[lttng-dev] [RFC] LTTng-tools Java Tracing network protocol

David Goulet dgoulet at efficios.com
Wed Sep 11 13:23:58 EDT 2013

Hi everyone,

Here is the network protocol RFC for the JUL support in lttng-tools. It covers
only the communication between the Java LTTng Agent and the session daemon.

A second RFC will follow this week for the new JUL domain ABI/API in lttng-tools.

NOTE: There is still a "black spot" in that protocol where the session daemon
would have to know, during an application registration, that it's Java to
associate the app. to the domain in tools. If we can't, the trick would be to
always have the Java socket open in the session daemon and once a connection is
done, there is an initial handshake with the PID and then the association if
done there.

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