[ltt-dev] I do not see the subsystem_event (from the example) from lttv

Stefano Panella stefano.panella at csr.com
Thu Nov 13 13:42:19 EST 2008

Hi all!

After loading markers_example.ko and probe_example.ko I have executed 
ltt-armall and I have start tracing,

after that i have executed

cat /proc/marker_example

and I have seen the output from dmesg...

then I have stopped the "semaphore" but when I say yes and I start lttv 
to view the result I do not see the subsystem_event in the list of events.

Is that normal?


Stefano Panella, Software Engineer, Drivers
CSR, Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park,  Tel: +44 (0)1223 692452
Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ                 http://www.csr.com/

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