[ltt-dev] [RFC] Portable bitfield library for trace format (v2)

Mathieu Desnoyers mathieu.desnoyers at efficios.com
Mon Sep 20 00:29:07 EDT 2010

I'm keeping the same introduction as (v1), but I'm appending v2 of my portable
bitfield library below. Comments are welcome,

Changelog since v1:
* Add missing brackets around "ptr" in the macros.
* Add more tests, including tests using randomly generated input values.



* Mathieu Desnoyers (mathieu.desnoyers at efficios.com) wrote:
> Hi,
> After looking at gcc bitfields, I found out that they were really non-portable.
> One particularity of these bitfields is that the fields are put from high to low
> bits on big endian, and from low to high bits on little endian. So it is not
> enough to do the byte swap between architectures, one must also take care to
> reorder the fields.
> Also, the fact that gcc requires bitfields to fit in the current unit adds much
> padding that is unwanted in a trace e.g.
> struct {
>         int a:3;
>         int b:31;
>         int c:3;
> };
> will be 12 bytes in size because "b" does not fit in the first "int" unit.
> So I created a bitfield library with write and read primitives that can be made
> compatible with gcc bitfields by specifying the bit padding manually. The
> write-side writes bitfields in the native endianness, either with 1, 2, 4 or 8
> bytes memory writes. The read side is architecture-agnostic, so it can read
> bitfields generated by either little or big endian architectures.
> The userspace code is below. It includes a rather useful test-suite. The code
> generated is quite compact when the parameters are fixed.  A x86-32 disassembly
> of fct() below which contains the macro instance:
> unsigned int glob[1];
> void fct(void)
> {
>    bitfield_write(glob, 0x12345678, 12, 15);
> }
> Compared to this, we have the generated assembly from gcc 4.3.4 for:
> struct d3 {
>         unsigned int a:12;
>         unsigned int b:15;
> };
> struct d3 glob;
> void fct(void)
> {
>         glob.b = 0x12345678;
> }
> glob.b = 0x12345678;
> On x86-32, the bitfield library looks like:
> 08048470 <fct>:
>  8048470:       a1 70 ba 04 08          mov    0x804ba70,%eax
>  8048475:       55                      push   %ebp
>  8048476:       89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
>  8048478:       5d                      pop    %ebp
>  8048479:       25 ff 0f 00 f8          and    $0xf8000fff,%eax
>  804847e:       0d 00 80 67 05          or     $0x5678000,%eax
>  8048483:       a3 70 ba 04 08          mov    %eax,0x804ba70
>  8048488:       c3                      ret    
>  8048489:       8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi
> The gcc bitfields generate:
> 080483d0 <fct>:
>  80483d0:       a1 64 96 04 08          mov    0x8049664,%eax
>  80483d5:       55                      push   %ebp
>  80483d6:       89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
>  80483d8:       5d                      pop    %ebp
>  80483d9:       25 ff 0f 00 f8          and    $0xf8000fff,%eax
>  80483de:       0d 00 80 67 05          or     $0x5678000,%eax
>  80483e3:       a3 64 96 04 08          mov    %eax,0x8049664
>  80483e8:       c3                      ret    
>  80483e9:       8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi
> and on powerpc 32, the bitfield library:
> 10000520 <fct>:
> 10000520:       3d 20 10 01     lis     r9,4097
> 10000524:       80 09 33 80     lwz     r0,13184(r9)
> 10000528:       54 00 06 d6     rlwinm  r0,r0,0,27,11
> 1000052c:       64 00 00 0a     oris    r0,r0,10
> 10000530:       60 00 cf 00     ori     r0,r0,52992
> 10000534:       90 09 33 80     stw     r0,13184(r9)
> 10000538:       4e 80 00 20     blr
> 1000053c:       60 00 00 00     nop
> And gcc bitfields:
> 10000490 <fct>:
> 10000490:       3d 20 10 01     lis     r9,4097
> 10000494:       39 60 56 78     li      r11,22136
> 10000498:       80 09 0a a4     lwz     r0,2724(r9)
> 1000049c:       51 60 2b 34     rlwimi  r0,r11,5,12,26
> 100004a0:       90 09 0a a4     stw     r0,2724(r9)
> 100004a4:       4e 80 00 20     blr
> 100004a8:       60 00 00 00     nop
> 100004ac:       60 00 00 00     nop
> Comments are welcome (code below).
> Thanks,
> Mathieu

 * Common Trace Format
 * Bitfields implementation
 * Copyright 2010 - Mathieu Desnoyers <mathieu.desnoyers at efficios.com>
 * Dual LGPL v2.1/GPL v2 license.

#include <endian.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <strings.h>

/* We can't shift a int from 32 bit, >> 32 on int is a no-op on x86 */
#define piecewise_rshift(v, shift) \
do { \
	int sb = (shift) / (sizeof(v) * 8 - 1); \
	int final = (shift) % (sizeof(v) * 8 - 1); \
	for (; sb; sb--) \
		(v) >>= sizeof(v) * 8 - 1; \
	(v) >>= final; \
} while (0)

 * Save integer to the bitfield, which starts at the "start" bit, has "len"
 * bits.
 * The inside of a bitfield is from high bits to low bits.
 * Uses native endianness.
 * For unsigned "v", pad MSB with 0 if bitfield is larger than v.
 * For signed "v", sign-extend v if bitfield is larger than v.
 * On little endian, bytes are placed from the less significant to the most
 * significant. Also, consecutive bitfields are placed from lower bits to higher
 * bits.
 * On big endian, bytes are places from most significant to less significant.
 * Also, consecutive bitfields are placed from higher to lower bits.


#define bitfield_write(ptr, _v, _start, _length) \
do { \
	typeof(*(ptr)) mask, cmask; \
	unsigned int start = (_start), length = (_length); \
	typeof(_v) v = (_v); \
	int start_unit, end_unit, this_unit; \
	unsigned int end, cshift; /* cshift is "complement shift" */ \
	unsigned int ts = sizeof(__typeof__(*(ptr))) * 8; /* type size */ \
	if (!length) \
		break; \
	end = start + length; \
	start_unit = start / ts; \
	end_unit = (end + (ts - 1)) / ts; \
	/* Trim v high bits */ \
	if (length < sizeof(v) * 8) \
		v &= ~(~0ULL << length); \
	/* We can now append v with a simple "or", shift it piece-wise */ \
	this_unit = start_unit; \
	if (start_unit == end_unit - 1) { \
		mask = ~((typeof(*(ptr))) ~0ULL << (start % ts)); \
		mask |= (typeof(*(ptr))) ~0ULL << (end % ts ? : ts); \
		cmask = (typeof(*(ptr))) v << (start % ts); \
		(ptr)[this_unit] &= mask; \
		(ptr)[this_unit] |= cmask; \
		break; \
	} \
	if (start % ts) { \
		cshift = start % ts; \
		mask = ~((typeof(*(ptr))) ~0ULL << cshift); \
		cmask = (typeof(*(ptr))) v << cshift; \
		(ptr)[this_unit] &= mask; \
		(ptr)[this_unit] |= cmask; \
		if (ts - cshift >= sizeof(v) * 8) \
			piecewise_rshift(v, ts - cshift); \
		else \
			v >>= ts - cshift; \
		start += ts - cshift; \
		this_unit++; \
	} \
	for (; this_unit < end_unit - 1; this_unit++) { \
		(ptr)[this_unit] = (typeof(*(ptr))) v; \
		if (ts >= sizeof(v) * 8) \
			piecewise_rshift(v, ts); \
		else \
			v >>= ts; \
		start += ts; \
	} \
	if (end % ts) { \
		mask = (typeof(*(ptr))) ~0ULL << (end % ts); \
		cmask = (typeof(*(ptr))) v; \
		(ptr)[this_unit] &= mask; \
		(ptr)[this_unit] |= cmask; \
	} else \
		(ptr)[this_unit] = (typeof(*(ptr))) v; \
} while (0)


#define bitfield_write(ptr, _v, _start, _length) \
do { \
	typeof(_v) v = (_v); \
	unsigned int start = _start, length = _length; \
	int start_unit, end_unit, this_unit; \
	unsigned int end, cshift; /* cshift is "complement shift" */ \
	typeof(*(ptr)) mask, cmask; \
	unsigned int ts = sizeof(__typeof__(*(ptr))) * 8; /* type size */ \
	if (!length) \
		break; \
	end = start + length; \
	start_unit = start / ts; \
	end_unit = (end + (ts - 1)) / ts; \
	/* Trim v high bits */ \
	if (length < sizeof(v) * 8) \
		v &= ~(~0ULL << length); \
	/* We can now append v with a simple "or", shift it piece-wise */ \
	this_unit = end_unit - 1; \
	if (start_unit == end_unit - 1) { \
		mask = ~((typeof(*(ptr))) ~0ULL << ((ts - (end % ts)) % ts)); \
		mask |= (typeof(*(ptr))) ~0ULL << (ts - (start % ts)); \
		cmask = (typeof(*(ptr))) v << ((ts - (end % ts)) % ts); \
		(ptr)[this_unit] &= mask; \
		(ptr)[this_unit] |= cmask; \
		break; \
	} \
	if (end % ts) { \
		cshift = end % ts; \
		mask = ~((typeof(*(ptr))) ~0ULL << (ts - cshift)); \
		cmask = (typeof(*(ptr))) v << (ts - cshift); \
		(ptr)[this_unit] &= mask; \
		(ptr)[this_unit] |= cmask; \
		if (cshift >= sizeof(v) * 8) \
			piecewise_rshift(v, cshift); \
		else \
			v >>= cshift; \
		end -= cshift; \
		this_unit--; \
	} \
	for (; this_unit >= start_unit + 1; this_unit--) { \
		(ptr)[this_unit] = (typeof(*(ptr))) v; \
		if (ts >= sizeof(v) * 8) \
			piecewise_rshift(v, ts); \
		else \
			v >>= ts; \
		end -= ts; \
	} \
	if (start % ts) { \
		mask = (typeof(*(ptr))) ~0ULL << (ts - (start % ts)); \
		cmask = (typeof(*(ptr))) v; \
		(ptr)[this_unit] &= mask; \
		(ptr)[this_unit] |= cmask; \
	} else \
		(ptr)[this_unit] = (typeof(*(ptr))) v; \
} while (0)


 * Read a bitfield byte-wise. This function is arch-agnostic.

uint64_t bitfield_read_64(unsigned char *ptr,
			  unsigned int start, unsigned int len,
			  int byte_order, int signedness)
	int start_unit, end_unit, this_unit;
	unsigned int end, cshift; /* cshift is "complement shift" */
	unsigned int ts = sizeof(unsigned char) * 8;
	unsigned char mask, cmask;
	uint64_t v = 0;

	if (!len)
		return 0;
	end = start + len;
	start_unit = start / ts;
	end_unit = (end + (ts - 1)) / ts;

	 * We can now fill v piece-wise, from lower bits to upper bits.
	 * We read the bitfield in the opposite direction it was written.
	switch (byte_order) {
		this_unit = end_unit - 1;
		if (signedness) {
			if (ptr[this_unit] & (1U << ((end % ts ? : ts) - 1)))
				v = ~0ULL;
		if (start_unit == end_unit - 1) {
			mask = (unsigned char) ~0ULL << (end % ts ? : ts);
			mask |= ~((unsigned char) ~0ULL << (start % ts));
			cmask = ptr[this_unit];
			cmask &= ~mask;
			cmask >>= (start % ts);
			v <<= end - start;
			v |= cmask;
		if (end % ts) {
			cshift = (end % ts ? : ts);
			mask = (unsigned char) ~0ULL << cshift;
			cmask = ptr[this_unit];
			cmask &= ~mask;
			v <<= cshift;
			v |= (uint64_t) cmask;
			end -= cshift;
		for (; this_unit >= start_unit + 1; this_unit--) {
			v <<= ts;
			v |= (uint64_t) ptr[this_unit];
			end -= ts;
		if (start % ts) {
			cmask = ptr[this_unit] >> (start % ts);
			v <<= ts - (start % ts);
			v |= (uint64_t) cmask;
		} else {
			v <<= ts;
			v |= (uint64_t) ptr[this_unit];
		this_unit = start_unit;
		if (signedness) {
			if (ptr[this_unit] & (1U << (ts - (start % ts) - 1)))
				v = ~0ULL;
		if (start_unit == end_unit - 1) {
			mask = (unsigned char) ~0ULL << (ts - (start % ts));
			mask |= ~((unsigned char) ~0ULL << ((ts - (end % ts)) % ts));
			cmask = ptr[this_unit];
			cmask &= ~mask;
			cmask >>= (ts - (end % ts)) % ts;
			v <<= end - start;
			v |= (uint64_t) cmask;
		if (start % ts) {
			mask = (unsigned char) ~0ULL << (ts - (start % ts));
			cmask = ptr[this_unit];
			cmask &= ~mask;
			v <<= ts - (start % ts);
			v |= (uint64_t) cmask;
			start += ts - (start % ts);
		for (; this_unit < end_unit - 1; this_unit++) {
			v <<= ts;
			v |= (uint64_t) ptr[this_unit];
			start += ts;
		if (end % ts) {
			cmask = ptr[this_unit];
			cmask >>= (ts - (end % ts)) % ts;
			v <<= (end % ts);
			v |= (uint64_t) cmask;
		} else {
			v <<= ts;
			v |= (uint64_t) ptr[this_unit];
	return v;

 * The code below is for testing the bitfield write/read functions.

unsigned int glob;

 * This function is only declared to show the size of a bitfield write in
 * objdump.
void fct(void)
	bitfield_write(&glob, 0x12345678, 12, 15);

/* Test array size, in bytes */
#define TEST_LEN 128
#define NR_TESTS 10

unsigned int srcrand;

#if defined(__i386) || defined(__x86_64)

static inline int fls(int x)
	int r;
	asm("bsrl %1,%0\n\t"
	    "cmovzl %2,%0"
	    : "=&r" (r) : "rm" (x), "rm" (-1));
	return r + 1;

#elif defined(__PPC__)

static __inline__ int fls(unsigned int x)
	int lz;

	asm ("cntlzw %0,%1" : "=r" (lz) : "r" (x));
	return 32 - lz;


static int fls(unsigned int x)
	int r = 32;

	if (!x)
		return 0;
	if (!(x & 0xFFFF0000U)) {
		x <<= 16;
		r -= 16;
	if (!(x & 0xFF000000U)) {
		x <<= 8;
		r -= 8;
	if (!(x & 0xF0000000U)) {
		x <<= 4;
		r -= 4;
	if (!(x & 0xC0000000U)) {
		x <<= 2;
		r -= 2;
	if (!(x & 0x80000000U)) {
		x <<= 1;
		r -= 1;
	return r;


static void print_byte_array(const unsigned char *c, unsigned long len)
	unsigned long i;

	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		printf("0x%X", c[i]);
		if (i != len - 1)
			printf(" ");

static void init_byte_array(unsigned char *c,
			    unsigned long len,
			    unsigned char val)
	unsigned long i;

	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		c[i] = val;

int run_test_unsigned(void)
	unsigned int src, nrbits;
	union {
		unsigned char c[TEST_LEN];
		unsigned short s[TEST_LEN/2];
		unsigned int i[TEST_LEN/4];
		unsigned long l[TEST_LEN/4];
		unsigned long long ll[TEST_LEN/2];
	} target;
	uint64_t readval;
	unsigned int s, l;
	int err = 0;

	printf("Running unsigned test with 0x%X\n", srcrand);

	src = srcrand;
	nrbits = fls(src);

	for (s = 0; s < 8 * TEST_LEN; s++) {
		for (l = nrbits; l < (8 * TEST_LEN) - s; l++) {
			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0xFF);
			bitfield_write(target.c, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 0);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (bytewise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;

			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0xFF);
			bitfield_write(target.s, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 0);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (shortwise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;

			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0xFF);
			bitfield_write(target.i, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 0);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (intwise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;

			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0xFF);
			bitfield_write(target.l, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 0);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (longwise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;

			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0xFF);
			bitfield_write(target.ll, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 0);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (longlongwise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;
	if (!err)
	return err;

int run_test_signed(void)
	int src, nrbits;
	union {
		char c[TEST_LEN];
		short s[TEST_LEN/2];
		int i[TEST_LEN/4];
		long l[TEST_LEN/4];
		long long ll[TEST_LEN/8];
	} target;
	int64_t readval;
	unsigned int s, l;
	int err = 0;

	printf("Running signed test with 0x%X\n", srcrand);

	src = srcrand;
	if (src & 0x80000000U)
		nrbits = fls(~src) + 1;	/* Find least significant bit conveying sign */
		nrbits = fls(src) + 1;	/* Keep sign at 0 */

	for (s = 0; s < 8 * TEST_LEN; s++) {
		for (l = nrbits; l < (8 * TEST_LEN) - s; l++) {
			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0x0);
			bitfield_write(target.c, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 1);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (bytewise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;

			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0x0);
			bitfield_write(target.s, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 1);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (shortwise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;

			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0x0);
			bitfield_write(target.i, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 1);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (intwise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;

			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0x0);
			bitfield_write(target.l, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 1);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (longwise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;

			init_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN, 0x0);
			bitfield_write(target.ll, src, s, l);
			readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, s, l, BYTE_ORDER, 1);
			if (readval != src) {
				printf("Error (longlongwise) src %lX read %llX shift %d len %d\n",
				       src, readval, s, l);
				print_byte_array(target.c, TEST_LEN);
				err = 1;
	if (!err)
	return err;

int run_test(void)
	int err = 0;
	int i;


	srcrand = 0;
	err |= run_test_unsigned();
	srcrand = 0;
	err |= run_test_signed();
	srcrand = 1;
	err |= run_test_unsigned();
	srcrand = ~0U;
	err |= run_test_unsigned();
	srcrand = -1;
	err |= run_test_signed();
	srcrand = (int)0x80000000U;
	err |= run_test_signed();

	for (i = 0; i < NR_TESTS; i++) {
		srcrand = rand();
		err |= run_test_unsigned();
		err |= run_test_signed();
	return err;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	unsigned long src;
	unsigned int shift, len;
	int ret;
	union {
		unsigned char c[8];
		unsigned short s[4];
		unsigned int i[2];
		unsigned long l[2];
		unsigned long long ll[1];
	} target;
	uint64_t readval;

	if (argc > 1)
		src = atoi(argv[1]);
		src = 0x12345678;
	if (argc > 2)
		shift = atoi(argv[2]);
		shift = 12;
	if (argc > 3)
		len = atoi(argv[3]);
		len = 40;

	target.i[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	target.i[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	bitfield_write(target.c, src, shift, len);
	print_byte_array(target.c, 8);

	target.i[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	target.i[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	bitfield_write(target.s, src, shift, len);
	print_byte_array(target.c, 8);

	target.i[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	target.i[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	bitfield_write(target.i, src, shift, len);
	print_byte_array(target.c, 8);

	target.i[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	target.i[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	bitfield_write(target.l, src, shift, len);
	print_byte_array(target.c, 8);

	target.i[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	target.i[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
	bitfield_write(target.ll, src, shift, len);
	print_byte_array(target.c, 8);

	readval = bitfield_read_64(target.c, shift, len, BYTE_ORDER, 0);
	printf("read: %llX\n", readval);

	ret = run_test();

	return ret;

Mathieu Desnoyers
Operating System Efficiency R&D Consultant
EfficiOS Inc.

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