[ltt-dev] [UST issue]: Waiting for ustd to shutdown...Segmentation fault

srikanth krishnakar skrishnakar at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 11:08:15 EDT 2010

Hello Pierre/Mathieu,

I have followed the instructions for UST(user space tracing)  from

1. Installed liburcu & ust


2. Compiled the usttest.c

root at x86:~/ust-test# gcc -o usttest -lust usttest.c

root at x86-generic:~/ust-test# ldd ./usttest
        linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xb789f000)
*        libust.so.0 => /usr/lib/libust.so.0 (0xb787a000)*
        libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0xb772d000)
        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xb78a0000)
*        liburcu-bp.so.0 => /usr/lib/liburcu-bp.so.0 (0xb772a000)*
        librt.so.1 => /lib/librt.so.1 (0xb7715000)
        libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0xb76fb000)
root at x86-generic:~/ust-test#

Package Versions:

*GLIBC: 2.11.1
GCC: 4.4*
*libglib-2.0-0 *

3. Now start tracing :

root at x86-generic:~/ust-test# usttrace ./usttest
*Waiting for ustd to shutdown...*
Trace was output in:
root at x86-generic:~/ust-test#

Seems some issue in executing of ustctl..

Now checking the presence of trace file:

root at x86-generic:~/.usttraces/x86-generic-20100730144935535976601# du -sh *
20K     2851_5499711528108666788
0       app.log
0       ustd.log
root at x86-generic:~/.usttraces/x86-generic-20100730144935535976601#

4. Dumping the result on console :

*root at x86-generic:~# lttv -m textDump -t

** (process:2862): WARNING **: Unsupported trace version : 2.6

** (process:2862): WARNING **: parse_trace_header error

** (process:2862): WARNING **: Unsupported trace version : 2.6

** (process:2862): WARNING **: parse_trace_header error

** (process:2862): WARNING **: Unsupported trace version : 2.6

** (process:2862): WARNING **: parse_trace_header error

** (process:2862): WARNING **: Unsupported trace version : 2.6

** (process:2862): WARNING **: parse_trace_header error

** (process:2862): WARNING **: Trace
/home/root/.usttraces/x86-20100730144935535976601 has no metadata tracefile

** (process:2862): CRITICAL **: cannot open trace
*Segmentation fault*
root at x86-generic:~#


root at x86-generic:~# dmesg | grep -ir ltt
*[ 5108.713591] lttv.real[2862]: segfault at 40 ip b7732222 sp bfd88e90
error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.2200.1[b7714000+b6000]*
root at x86-generic:~#

What is mismatching section/package that is causing this segfault ?

Your inputs are appreciated !! Thanks !!

Srikanth Krishnakar
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