[lttng-dev] lttngtop dependencies

Thibault, Daniel Daniel.Thibault at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Tue Oct 21 10:44:15 EDT 2014

Currently, the lttngtop/README mentions only the following dependencies:

* gcc 3.2 or better
* libc6 development librairies (Debian : libc6, libc6-dev) (Fedora : glibc, glibc)
* glib 2.22 or better development libraries (Debian : libglib2.0-0, libglib2.0-dev) (Fedora : glib2, glib2-devel)
* libpopt >= 1.13 development libraries (Debian : libpopt-dev) (Fedora : popt)
* ncurses development libraries (Debian : libncurses5-dev)
* babeltrace >= 1.2.0 development library

   However, since 19 October 2013 (http://git.lttng.org/?p=lttngtop.git;a=commitdiff;h=16b22a0fe150f4923b9902e802bbf28bacce8d0e), lttngtop depends on lttng-tools (for lttng/lttng.h, lttng/lttngtop-helper.h and later headers, needed to handle live traces).  This must be added to the README (not to mention any DEBIAN/control package files).

Daniel U. Thibault
Protection des systèmes et contremesures (PSC) | Systems Protection & Countermeasures (SPC)
Cyber sécurité pour les missions essentielles (CME) | Mission Critical Cyber Security (MCCS)
RDDC - Centre de recherches de Valcartier | DRDC - Valcartier Research Centre
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