[ltt-dev] [Systemtap][RFC] sample test script and tapset for markers

Masami Hiramatsu mhiramat at redhat.com
Tue Aug 26 12:06:47 EDT 2008


Here is a tapset and sample script for markers.
This tapset partially covers LTTng markers(with our additional
patches for markers which I attached to the previous mails).

In this marker tapset, I used the marker.* namespace for


2nd symbol means subsystem and 3nd or later symbols are
depends on the subsystem.

As you can see in sample.stp, we can easily specify
the events occurred on each subsystem.

Thank you,

Masami Hiramatsu

Software Engineer
Hitachi Computer Products (America) Inc.
Software Solutions Division

e-mail: mhiramat at redhat.com

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