[lttng-dev] [RELEASE] LTTng-analyses v0.6

Julien Desfossez jdesfossez at efficios.com
Thu Dec 22 19:57:39 UTC 2016


We are glad to announce a new release of lttng-analyses !

This project is a collection of tools to extract metrics and high-level
informations from offline LTTng traces to investigate complex problems.

The main addition in this release is the new "period" mechanism which
allows users to define directly on the command line what events
constitute the beginning and the end of a period in their trace, and
which field(s) to use to match the two events. Periods can also be fully
nested within each other. A visual example of a period and how to define
it can be found in [1].

Once the period is defined on the command line, the new
lttng-period{top,log,freq,stats} scripts can be used to extract relevant
data from the trace put in the form of periods, so a lot of automated
statistics can be computed. The README on the github page has examples
of some possible outputs.

Since the user now defines the periods on the command line, all CTF
traces can be used as input, so this is the first release that supports
LTTng-UST traces in addition to LTTng kernel traces.

Defining a new period is not necessarily a trivial task at first, but it
is the same principle as reading a trace manually, you match events and
fields (and parent events/fields), once you understand the syntax, you
will start making very powerful analyses !

All these new analyses also output the LAMI format, and can be used
directly in TraceCompass (daily build or 2.3 release) to make
interactive graphs.

As always, we appreciate all kinds of feedback, use-cases and real-world
experiences, so please test it and let us know what you think about it.



[1] https://imgur.com/a/bZCgR

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