[ltt-dev] LTTng Trace Control (Eclipse LinuxTools)

Daniel U. Thibault daniel.thibault at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Tue May 17 15:43:49 EDT 2011

Does this work or not?  The LinuxTools-LTTng "home page"
(http://www.eclipse.org/linuxtools/projectPages/lttng/) lists "Control View -
Tracer control (local or remote)" as "LTTng perspective" "Future Plans", while
over half of the LinuxTools Project LTTng User Guide
is devoted to LTTng Trace Control.  The two pages are not contradictory if one
assumes the "Future Plans" concern moving or copying LTTng Trace Control from
the Remote Systems Explorer perspective to the LTTng perspective.

Be that as it may, I'm unable to reproduce the manual's instructions: at the
"Create a Remote Connection" step, I do not have the LTTng connection type
option.  The org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng and org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf
projects have been imported and show as compilable/compiled, the
liblttvtraceread libraries have been installed (liblttngtrace.git from
git.dorsal.polymtl.ca), and tm.tcf revision 1660 has been installed (from
http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/dsdp/org.eclipse.tm.tcf/trunk/).  I know LTTng
control over TM.TCF works, as I can launch tcf-agent and tcf-client, connect to
localhost and proceed to generate a trace (the only problem encountered there is
that the writeTraceNetwork facility does not work, an issue I've raised in
another thread), trace which is readable using the Eclipse LinuxTools LTTng
perspective or using LTTV.

What do I need to do to get LTTng Trace Control to work under Eclipse LinuxTools?

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