[ltt-dev] Problem when compiling UST from git

christian.charreyre at free.fr christian.charreyre at free.fr
Mon Dec 7 10:44:09 EST 2009

Hello all,

I'm trying to use LTTng for kernelspace and userspace tracing.

I've success compiled kernel 2.6.32-rc8 with LTTng patches, libkcompat, userspace-rcu, all from git (http://git.dorsal.polymtl.ca/).

I can't compile UST picked at http://git.dorsal.polymtl.ca/?p=ust.git.

Precisely, after bootstraping and configuring, I get an error in file marker.c in libust, and the error is :

marker.c:1462: error: impossible constraint in ‘asm’

I'm working with gcc 4.4.1 from Ubuntu 9.10.
It seems that the asm behing __trace_mark can't be successfully compiled on my distro (macro _DEFINE_MARKER).
As I don't understand this asm directives, can anyone give me a hint so I can correct what is necessary to use UST.

Thanks for answers.

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