[ltt-dev] [UST PATCH] Fix dynamic link with safe snprintf

Mathieu Desnoyers mathieu.desnoyers at polymtl.ca
Thu May 5 14:23:16 EDT 2011

* David Goulet (david.goulet at polymtl.ca) wrote:
> This email was in a "time vortex"...
> Right now, the libustctl is using macro from usterr.h and those macros  
> are using the extern ust_safe_snprintf symbol.
> So, any outside program linking with libustctl (-lustctl) must have  
> libust... This cause problem with lttng-tools which is NOT link with 
> libust.
> This patch is a quick fix for this problem.

See commit

commit 30ffe2794fc413035208cdd2a7a061bc208e210f
Author: Nils Carlson <nils.carlson at ericsson.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 4 12:49:56 2011 +0200

    Make only libust and libustconsumer use a signal safe usterr.h
    Copy usterr.h to usterr_signal_safe.h and rewrite those parts of
    usterr.h that depended on libustsnprintf. This removes the dependency
    on libustsnprintf from all parts of ust except libust.

This should therefore remove the dependency on libustsnprintf for
libustctl in the git HEAD. Can you double-check ?



> Cheers
> David
> On 11-03-28 06:02 PM, Mathieu Desnoyers wrote:
>> * David Goulet (david.goulet at polymtl.ca) wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> We need that in order for libustctl to be compiled with other stuff (like
>>> liblttngctl :)) without linking libust with it. This way, libustctl is
>>> "standalone" and no need for other library linking.
>>> Maybe I should add that to the commit message ;).
>> Can you also specify which symbols from libustsnprintf you are using ?
>> This would help us decide if it's better to remove dependency on these
>> symbols or merge your patch.
>> Thanks,
>> Mathieu
>>> Thanks
>>> David
>>> On 11-03-28 05:07 PM, Nils Carlson wrote:
>>>> On Mar 28, 2011, at 8:59 PM, David Goulet wrote:
>>>>> Signed-off-by: David Goulet<david.goulet at polymtl.ca>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> libustctl/Makefile.am |    3 ++-
>>>>> 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/libustctl/Makefile.am b/libustctl/Makefile.am
>>>>> index bc7526b..153a5bd 100644
>>>>> --- a/libustctl/Makefile.am
>>>>> +++ b/libustctl/Makefile.am
>>>>> @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ libustctl_la_SOURCES = \
>>>>> libustctl_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-info 0:0:0
>>>>> libustctl_la_LIBADD = \
>>>>> -    $(top_builddir)/libustcomm/libustcomm.la
>>>>> +    $(top_builddir)/libustcomm/libustcomm.la \
>>>>> +    $(top_builddir)/snprintf/libustsnprintf.la
>>>> Why do we need this link? What calls does libustctl make into libustsnprintf?
>>>> /Nils
>>>>> libustctl_la_CFLAGS = -DUST_COMPONENT="libustctl" -fno-strict-aliasing
>>>>> --
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> ltt-dev mailing list
>>>>> ltt-dev at lists.casi.polymtl.ca
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>>> - --
>>> David Goulet
>>> LTTng project, DORSAL Lab.
>>> 1024D/16BD8563
>>> BE3C 672B 9331 9796 291A  14C6 4AF7 C14B 16BD 8563
>>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
>>> ZD4An2HiCoFdaTw1jtTy+iw0/MfN13Ul
>>> =2skp
>>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> -- 
> David Goulet
> LTTng project, DORSAL Lab.
> PGP/GPG : 1024D/16BD8563
> BE3C 672B 9331 9796 291A  14C6 4AF7 C14B 16BD 8563

Mathieu Desnoyers
Operating System Efficiency R&D Consultant
EfficiOS Inc.

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