[ltt-dev] UST - Problems in recording trace on a current process

Naren tracemein at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 11:53:12 EST 2010

Hi Pierre

>>I'm not sure what you could have done that would necessitate a clean
>>install. If you suspect your installation is dirty or composed of libs
>>of mixed versions, I suggest to do clean install as the situation can
>>result in segfaults.
>>But you might face a real bug. Based on the strace output, it is ustctl
>>that is segfaulting. Could you compile it with:
>>make clean
>>CFLAGS="-g3" ./configure
>>make install
>>Then run the same ustctl command within gdb and post the backtrace (bt
>>command) you get after the segfault.

As suggested, I did a back trace on ustctl. Prior to that, i did a clean
install and configured ust with flags on. Here is the stackdump produced by

*(gdb) bt full*
*#0  0x0804ddef in ustcmd_get_cmsf (cmsf=0xbffff35c, pid=5189)*
*    at ../libustcmd/ustcmd.c:284*
*        state = 49 '1'*
*        big_str = 0x8052018 "marker: metadata/core_marker_format 1
\"channel %s name %s format %s\" 0xb7ee3c6a\nmarker:
metadata/core_marker_format 1 \"channel %s name %s format %s\"
0xb7ee4bb0\nmarker: metadata/core_marker_id 1 \"chann"...*
*        result = 0*
*        tmp_cmsf = 0x8052408*
*        i = 135144*
*        cmsf_ind = 13*
*#1  0x08049cff in main (argc=3, argv=0xbffff534) at ustctl.c:267*
*        i = 0*
*        pidit = 0x8052008*
*        result = 0*
*        opts = {cmd = LIST_MARKERS, pids = 0x8052008, regex = 0x0}*
*        cmsf = 0x0*
*        __func__ = "main"*
*(gdb) *

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