background, gradient, shadow, colors )
> +    plot.render()
> +    plot.commit()
> +
> +def donut_plot(name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", gradient = False, shadow = False, colors = None, inner_radius = -1):
> +
> +    '''
> +        - Function to plot donut graphics.
> +
> +        donut_plot(name, data, width, height, background = "white light_gray", gradient = False, inner_radius = -1)
> +
> +        - Parameters
> +
> +        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> +        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> +        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> +        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> +                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> +        shadow - Whether or not there will be a shadow behind the donut;
> +        gradient - Whether or not the donut color will be painted with a gradient;
> +        colors - List of slices colors;
> +        inner_radius - The radius of the donut's inner circle.
> +
> +        - Example of use
> +
> +        teste_data = {"john" : 123, "mary" : 489, "philip" : 890 , "suzy" : 235}
> +        CairoPlot.donut_plot("donut_teste", teste_data, 500, 500)
> +    '''
> +
> +    plot = DonutPlot(name, data, width, height, background, gradient, shadow, colors, inner_radius)
> +    plot.render()
> +    plot.commit()
> +
> +def gantt_chart(name, pieces, width, height, x_labels, y_labels, colors):
> +
> +    '''
> +        - Function to generate Gantt Charts.
> +
> +        gantt_chart(name, pieces, width, height, x_labels, y_labels, colors):
> +
> +        - Parameters
> +
> +        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtim;
> +        pieces - A list defining the spaces to be drawn. The user must pass, for each line, the index of its start and the index of its end. If a line must have two or more spaces, they must be passed inside a list;
> +        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> +        x_labels - A list of names for each of the vertical lines;
> +        y_labels - A list of names for each of the horizontal spaces;
> +        colors - List containing the colors expected for each of the horizontal spaces
> +
> +        - Example of use
> +
> +        pieces = [ (0.5,5.5) , [(0,4),(6,8)] , (5.5,7) , (7,8)]
> +        x_labels = [ 'teste01', 'teste02', 'teste03', 'teste04']
> +        y_labels = [ '0001', '0002', '0003', '0004', '0005', '0006', '0007', '0008', '0009', '0010' ]
> +        colors = [ (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.7, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ]
> +        CairoPlot.gantt_chart('gantt_teste', pieces, 600, 300, x_labels, y_labels, colors)
> +    '''
> +
> +    plot = GanttChart(name, pieces, width, height, x_labels, y_labels, colors)
> +    plot.render()
> +    plot.commit()
> +
> +def vertical_bar_plot(name,
> +                      data,
> +                      width,
> +                      height,
> +                      background = "white light_gray",
> +                      border = 0,
> +                      display_values = False,
> +                      grid = False,
> +                      rounded_corners = False,
> +                      stack = False,
> +                      three_dimension = False,
> +                      series_labels = None,
> +                      x_labels = None,
> +                      y_labels = None,
> +                      x_bounds = None,
> +                      y_bounds = None,
> +                      colors = None):
> +    #TODO: Fix docstring for vertical_bar_plot
> +    '''
> +        - Function to generate vertical Bar Plot Charts.
> +
> +        bar_plot(name, data, width, height, background, border, grid, rounded_corners, three_dimension,
> +                 x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors):
> +
> +        - Parameters
> +
> +        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtime;
> +        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> +        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> +        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> +                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> +        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
> +        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
> +        rounded_corners - Whether or not the bars should have rounded corners;
> +        three_dimension - Whether or not the bars should be drawn in pseudo 3D;
> +        x_labels, y_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
> +        x_bounds, y_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
> +        colors - List containing the colors expected for each of the bars.
> +
> +        - Example of use
> +
> +        data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
> +        CairoPlot.vertical_bar_plot ('bar2', data, 400, 300, border = 20, grid = True, rounded_corners = False)
> +    '''
> +
> +    plot = VerticalBarPlot(name, data, width, height, background, border,
> +                           display_values, grid, rounded_corners, stack, three_dimension,
> +                           series_labels, x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors)
> +    plot.render()
> +    plot.commit()
> +
> +def horizontal_bar_plot(name,
> +                       data,
> +                       width,
> +                       height,
> +                       background = "white light_gray",
> +                       border = 0,
> +                       display_values = False,
> +                       grid = False,
> +                       rounded_corners = False,
> +                       stack = False,
> +                       three_dimension = False,
> +                       series_labels = None,
> +                       x_labels = None,
> +                       y_labels = None,
> +                       x_bounds = None,
> +                       y_bounds = None,
> +                       colors = None):
> +
> +    #TODO: Fix docstring for horizontal_bar_plot
> +    '''
> +        - Function to generate Horizontal Bar Plot Charts.
> +
> +        bar_plot(name, data, width, height, background, border, grid, rounded_corners, three_dimension,
> +                 x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors):
> +
> +        - Parameters
> +
> +        name - Name of the desired output file, no need to input the .svg as it will be added at runtime;
> +        data - The list, list of lists or dictionary holding the data to be plotted;
> +        width, height - Dimensions of the output image;
> +        background - A 3 element tuple representing the rgb color expected for the background or a new cairo linear gradient.
> +                     If left None, a gray to white gradient will be generated;
> +        border - Distance in pixels of a square border into which the graphics will be drawn;
> +        grid - Whether or not the gris is to be drawn;
> +        rounded_corners - Whether or not the bars should have rounded corners;
> +        three_dimension - Whether or not the bars should be drawn in pseudo 3D;
> +        x_labels, y_labels - lists of strings containing the horizontal and vertical labels for the axis;
> +        x_bounds, y_bounds - tuples containing the lower and upper value bounds for the data to be plotted;
> +        colors - List containing the colors expected for each of the bars.
> +
> +        - Example of use
> +
> +        data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
> +        CairoPlot.bar_plot ('bar2', data, 400, 300, border = 20, grid = True, rounded_corners = False)
> +    '''
> +
> +    plot = HorizontalBarPlot(name, data, width, height, background, border,
> +                             display_values, grid, rounded_corners, stack, three_dimension,
> +                             series_labels, x_labels, y_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors)
> +    plot.render()
> +    plot.commit()
> +
> +def stream_chart(name,
> +                 data,
> +                 width,
> +                 height,
> +                 background = "white light_gray",
> +                 border = 0,
> +                 grid = False,
> +                 series_legend = None,
> +                 x_labels = None,
> +                 x_bounds = None,
> +                 y_bounds = None,
> +                 colors = None):
> +
> +    #TODO: Fix docstring for horizontal_bar_plot
> +    plot = StreamChart(name, data, width, height, background, border,
> +                       grid, series_legend, x_labels, x_bounds, y_bounds, colors)
> +    plot.render()
> +    plot.commit()
> +
> +
> +if __name__ == "__main__":
> +    import tests
> +    import seriestests
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py b/bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..3a63d62
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/pprint_table.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
> +# pprint_table.py
> +#
> +# This module is used to pretty-print a table
> +# Adapted from
> +# http://ginstrom.com/scribbles/2007/09/04/pretty-printing-a-table-in-python/
> +
> +import sys
> +
> +def get_max_width(table, index):
> +	"""Get the maximum width of the given column index"""
> +
> +	return max([len(str(row[index])) for row in table])
> +
> +
> +def pprint_table(table, nbLeft=1, out=sys.stdout):
> +	"""
> +	Prints out a table of data, padded for alignment
> +	@param table: The table to print. A list of lists.
> +	Each row must have the same number of columns.
> +	@param nbLeft: The number of columns aligned left
> +	@param out: Output stream (file-like object)
> +	"""
> +
> +	col_paddings = []
> +
> +	for i in range(len(table[0])):
> +		col_paddings.append(get_max_width(table, i))
> +
> +	for row in table:
> +		# left cols
> +		for i in range(nbLeft):
> +			print >> out, str(row[i]).ljust(col_paddings[i] + 1),
> +		# rest of the cols
> +		for i in range(nbLeft, len(row)):
> +			col = str(row[i]).rjust(col_paddings[i] + 2)
> +			print >> out, col,
> +		print >> out
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/series.py b/bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/series.py
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..8e8b236
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/python2/output_format_modules/series.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,1140 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python
> +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> +
> +# Serie.py
> +#
> +# Copyright (c) 2008 Magnun Leno da Silva
> +#
> +# Author: Magnun Leno da Silva <magnun.leno at gmail.com>
> +#
> +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
> +# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
> +# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> +#
> +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> +# GNU General Public License for more details.
> +#
> +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
> +# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
> +# USA
> +
> +# Contributor: Rodrigo Moreiro Araujo <alf.rodrigo at gmail.com>
> +
> +#import cairoplot
> +import doctest
> +
> +NUMTYPES = (int, float, long)
> +LISTTYPES = (list, tuple)
> +STRTYPES = (str, unicode)
> +FILLING_TYPES = ['linear', 'solid', 'gradient']
> +#TODO: Define default color list
> +
> +class Data(object):
> +    '''
> +        Class that models the main data structure.
> +        It can hold:
> +         - a number type (int, float or long)
> +         - a tuple, witch represents a point and can have 2 or 3 items (x,y,z)
> +         - if a list is passed it will be converted to a tuple.
> +
> +        obs: In case a tuple is passed it will convert to tuple
> +    '''
> +    def __init__(self, data=None, name=None, parent=None):
> +        '''
> +            Starts main atributes from the Data class
> +            @name    - Name for each point;
> +            @content - The real data, can be an int, float, long or tuple, which
> +                       represents a point (x,y) or (x,y,z);
> +            @parent  - A pointer that give the data access to it's parent.
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> d = Data(name='empty'); print d
> +            empty: ()
> +            >>> d = Data((1,1),'point a'); print d
> +            point a: (1, 1)
> +            >>> d = Data((1,2,3),'point b'); print d
> +            point b: (1, 2, 3)
> +            >>> d = Data([2,3],'point c'); print d
> +            point c: (2, 3)
> +            >>> d = Data(12, 'simple value'); print d
> +            simple value: 12
> +        '''
> +        # Initial values
> +        self.__content = None
> +        self.__name = None
> +
> +        # Setting passed values
> +        self.parent = parent
> +        self.name = name
> +        self.content = data
> +
> +    # Name property
> +    @apply
> +    def name():
> +        doc = '''
> +            Name is a read/write property that controls the input of name.
> +             - If passed an invalid value it cleans the name with None
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> d = Data(13); d.name = 'name_test'; print d
> +            name_test: 13
> +            >>> d.name = 11; print d
> +            13
> +            >>> d.name = 'other_name'; print d
> +            other_name: 13
> +            >>> d.name = None; print d
> +            13
> +            >>> d.name = 'last_name'; print d
> +            last_name: 13
> +            >>> d.name = ''; print d
> +            13
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                returns the name as a string
> +            '''
> +            return self.__name
> +
> +        def fset(self, name):
> +            '''
> +                Sets the name of the Data
> +            '''
> +            if type(name) in STRTYPES and len(name) > 0:
> +                self.__name = name
> +            else:
> +                self.__name = None
> +
> +
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +    # Content property
> +    @apply
> +    def content():
> +        doc = '''
> +            Content is a read/write property that validate the data passed
> +            and return it.
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> d = Data(); d.content = 13; d.content
> +            13
> +            >>> d = Data(); d.content = (1,2); d.content
> +            (1, 2)
> +            >>> d = Data(); d.content = (1,2,3); d.content
> +            (1, 2, 3)
> +            >>> d = Data(); d.content = [1,2,3]; d.content
> +            (1, 2, 3)
> +            >>> d = Data(); d.content = [1.5,.2,3.3]; d.content
> +            (1.5, 0.20000000000000001, 3.2999999999999998)
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                Return the content of Data
> +            '''
> +            return self.__content
> +
> +        def fset(self, data):
> +            '''
> +                Ensures that data is a valid tuple/list or a number (int, float
> +                or long)
> +            '''
> +            # Type: None
> +            if data is None:
> +                self.__content = None
> +                return
> +
> +            # Type: Int or Float
> +            elif type(data) in NUMTYPES:
> +                self.__content = data
> +
> +            # Type: List or Tuple
> +            elif type(data) in LISTTYPES:
> +                # Ensures the correct size
> +                if len(data) not in (2, 3):
> +                    raise TypeError, "Data (as list/tuple) must have 2 or 3 items"
> +                    return
> +
> +                # Ensures that all items in list/tuple is a number
> +                isnum = lambda x : type(x) not in NUMTYPES
> +
> +                if max(map(isnum, data)):
> +                    # An item in data isn't an int or a float
> +                    raise TypeError, "All content of data must be a number (int or float)"
> +
> +                # Convert the tuple to list
> +                if type(data) is list:
> +                    data = tuple(data)
> +
> +                # Append a copy and sets the type
> +                self.__content = data[:]
> +
> +            # Unknown type!
> +            else:
> +                self.__content = None
> +                raise TypeError, "Data must be an int, float or a tuple with two or three items"
> +                return
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +
> +    def clear(self):
> +        '''
> +            Clear the all Data (content, name and parent)
> +        '''
> +        self.content = None
> +        self.name = None
> +        self.parent = None
> +
> +    def copy(self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns a copy of the Data structure
> +        '''
> +        # The copy
> +        new_data = Data()
> +        if self.content is not None:
> +            # If content is a point
> +            if type(self.content) is tuple:
> +                new_data.__content = self.content[:]
> +
> +            # If content is a number
> +            else:
> +                new_data.__content = self.content
> +
> +        # If it has a name
> +        if self.name is not None:
> +            new_data.__name = self.name
> +
> +        return new_data
> +
> +    def __str__(self):
> +        '''
> +            Return a string representation of the Data structure
> +        '''
> +        if self.name is None:
> +            if self.content is None:
> +                return ''
> +            return str(self.content)
> +        else:
> +            if self.content is None:
> +                return self.name+": ()"
> +            return self.name+": "+str(self.content)
> +
> +    def __len__(self):
> +        '''
> +            Return the length of the Data.
> +             - If it's a number return 1;
> +             - If it's a list return it's length;
> +             - If its None return 0.
> +        '''
> +        if self.content is None:
> +            return 0
> +        elif type(self.content) in NUMTYPES:
> +            return 1
> +        return len(self.content)
> +
> +
> +
> +
> +class Group(object):
> +    '''
> +        Class that models a group of data. Every value (int, float, long, tuple
> +        or list) passed is converted to a list of Data.
> +        It can receive:
> +         - A single number (int, float, long);
> +         - A list of numbers;
> +         - A tuple of numbers;
> +         - An instance of Data;
> +         - A list of Data;
> +
> +         Obs: If a tuple with 2 or 3 items is passed it is converted to a point.
> +              If a tuple with only 1 item is passed it's converted to a number;
> +              If a tuple with more than 2 items is passed it's converted to a
> +               list of numbers
> +    '''
> +    def __init__(self, group=None, name=None, parent=None):
> +        '''
> +            Starts main atributes in Group instance.
> +            @data_list  - a list of data which forms the group;
> +            @range      - a range that represent the x axis of possible functions;
> +            @name       - name of the data group;
> +            @parent     - the Serie parent of this group.
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> g = Group(13, 'simple number'); print g
> +            simple number ['13']
> +            >>> g = Group((1,2), 'simple point'); print g
> +            simple point ['(1, 2)']
> +            >>> g = Group([1,2,3,4], 'list of numbers'); print g
> +            list of numbers ['1', '2', '3', '4']
> +            >>> g = Group((1,2,3,4),'int in tuple'); print g
> +            int in tuple ['1', '2', '3', '4']
> +            >>> g = Group([(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)], 'list of points'); print g
> +            list of points ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)', '(3, 4)']
> +            >>> g = Group([[1,2,3],[1,2,3]], '2D coordinate lists'); print g
> +            2D coordinated lists ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)', '(3, 3)']
> +            >>> g = Group([[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]], '3D coordinate lists'); print g
> +            3D coordinated lists ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)']
> +        '''
> +        # Initial values
> +        self.__data_list = []
> +        self.__range = []
> +        self.__name = None
> +
> +
> +        self.parent = parent
> +        self.name = name
> +        self.data_list = group
> +
> +    # Name property
> +    @apply
> +    def name():
> +        doc = '''
> +            Name is a read/write property that controls the input of name.
> +             - If passed an invalid value it cleans the name with None
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> g = Group(13); g.name = 'name_test'; print g
> +            name_test ['13']
> +            >>> g.name = 11; print g
> +            ['13']
> +            >>> g.name = 'other_name'; print g
> +            other_name ['13']
> +            >>> g.name = None; print g
> +            ['13']
> +            >>> g.name = 'last_name'; print g
> +            last_name ['13']
> +            >>> g.name = ''; print g
> +            ['13']
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                Returns the name as a string
> +            '''
> +            return self.__name
> +
> +        def fset(self, name):
> +            '''
> +                Sets the name of the Group
> +            '''
> +            if type(name) in STRTYPES and len(name) > 0:
> +                self.__name = name
> +            else:
> +                self.__name = None
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +    # data_list property
> +    @apply
> +    def data_list():
> +        doc = '''
> +            The data_list is a read/write property that can be a list of
> +            numbers, a list of points or a list of 2 or 3 coordinate lists. This
> +            property uses mainly the self.add_data method.
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> g = Group(); g.data_list = 13; print g
> +            ['13']
> +            >>> g.data_list = (1,2); print g
> +            ['(1, 2)']
> +            >>> g.data_list = Data((1,2),'point a'); print g
> +            ['point a: (1, 2)']
> +            >>> g.data_list = [1,2,3]; print g
> +            ['1', '2', '3']
> +            >>> g.data_list = (1,2,3,4); print g
> +            ['1', '2', '3', '4']
> +            >>> g.data_list = [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)]; print g
> +            ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)', '(3, 4)']
> +            >>> g.data_list = [[1,2],[1,2]]; print g
> +            ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)']
> +            >>> g.data_list = [[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]]; print g
> +            ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)']
> +            >>> g.range = (10); g.data_list = lambda x:x**2; print g
> +            ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 9.0)', '(4.0, 16.0)', '(5.0, 25.0)', '(6.0, 36.0)', '(7.0, 49.0)', '(8.0, 64.0)', '(9.0, 81.0)']
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                Returns the value of data_list
> +            '''
> +            return self.__data_list
> +
> +        def fset(self, group):
> +            '''
> +                Ensures that group is valid.
> +            '''
> +            # None
> +            if group is None:
> +                self.__data_list = []
> +
> +            # Int/float/long or Instance of Data
> +            elif type(group) in NUMTYPES or isinstance(group, Data):
> +                # Clean data_list
> +                self.__data_list = []
> +                self.add_data(group)
> +
> +            # One point
> +            elif type(group) is tuple and len(group) in (2,3):
> +                self.__data_list = []
> +                self.add_data(group)
> +
> +            # list of items
> +            elif type(group) in LISTTYPES and type(group[0]) is not list:
> +                # Clean data_list
> +                self.__data_list = []
> +                for item in group:
> +                    # try to append and catch an exception
> +                    self.add_data(item)
> +
> +            # function lambda
> +            elif callable(group):
> +                # Explicit is better than implicit
> +                function = group
> +                # Has range
> +                if len(self.range) is not 0:
> +                    # Clean data_list
> +                    self.__data_list = []
> +                    # Generate values for the lambda function
> +                    for x in self.range:
> +                        #self.add_data((x,round(group(x),2)))
> +                        self.add_data((x,function(x)))
> +
> +                # Only have range in parent
> +                elif self.parent is not None and len(self.parent.range) is not 0:
> +                    # Copy parent range
> +                    self.__range = self.parent.range[:]
> +                    # Clean data_list
> +                    self.__data_list = []
> +                    # Generate values for the lambda function
> +                    for x in self.range:
> +                        #self.add_data((x,round(group(x),2)))
> +                        self.add_data((x,function(x)))
> +
> +                # Don't have range anywhere
> +                else:
> +                    # x_data don't exist
> +                    raise Exception, "Data argument is valid but to use function type please set x_range first"
> +
> +            # Coordinate Lists
> +            elif type(group) in LISTTYPES and type(group[0]) is list:
> +                # Clean data_list
> +                self.__data_list = []
> +                data = []
> +                if len(group) == 3:
> +                    data = zip(group[0], group[1], group[2])
> +                elif len(group) == 2:
> +                    data = zip(group[0], group[1])
> +                else:
> +                    raise TypeError, "Only one list of coordinates was received."
> +
> +                for item in data:
> +                    self.add_data(item)
> +
> +            else:
> +                raise TypeError, "Group type not supported"
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +    @apply
> +    def range():
> +        doc = '''
> +            The range is a read/write property that generates a range of values
> +            for the x axis of the functions. When passed a tuple it almost works
> +            like the built-in range funtion:
> +             - 1 item, represent the end of the range started from 0;
> +             - 2 items, represents the start and the end, respectively;
> +             - 3 items, the last one represents the step;
> +
> +            When passed a list the range function understands as a valid range.
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> g = Group(); g.range = 10; print g.range
> +            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
> +            >>> g = Group(); g.range = (5); print g.range
> +            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
> +            >>> g = Group(); g.range = (1,7); print g.range
> +            [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
> +            >>> g = Group(); g.range = (0,10,2); print g.range
> +            [0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0]
> +            >>>
> +            >>> g = Group(); g.range = [0]; print g.range
> +            [0.0]
> +            >>> g = Group(); g.range = [0,10,20]; print g.range
> +            [0.0, 10.0, 20.0]
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                Returns the range
> +            '''
> +            return self.__range
> +
> +        def fset(self, x_range):
> +            '''
> +                Controls the input of a valid type and generate the range
> +            '''
> +            # if passed a simple number convert to tuple
> +            if type(x_range) in NUMTYPES:
> +                x_range = (x_range,)
> +
> +            # A list, just convert to float
> +            if type(x_range) is list and len(x_range) > 0:
> +                # Convert all to float
> +                x_range = map(float, x_range)
> +                # Prevents repeated values and convert back to list
> +                self.__range = list(set(x_range[:]))
> +                # Sort the list to ascending order
> +                self.__range.sort()
> +
> +            # A tuple, must check the lengths and generate the values
> +            elif type(x_range) is tuple and len(x_range) in (1,2,3):
> +                # Convert all to float
> +                x_range = map(float, x_range)
> +
> +                # Inital values
> +                start = 0.0
> +                step = 1.0
> +                end = 0.0
> +
> +                # Only the end and it can't be less or iqual to 0
> +                if len(x_range) is 1 and x_range > 0:
> +                        end = x_range[0]
> +
> +                # The start and the end but the start must be less then the end
> +                elif len(x_range) is 2 and x_range[0] < x_range[1]:
> +                        start = x_range[0]
> +                        end = x_range[1]
> +
> +                # All 3, but the start must be less then the end
> +                elif x_range[0] <= x_range[1]:
> +                        start = x_range[0]
> +                        end = x_range[1]
> +                        step = x_range[2]
> +
> +                # Starts the range
> +                self.__range = []
> +                # Generate the range
> +                # Can't use the range function because it doesn't support float values
> +                while start < end:
> +                    self.__range.append(start)
> +                    start += step
> +
> +            # Incorrect type
> +            else:
> +                raise Exception, "x_range must be a list with one or more items or a tuple with 2 or 3 items"
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +    def add_data(self, data, name=None):
> +        '''
> +            Append a new data to the data_list.
> +             - If data is an instance of Data, append it
> +             - If it's an int, float, tuple or list create an instance of Data and append it
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> g = Group()
> +            >>> g.add_data(12); print g
> +            ['12']
> +            >>> g.add_data(7,'other'); print g
> +            ['12', 'other: 7']
> +            >>>
> +            >>> g = Group()
> +            >>> g.add_data((1,1),'a'); print g
> +            ['a: (1, 1)']
> +            >>> g.add_data((2,2),'b'); print g
> +            ['a: (1, 1)', 'b: (2, 2)']
> +            >>>
> +            >>> g.add_data(Data((1,2),'c')); print g
> +            ['a: (1, 1)', 'b: (2, 2)', 'c: (1, 2)']
> +        '''
> +        if not isinstance(data, Data):
> +            # Try to convert
> +            data = Data(data,name,self)
> +
> +        if data.content is not None:
> +            self.__data_list.append(data.copy())
> +            self.__data_list[-1].parent = self
> +
> +
> +    def to_list(self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns the group as a list of numbers (int, float or long) or a
> +            list of tuples (points 2D or 3D).
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> g = Group([1,2,3,4],'g1'); g.to_list()
> +            [1, 2, 3, 4]
> +            >>> g = Group([(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)],'g2'); g.to_list()
> +            [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
> +            >>> g = Group([(1,2,3),(3,4,5)],'g2'); g.to_list()
> +            [(1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5)]
> +        '''
> +        return [data.content for data in self]
> +
> +    def copy(self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns a copy of this group
> +        '''
> +        new_group = Group()
> +        new_group.__name = self.__name
> +        if self.__range is not None:
> +            new_group.__range = self.__range[:]
> +        for data in self:
> +            new_group.add_data(data.copy())
> +        return new_group
> +
> +    def get_names(self):
> +        '''
> +            Return a list with the names of all data in this group
> +        '''
> +        names = []
> +        for data in self:
> +            if data.name is None:
> +                names.append('Data '+str(data.index()+1))
> +            else:
> +                names.append(data.name)
> +        return names
> +
> +
> +    def __str__ (self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns a string representing the Group
> +        '''
> +        ret = ""
> +        if self.name is not None:
> +            ret += self.name + " "
> +        if len(self) > 0:
> +            list_str = [str(item) for item in self]
> +            ret += str(list_str)
> +        else:
> +            ret += "[]"
> +        return ret
> +
> +    def __getitem__(self, key):
> +        '''
> +            Makes a Group iterable, based in the data_list property
> +        '''
> +        return self.data_list[key]
> +
> +    def __len__(self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns the length of the Group, based in the data_list property
> +        '''
> +        return len(self.data_list)
> +
> +
> +class Colors(object):
> +    '''
> +        Class that models the colors its labels (names) and its properties, RGB
> +        and filling type.
> +
> +        It can receive:
> +        - A list where each item is a list with 3 or 4 items. The
> +          first 3 items represent the RGB values and the last argument
> +          defines the filling type. The list will be converted to a dict
> +          and each color will receve a name based in its position in the
> +          list.
> +        - A dictionary where each key will be the color name and its item
> +          can be a list with 3 or 4 items. The first 3 items represent
> +          the RGB colors and the last argument defines the filling type.
> +    '''
> +    def __init__(self, color_list=None):
> +        '''
> +            Start the color_list property
> +            @ color_list - the list or dict contaning the colors properties.
> +        '''
> +        self.__color_list = None
> +
> +        self.color_list = color_list
> +
> +    @apply
> +    def color_list():
> +        doc = '''
> +        >>> c = Colors([[1,1,1],[2,2,2,'linear'],[3,3,3,'gradient']])
> +        >>> print c.color_list
> +        {'Color 2': [2, 2, 2, 'linear'], 'Color 3': [3, 3, 3, 'gradient'], 'Color 1': [1, 1, 1, 'solid']}
> +        >>> c.color_list = [[1,1,1],(2,2,2,'solid'),(3,3,3,'linear')]
> +        >>> print c.color_list
> +        {'Color 2': [2, 2, 2, 'solid'], 'Color 3': [3, 3, 3, 'linear'], 'Color 1': [1, 1, 1, 'solid']}
> +        >>> c.color_list = {'a':[1,1,1],'b':(2,2,2,'solid'),'c':(3,3,3,'linear'), 'd':(4,4,4)}
> +        >>> print c.color_list
> +        {'a': [1, 1, 1, 'solid'], 'c': [3, 3, 3, 'linear'], 'b': [2, 2, 2, 'solid'], 'd': [4, 4, 4, 'solid']}
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                Return the color list
> +            '''
> +            return self.__color_list
> +
> +        def fset(self, color_list):
> +            '''
> +                Format the color list to a dictionary
> +            '''
> +            if color_list is None:
> +                self.__color_list = None
> +                return
> +
> +            if type(color_list) in LISTTYPES and type(color_list[0]) in LISTTYPES:
> +                old_color_list = color_list[:]
> +                color_list = {}
> +                for index, color in enumerate(old_color_list):
> +                    if len(color) is 3 and max(map(type, color)) in NUMTYPES:
> +                        color_list['Color '+str(index+1)] = list(color)+[DEFAULT_COLOR_FILLING]
> +                    elif len(color) is 4 and max(map(type, color[:-1])) in NUMTYPES and color[-1] in FILLING_TYPES:
> +                        color_list['Color '+str(index+1)] = list(color)
> +                    else:
> +                        raise TypeError, "Unsuported color format"
> +            elif type(color_list) is not dict:
> +                raise TypeError, "Unsuported color format"
> +
> +            for name, color in color_list.items():
> +                if len(color) is 3:
> +                    if max(map(type, color)) in NUMTYPES:
> +                        color_list[name] = list(color)+[DEFAULT_COLOR_FILLING]
> +                    else:
> +                        raise TypeError, "Unsuported color format"
> +                elif len(color) is 4:
> +                    if max(map(type, color[:-1])) in NUMTYPES and color[-1] in FILLING_TYPES:
> +                        color_list[name] = list(color)
> +                    else:
> +                        raise TypeError, "Unsuported color format"
> +            self.__color_list = color_list.copy()
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +
> +class Series(object):
> +    '''
> +        Class that models a Series (group of groups). Every value (int, float,
> +        long, tuple or list) passed is converted to a list of Group or Data.
> +        It can receive:
> +         - a single number or point, will be converted to a Group of one Data;
> +         - a list of numbers, will be converted to a group of numbers;
> +         - a list of tuples, will converted to a single Group of points;
> +         - a list of lists of numbers, each 'sublist' will be converted to a
> +           group of numbers;
> +         - a list of lists of tuples, each 'sublist' will be converted to a
> +           group of points;
> +         - a list of lists of lists, the content of the 'sublist' will be
> +           processed as coordinated lists and the result will be converted to
> +           a group of points;
> +         - a Dictionary where each item can be the same of the list: number,
> +           point, list of numbers, list of points or list of lists (coordinated
> +           lists);
> +         - an instance of Data;
> +         - an instance of group.
> +    '''
> +    def __init__(self, series=None, name=None, property=[], colors=None):
> +        '''
> +            Starts main atributes in Group instance.
> +            @series     - a list, dict of data of which the series is composed;
> +            @name       - name of the series;
> +            @property   - a list/dict of properties to be used in the plots of
> +                          this Series
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> print Series([1,2,3,4])
> +            ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3', '4']"]
> +            >>> print Series([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
> +            ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3']", "Group 2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
> +            >>> print Series((1,2))
> +            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)']"]
> +            >>> print Series([(1,2),(2,3)])
> +            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
> +            >>> print Series([[(1,2),(2,3)],[(4,5),(5,6)]])
> +            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "Group 2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
> +            >>> print Series([[[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3]]])
> +            ["Group 1 ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)', '(3, 3, 3)']"]
> +            >>> print Series({'g1':[1,2,3], 'g2':[4,5,6]})
> +            ["g1 ['1', '2', '3']", "g2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
> +            >>> print Series({'g1':[(1,2),(2,3)], 'g2':[(4,5),(5,6)]})
> +            ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "g2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
> +            >>> print Series({'g1':[[1,2],[1,2]], 'g2':[[4,5],[4,5]]})
> +            ["g1 ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)']", "g2 ['(4, 4)', '(5, 5)']"]
> +            >>> print Series(Data(1,'d1'))
> +            ["Group 1 ['d1: 1']"]
> +            >>> print Series(Group([(1,2),(2,3)],'g1'))
> +            ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
> +        '''
> +        # Intial values
> +        self.__group_list = []
> +        self.__name = None
> +        self.__range = None
> +
> +        # TODO: Implement colors with filling
> +        self.__colors = None
> +
> +        self.name = name
> +        self.group_list = series
> +        self.colors = colors
> +
> +    # Name property
> +    @apply
> +    def name():
> +        doc = '''
> +            Name is a read/write property that controls the input of name.
> +             - If passed an invalid value it cleans the name with None
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> s = Series(13); s.name = 'name_test'; print s
> +            name_test ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> +            >>> s.name = 11; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> +            >>> s.name = 'other_name'; print s
> +            other_name ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> +            >>> s.name = None; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> +            >>> s.name = 'last_name'; print s
> +            last_name ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> +            >>> s.name = ''; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['13']"]
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                Returns the name as a string
> +            '''
> +            return self.__name
> +
> +        def fset(self, name):
> +            '''
> +                Sets the name of the Group
> +            '''
> +            if type(name) in STRTYPES and len(name) > 0:
> +                self.__name = name
> +            else:
> +                self.__name = None
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +
> +
> +    # Colors property
> +    @apply
> +    def colors():
> +        doc = '''
> +        >>> s = Series()
> +        >>> s.colors = [[1,1,1],[2,2,2,'linear'],[3,3,3,'gradient']]
> +        >>> print s.colors
> +        {'Color 2': [2, 2, 2, 'linear'], 'Color 3': [3, 3, 3, 'gradient'], 'Color 1': [1, 1, 1, 'solid']}
> +        >>> s.colors = [[1,1,1],(2,2,2,'solid'),(3,3,3,'linear')]
> +        >>> print s.colors
> +        {'Color 2': [2, 2, 2, 'solid'], 'Color 3': [3, 3, 3, 'linear'], 'Color 1': [1, 1, 1, 'solid']}
> +        >>> s.colors = {'a':[1,1,1],'b':(2,2,2,'solid'),'c':(3,3,3,'linear'), 'd':(4,4,4)}
> +        >>> print s.colors
> +        {'a': [1, 1, 1, 'solid'], 'c': [3, 3, 3, 'linear'], 'b': [2, 2, 2, 'solid'], 'd': [4, 4, 4, 'solid']}
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                Return the color list
> +            '''
> +            return self.__colors.color_list
> +
> +        def fset(self, colors):
> +            '''
> +                Format the color list to a dictionary
> +            '''
> +            self.__colors = Colors(colors)
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +    @apply
> +    def range():
> +        doc = '''
> +            The range is a read/write property that generates a range of values
> +            for the x axis of the functions. When passed a tuple it almost works
> +            like the built-in range funtion:
> +             - 1 item, represent the end of the range started from 0;
> +             - 2 items, represents the start and the end, respectively;
> +             - 3 items, the last one represents the step;
> +
> +            When passed a list the range function understands as a valid range.
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> s = Series(); s.range = 10; print s.range
> +            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0]
> +            >>> s = Series(); s.range = (5); print s.range
> +            [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
> +            >>> s = Series(); s.range = (1,7); print s.range
> +            [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]
> +            >>> s = Series(); s.range = (0,10,2); print s.range
> +            [0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0]
> +            >>>
> +            >>> s = Series(); s.range = [0]; print s.range
> +            [0.0]
> +            >>> s = Series(); s.range = [0,10,20]; print s.range
> +            [0.0, 10.0, 20.0]
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                Returns the range
> +            '''
> +            return self.__range
> +
> +        def fset(self, x_range):
> +            '''
> +                Controls the input of a valid type and generate the range
> +            '''
> +            # if passed a simple number convert to tuple
> +            if type(x_range) in NUMTYPES:
> +                x_range = (x_range,)
> +
> +            # A list, just convert to float
> +            if type(x_range) is list and len(x_range) > 0:
> +                # Convert all to float
> +                x_range = map(float, x_range)
> +                # Prevents repeated values and convert back to list
> +                self.__range = list(set(x_range[:]))
> +                # Sort the list to ascending order
> +                self.__range.sort()
> +
> +            # A tuple, must check the lengths and generate the values
> +            elif type(x_range) is tuple and len(x_range) in (1,2,3):
> +                # Convert all to float
> +                x_range = map(float, x_range)
> +
> +                # Inital values
> +                start = 0.0
> +                step = 1.0
> +                end = 0.0
> +
> +                # Only the end and it can't be less or iqual to 0
> +                if len(x_range) is 1 and x_range > 0:
> +                        end = x_range[0]
> +
> +                # The start and the end but the start must be lesser then the end
> +                elif len(x_range) is 2 and x_range[0] < x_range[1]:
> +                        start = x_range[0]
> +                        end = x_range[1]
> +
> +                # All 3, but the start must be lesser then the end
> +                elif x_range[0] < x_range[1]:
> +                        start = x_range[0]
> +                        end = x_range[1]
> +                        step = x_range[2]
> +
> +                # Starts the range
> +                self.__range = []
> +                # Generate the range
> +                # Cnat use the range function becouse it don't suport float values
> +                while start <= end:
> +                    self.__range.append(start)
> +                    start += step
> +
> +            # Incorrect type
> +            else:
> +                raise Exception, "x_range must be a list with one or more item or a tuple with 2 or 3 items"
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +    @apply
> +    def group_list():
> +        doc = '''
> +            The group_list is a read/write property used to pre-process the list
> +            of Groups.
> +            It can be:
> +             - a single number, point or lambda, will be converted to a single
> +               Group of one Data;
> +             - a list of numbers, will be converted to a group of numbers;
> +             - a list of tuples, will converted to a single Group of points;
> +             - a list of lists of numbers, each 'sublist' will be converted to
> +               a group of numbers;
> +             - a list of lists of tuples, each 'sublist' will be converted to a
> +               group of points;
> +             - a list of lists of lists, the content of the 'sublist' will be
> +               processed as coordinated lists and the result will be converted
> +               to a group of points;
> +             - a list of lambdas, each lambda represents a Group;
> +             - a Dictionary where each item can be the same of the list: number,
> +               point, list of numbers, list of points, list of lists
> +               (coordinated lists) or lambdas
> +             - an instance of Data;
> +             - an instance of group.
> +
> +            Usage:
> +            >>> s = Series()
> +            >>> s.group_list = [1,2,3,4]; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3', '4']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3']", "Group 2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = (1,2); print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = [(1,2),(2,3)]; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = [[(1,2),(2,3)],[(4,5),(5,6)]]; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "Group 2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = [[[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3]]]; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)', '(3, 3, 3)']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = [(0.5,5.5) , [(0,4),(6,8)] , (5.5,7) , (7,9)]; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['(0.5, 5.5)']", "Group 2 ['(0, 4)', '(6, 8)']", "Group 3 ['(5.5, 7)']", "Group 4 ['(7, 9)']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = {'g1':[1,2,3], 'g2':[4,5,6]}; print s
> +            ["g1 ['1', '2', '3']", "g2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = {'g1':[(1,2),(2,3)], 'g2':[(4,5),(5,6)]}; print s
> +            ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "g2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = {'g1':[[1,2],[1,2]], 'g2':[[4,5],[4,5]]}; print s
> +            ["g1 ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)']", "g2 ['(4, 4)', '(5, 5)']"]
> +            >>> s.range = 10
> +            >>> s.group_list = lambda x:x*2
> +            >>> s.group_list = [lambda x:x*2, lambda x:x**2, lambda x:x**3]; print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 2.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 6.0)', '(4.0, 8.0)', '(5.0, 10.0)', '(6.0, 12.0)', '(7.0, 14.0)', '(8.0, 16.0)', '(9.0, 18.0)', '(10.0, 20.0)']", "Group 2 ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 9.0)', '(4.0, 16.0)', '(5.0, 25.0)', '(6.0, 36.0)', '(7.0, 49.0)', '(8.0, 64.0)', '(9.0, 81.0)', '(10.0, 100.0)']", "Group 3 ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 8.0)', '(3.0, 27.0)', '(4.0, 64.0)', '(5.0, 125.0)', '(6.0, 216.0)', '(7.0, 343.0)', '(8.0, 512.0)', '(9.0, 729.0)', '(10.0, 1000.0)']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = {'linear':lambda x:x*2, 'square':lambda x:x**2, 'cubic':lambda x:x**3}; print s
> +            ["cubic ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 8.0)', '(3.0, 27.0)', '(4.0, 64.0)', '(5.0, 125.0)', '(6.0, 216.0)', '(7.0, 343.0)', '(8.0, 512.0)', '(9.0, 729.0)', '(10.0, 1000.0)']", "linear ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 2.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 6.0)', '(4.0, 8.0)', '(5.0, 10.0)', '(6.0, 12.0)', '(7.0, 14.0)', '(8.0, 16.0)', '(9.0, 18.0)', '(10.0, 20.0)']", "square ['(0.0, 0.0)', '(1.0, 1.0)', '(2.0, 4.0)', '(3.0, 9.0)', '(4.0, 16.0)', '(5.0, 25.0)', '(6.0, 36.0)', '(7.0, 49.0)', '(8.0, 64.0)', '(9.0, 81.0)', '(10.0, 100.0)']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = Data(1,'d1'); print s
> +            ["Group 1 ['d1: 1']"]
> +            >>> s.group_list = Group([(1,2),(2,3)],'g1'); print s
> +            ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
> +        '''
> +        def fget(self):
> +            '''
> +                Return the group list.
> +            '''
> +            return self.__group_list
> +
> +        def fset(self, series):
> +            '''
> +                Controls the input of a valid group list.
> +            '''
> +            #TODO: Add support to the following strem of data: [ (0.5,5.5) , [(0,4),(6,8)] , (5.5,7) , (7,9)]
> +
> +            # Type: None
> +            if series is None:
> +                self.__group_list = []
> +
> +            # List or Tuple
> +            elif type(series) in LISTTYPES:
> +                self.__group_list = []
> +
> +                is_function = lambda x: callable(x)
> +                # Groups
> +                if list in map(type, series) or max(map(is_function, series)):
> +                    for group in series:
> +                        self.add_group(group)
> +
> +                # single group
> +                else:
> +                    self.add_group(series)
> +
> +                #old code
> +                ## List of numbers
> +                #if type(series[0]) in NUMTYPES or type(series[0]) is tuple:
> +                #    print series
> +                #    self.add_group(series)
> +                #
> +                ## List of anything else
> +                #else:
> +                #    for group in series:
> +                #        self.add_group(group)
> +
> +            # Dict representing series of groups
> +            elif type(series) is dict:
> +                self.__group_list = []
> +                names = series.keys()
> +                names.sort()
> +                for name in names:
> +                    self.add_group(Group(series[name],name,self))
> +
> +            # A single lambda
> +            elif callable(series):
> +                self.__group_list = []
> +                self.add_group(series)
> +
> +            # Int/float, instance of Group or Data
> +            elif type(series) in NUMTYPES or isinstance(series, Group) or isinstance(series, Data):
> +                self.__group_list = []
> +                self.add_group(series)
> +
> +            # Default
> +            else:
> +                raise TypeError, "Serie type not supported"
> +
> +        return property(**locals())
> +
> +    def add_group(self, group, name=None):
> +        '''
> +            Append a new group in group_list
> +        '''
> +        if not isinstance(group, Group):
> +            #Try to convert
> +            group = Group(group, name, self)
> +
> +        if len(group.data_list) is not 0:
> +            # Auto naming groups
> +            if group.name is None:
> +                group.name = "Group "+str(len(self.__group_list)+1)
> +
> +            self.__group_list.append(group)
> +            self.__group_list[-1].parent = self
> +
> +    def copy(self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns a copy of the Series
> +        '''
> +        new_series = Series()
> +        new_series.__name = self.__name
> +        if self.__range is not None:
> +            new_series.__range = self.__range[:]
> +        #Add color property in the copy method
> +        #self.__colors = None
> +
> +        for group in self:
> +            new_series.add_group(group.copy())
> +
> +        return new_series
> +
> +    def get_names(self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns a list of the names of all groups in the Serie
> +        '''
> +        names = []
> +        for group in self:
> +            if group.name is None:
> +                names.append('Group '+str(group.index()+1))
> +            else:
> +                names.append(group.name)
> +
> +        return names
> +
> +    def to_list(self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns a list with the content of all groups and data
> +        '''
> +        big_list = []
> +        for group in self:
> +            for data in group:
> +                if type(data.content) in NUMTYPES:
> +                    big_list.append(data.content)
> +                else:
> +                    big_list = big_list + list(data.content)
> +        return big_list
> +
> +    def __getitem__(self, key):
> +        '''
> +            Makes the Series iterable, based in the group_list property
> +        '''
> +        return self.__group_list[key]
> +
> +    def __str__(self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns a string that represents the Series
> +        '''
> +        ret = ""
> +        if self.name is not None:
> +            ret += self.name + " "
> +        if len(self) > 0:
> +            list_str = [str(item) for item in self]
> +            ret += str(list_str)
> +        else:
> +            ret += "[]"
> +        return ret
> +
> +    def __len__(self):
> +        '''
> +            Returns the length of the Series, based in the group_lsit property
> +        '''
> +        return len(self.group_list)
> +
> +
> +if __name__ == '__main__':
> +    doctest.testmod()
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/python2/softirqtimes.py b/bindings/python/examples/python2/softirqtimes.py
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..59905c1
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/python2/softirqtimes.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python2
> +# softirqtimes.py
> +#
> +# Babeltrace time of softirqs example script
> +#
> +# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> +#
> +# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> +#
> +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> +# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> +# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> +# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> +# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> +# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> +#
> +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> +# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> +
> +# The script checks the number of events in the trace
> +# and outputs a table and a .svg histogram for the specified
> +# range (microseconds) or the total trace if no range specified.
> +# The graph is generated using the cairoplot module.
> +
> +# The script checks the trace for the amount of time
> +# spent from each softirq_raise to softirq_exit.
> +# It prints out the min, max (with timestamp),
> +# average times, the standard deviation and the total count.
> +# Using the cairoplot module, a .svg graph is also outputted
> +# showing the taken time in function of the time since the
> +# beginning of the trace.
> +
> +import sys, math
> +from output_format_modules import cairoplot
> +from babeltrace import *
> +
> +if len(sys.argv) < 2:
> +	raise TypeError("Usage: python softirqtimes.py path/to/trace")
> +
> +ctx = Context()
> +ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[1], "ctf")
> +if ret is None:
> +	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> +
> +time_taken = []
> +graph_data = []
> +max_time = (0.0, 0.0) # (val, ts)
> +
> +# tmp template: {(cpu_id,  vec):TS raise}
> +tmp = {}
> +largest_val = 0
> +
> +# Setting iterator
> +bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> +ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> +
> +# Reading events
> +event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +start_time = event.get_timestamp()
> +while(event is not None):
> +
> +	event_name = event.get_name()
> +	error = True
> +	appendNext = False
> +
> +	if event_name == 'softirq_raise' or  event_name == 'softirq_exit':
> +		# Recover cpu_id and vec values to make a key to tmp
> +		error = False
> +		scope = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.STREAM_PACKET_CONTEXT)
> +		field = event.get_field(scope, "cpu_id")
> +		cpu_id = field.get_uint64()
> +		if ctf.field_error():
> +			print("ERROR: Missing cpu_id info for {}".format(
> +				event.get_name()))
> +			error = True
> +
> +		scope = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.EVENT_FIELDS)
> +		field = event.get_field(scope, "_vec")
> +		vec = field.get_uint64()
> +		if ctf.field_error():
> +			print("ERROR: Missing vec info for {}".format(
> +				event.get_name()))
> +			error = True
> +		key = (cpu_id, vec)
> +
> +	if event_name == 'softirq_raise' and not error:
> +		# Add timestamp to tmp
> +		if key in tmp:
> +			# If key already exists
> +			i = 0
> +			while True:
> +				# Add index
> +				key = (cpu_id, vec, i)
> +				if key in tmp:
> +					i += 1
> +					continue
> +				if i > largest_val:
> +					largest_val = i
> +				break
> +
> +		tmp[key] = event.get_timestamp()
> +
> +	if event_name == 'softirq_exit' and not error:
> +		# Saving data for output
> +		# Key check
> +		if not (key in tmp):
> +			i = 0
> +			while i <= largest_val:
> +				key = (key[0], key[1], i)
> +				if key in tmp:
> +					break
> +				i += 1
> +
> +		raise_timestamp = tmp[key]
> +		time_data = event.get_timestamp() - tmp.pop(key)
> +		if time_data > max_time[0]:
> +			# max_time = (val, ts)
> +			max_time = (time_data, raise_timestamp)
> +		time_taken.append(time_data)
> +		graph_data.append((raise_timestamp - start_time, time_data))
> +
> +	# Next Event
> +	ret = ctf_it.next()
> +	if ret < 0:
> +		break
> +	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +
> +
> +del ctf_it
> +
> +# Standard dev. calc.
> +try:
> +	mean = sum(time_taken)/float(len(time_taken))
> +except ZeroDivisionError:
> +	raise TypeError("empty data")
> +deviations_squared = []
> +for x in time_taken:
> +	deviations_squared.append(math.pow((x - mean), 2))
> +try:
> +	stddev = math.sqrt(sum(deviations_squared) / (len(deviations_squared) - 1))
> +except ZeroDivisionError:
> +	stddev = '-'
> +
> +# Terminal output
> +print("AVG TIME: {} ns".format(mean))
> +print("MIN TIME: {} ns".format(min(time_taken)))
> +print("MAX TIME: {} ns, TS: {}".format(max_time[0], max_time[1]))
> +print("STD DEV: {}".format(stddev))
> +print("TOTAL COUNT: {}".format(len(time_taken)))
> +
> +# Graph output
> +cairoplot.scatter_plot ( 'softirqtimes.svg', data = graph_data,
> +	width = 5000, height = 4000, border = 20, axis = True,
> +	grid = True, series_colors = ["red"] )
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/python2/syscalls_by_pid.py b/bindings/python/examples/python2/syscalls_by_pid.py
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..cf1d581
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/python2/syscalls_by_pid.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python2
> +# syscall_by_pid.py
> +#
> +# Babeltrace syscall by pid example script
> +#
> +# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> +#
> +# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> +#
> +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> +# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> +# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> +# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> +# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> +# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> +#
> +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> +# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> +
> +# The script checks the number of events in the trace
> +# and outputs a table and a .svg histogram for the specified
> +# range (microseconds) or the total trace if no range specified.
> +# The graph is generated using the cairoplot module.
> +
> +# The script checks all syscall in the trace and prints a list
> +# showing the number of systemcalls executed by each PID
> +# ordered from greatest to least number of syscalls.
> +# The trace needs PID context (lttng add-context -k -t pid)
> +
> +import sys
> +from babeltrace import *
> +from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> +
> +if len(sys.argv) < 2 :
> +	raise TypeError("Usage: python syscalls_by_pid.py path/to/trace")
> +
> +ctx = Context()
> +ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[1], "ctf")
> +if ret is None:
> +	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> +
> +data = {}
> +
> +# Setting iterator
> +bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> +ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> +
> +# Reading events
> +event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +while event is not None:
> +	if event.get_name().find("sys") >= 0:
> +		# Getting scope definition
> +		sco = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.STREAM_EVENT_CONTEXT)
> +		if sco is None:
> +			print("ERROR: Cannot get definition scope for {}".format(
> +				event.get_name()))
> +		else:
> +			# Getting PID
> +			pid_field = event.get_field(sco, "_pid")
> +			pid = pid_field.get_int64()
> +
> +			if ctf.field_error():
> +				print("ERROR: Missing PID info for sched_switch".format(
> +					event.get_name()))
> +			elif pid in data:
> +				data[pid] += 1
> +			else:
> +				data[pid] = 1
> +	# Next event
> +	ret = ctf_it.next()
> +	if ret < 0:
> +		break
> +	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> +
> +del ctf_it
> +
> +# Setting table for output
> +table = []
> +for item in data:
> +	table.append([data[item], item])  # [count, pid]
> +table.sort(reverse = True)	# [big count first, pid]
> +for i in range(len(table)):
> +	table[i].reverse()	# [pid, big count first]
> +table.insert(0, ["PID", "SYSCALL COUNT"])
> +pprint(table)
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/sched_switch.py b/bindings/python/examples/sched_switch.py
> old mode 100644
> new mode 100755
> index 7ae834b..d5ed25b
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/sched_switch.py
> +++ b/bindings/python/examples/sched_switch.py
> @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python3
>  # sched_switch.py
> -# 
> +#
>  # Babeltrace example script with sched_switch events
> -# 
> +#
>  # Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> -# 
> +#
>  # Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> -# 
> +#
>  # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
>  # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
>  # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
>  # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
>  # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
>  # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> -# 
> +#
>  # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
>  # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/softirqtimes.py b/bindings/python/examples/softirqtimes.py
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 903bf3e..0000000
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/softirqtimes.py
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
> -# softirqtimes.py
> -# 
> -# Babeltrace time of softirqs example script
> -# 
> -# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> -# 
> -# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> -# 
> -# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> -# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> -# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> -# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> -# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> -# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> -# 
> -# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> -# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> -
> -# The script checks the number of events in the trace
> -# and outputs a table and a .svg histogram for the specified
> -# range (microseconds) or the total trace if no range specified.
> -# The graph is generated using the cairoplot module.
> -
> -# The script checks the trace for the amount of time
> -# spent from each softirq_raise to softirq_exit.
> -# It prints out the min, max (with timestamp),
> -# average times, the standard deviation and the total count.
> -# Using the cairoplot module, a .svg graph is also outputted
> -# showing the taken time in function of the time since the
> -# beginning of the trace.
> -
> -import sys, math
> -from output_format_modules import cairoplot
> -from babeltrace import *
> -
> -if len(sys.argv) < 2:
> -	raise TypeError("Usage: python softirqtimes.py path/to/trace")
> -
> -ctx = Context()
> -ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[1], "ctf")
> -if ret is None:
> -	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> -
> -time_taken = []
> -graph_data = []
> -max_time = (0.0, 0.0) # (val, ts)
> -
> -# tmp template: {(cpu_id,  vec):TS raise}
> -tmp = {}
> -largest_val = 0
> -
> -# Setting iterator
> -bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> -ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> -
> -# Reading events
> -event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -start_time = event.get_timestamp()
> -while(event is not None):
> -
> -	event_name = event.get_name()
> -	error = True
> -	appendNext = False
> -
> -	if event_name == 'softirq_raise' or  event_name == 'softirq_exit':
> -		# Recover cpu_id and vec values to make a key to tmp
> -		error = False
> -		scope = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.STREAM_PACKET_CONTEXT)
> -		field = event.get_field(scope, "cpu_id")
> -		cpu_id = field.get_uint64()
> -		if ctf.field_error():
> -			print("ERROR: Missing cpu_id info for {}".format(
> -				event.get_name()))
> -			error = True
> -
> -		scope = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.EVENT_FIELDS)
> -		field = event.get_field(scope, "_vec")
> -		vec = field.get_uint64()
> -		if ctf.field_error():
> -			print("ERROR: Missing vec info for {}".format(
> -				event.get_name()))
> -			error = True
> -		key = (cpu_id, vec)
> -
> -	if event_name == 'softirq_raise' and not error:
> -		# Add timestamp to tmp
> -		if key in tmp:
> -			# If key already exists
> -			i = 0
> -			while True:
> -				# Add index
> -				key = (cpu_id, vec, i)
> -				if key in tmp:
> -					i += 1
> -					continue
> -				if i > largest_val:
> -					largest_val = i
> -				break
> -
> -		tmp[key] = event.get_timestamp()
> -
> -	if event_name == 'softirq_exit' and not error:
> -		# Saving data for output
> -		# Key check
> -		if not (key in tmp):
> -			i = 0
> -			while i <= largest_val:
> -				key = (key[0], key[1], i)
> -				if key in tmp:
> -					break
> -				i += 1
> -
> -		raise_timestamp = tmp[key]
> -		time_data = event.get_timestamp() - tmp.pop(key)
> -		if time_data > max_time[0]:
> -			# max_time = (val, ts)
> -			max_time = (time_data, raise_timestamp)
> -		time_taken.append(time_data)
> -		graph_data.append((raise_timestamp - start_time, time_data))
> -
> -	# Next Event
> -	ret = ctf_it.next()
> -	if ret < 0:
> -		break
> -	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -
> -
> -del ctf_it
> -
> -# Standard dev. calc.
> -try:
> -	mean = sum(time_taken)/float(len(time_taken))
> -except ZeroDivisionError:
> -	raise TypeError("empty data")
> -deviations_squared = []
> -for x in time_taken:
> -	deviations_squared.append(math.pow((x - mean), 2))
> -try:
> -	stddev = math.sqrt(sum(deviations_squared) / (len(deviations_squared) - 1))
> -except ZeroDivisionError:
> -	stddev = '-'
> -
> -# Terminal output
> -print("AVG TIME: {} ns".format(mean))
> -print("MIN TIME: {} ns".format(min(time_taken)))
> -print("MAX TIME: {} ns, TS: {}".format(max_time[0], max_time[1]))
> -print("STD DEV: {}".format(stddev))
> -print("TOTAL COUNT: {}".format(len(time_taken)))
> -
> -# Graph output
> -cairoplot.scatter_plot ( 'softirqtimes.svg', data = graph_data,
> -	width = 5000, height = 4000, border = 20, axis = True,
> -	grid = True, series_colors = ["red"] )
> diff --git a/bindings/python/examples/syscalls_by_pid.py b/bindings/python/examples/syscalls_by_pid.py
> deleted file mode 100644
> index 3ae342e..0000000
> --- a/bindings/python/examples/syscalls_by_pid.py
> +++ /dev/null
> @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
> -# syscall_by_pid.py
> -# 
> -# Babeltrace syscall by pid example script
> -# 
> -# Copyright 2012 EfficiOS Inc.
> -# 
> -# Author: Danny Serres <danny.serres at efficios.com>
> -# 
> -# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
> -# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
> -# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
> -# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
> -# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
> -# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
> -# 
> -# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
> -# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
> -
> -# The script checks the number of events in the trace
> -# and outputs a table and a .svg histogram for the specified
> -# range (microseconds) or the total trace if no range specified.
> -# The graph is generated using the cairoplot module.
> -
> -# The script checks all syscall in the trace and prints a list
> -# showing the number of systemcalls executed by each PID
> -# ordered from greatest to least number of syscalls.
> -# The trace needs PID context (lttng add-context -k -t pid)
> -
> -import sys
> -from babeltrace import *
> -from output_format_modules.pprint_table import pprint_table as pprint
> -
> -if len(sys.argv) < 2 :
> -	raise TypeError("Usage: python syscalls_by_pid.py path/to/trace")
> -
> -ctx = Context()
> -ret = ctx.add_trace(sys.argv[1], "ctf")
> -if ret is None:
> -	raise IOError("Error adding trace")
> -
> -data = {}
> -
> -# Setting iterator
> -bp = IterPos(SEEK_BEGIN)
> -ctf_it = ctf.Iterator(ctx, bp)
> -
> -# Reading events
> -event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -while event is not None:
> -	if event.get_name().find("sys") >= 0:
> -		# Getting scope definition
> -		sco = event.get_top_level_scope(ctf.scope.STREAM_EVENT_CONTEXT)
> -		if sco is None:
> -			print("ERROR: Cannot get definition scope for {}".format(
> -				event.get_name()))
> -		else:
> -			# Getting PID
> -			pid_field = event.get_field(sco, "_pid")
> -			pid = pid_field.get_int64()
> -
> -			if ctf.field_error():
> -				print("ERROR: Missing PID info for sched_switch".format(
> -					event.get_name()))
> -			elif pid in data:
> -				data[pid] += 1
> -			else:
> -				data[pid] = 1
> -	# Next event
> -	ret = ctf_it.next()
> -	if ret < 0:
> -		break
> -	event = ctf_it.read_event()
> -
> -del ctf_it
> -
> -# Setting table for output
> -table = []
> -for item in data:
> -	table.append([data[item], item])  # [count, pid]
> -table.sort(reverse = True)	# [big count first, pid]
> -for i in range(len(table)):
> -	table[i].reverse()	# [pid, big count first]
> -table.insert(0, ["PID", "SYSCALL COUNT"])
> -pprint(table)
> diff --git a/tests/tests-python.py b/tests/tests-python.py
> old mode 100644
> new mode 100755
> index 0bd71c2..8695f61
> --- a/tests/tests-python.py
> +++ b/tests/tests-python.py
> @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/env python3
>  import unittest
>  import sys
>  from babeltrace import *
> -- 
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> lttng-dev at lists.lttng.org
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Mathieu Desnoyers
EfficiOS Inc.

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